Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 355: Calculation in True and False News

Ye Fan and Black Emperor were not always waiting outside the Yaochi Holy Land. They were also looking for opportunities to see if they could contact the disciples of Yaochi.

Fortunately, they saved the Holy Lord of Yaochi and the others when they were in Wanlong's Nest, so Yaochi did not suffer heavy losses like other forces.

Ye Fan also used this opportunity to know that Nannan was now with Yuan Changqing in the city outside the Yaochi Holy Land.

Suddenly, Ye Fan felt relieved, knowing that Nannan was safe with Yuan Changqing and the others.

At the same time, Ye Fan was also thinking about whether to let his daughter follow Yuan Changqing temporarily. After all, following him now would be more dangerous.

However, after having an idea, Ye Fan was still going to meet Yuan Changqing first. He might need help this time to overcome the four great tribulations.

So, after discussing with the Black Emperor, Ye Fan secretly went to find Yuan Changqing alone.

After all, the Black Emperor's goal was bigger. As soon as he appeared, Mark would be exposed. Therefore, the Black Emperor was not allowed to follow him.

When Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan, he was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Ye Fan would really find him here.

After seeing Ye Fan, the little girl happily ran to Ye Fan, grabbed the corner of his clothes, and didn't want to let go for a moment.

"Brother, you finally came to see my daughter. I miss you so much." The little daughter said happily about her longing for Mark.

Ye Fan picked up the little girl and said, "Brother misses her too, isn't he? Now he's here."

"Senior, thank you very much for taking care of my daughter this time. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen next."

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "It's nothing, besides, my little girl is very good, she just wants to find you from time to time."

At the same time, Yuan Changqing was also thinking that the little girl was not so easy to get into trouble, and no one could hurt her.

You know, the little girl has been wandering alone for who knows how many years, and nothing has happened to her.

It's just that when he wanders around the mortal world, he always looks pitiful, which makes people love him just by looking at him.

However, those who live in the mortal world are mortals, and the rules of the free mortal world are at the lowest level of the cultivation world. Life is not easy for those mortals.

Therefore, every time the little girl appears, she always looks pitiful and goes to beg for food when she sees people. Maybe this is also a way for the ruthless emperor to understand the world of mortals.

Therefore, on Beidou, it can be said that there is no such thing that can hurt the little girl.

However, Ye Fan didn't know this, and he always thought that the little girl couldn't grow up like this.

Because every time Ye Fan saw the little girl, she didn't change. Moreover, every time he saw him, he called her brother.

And Ye Fan also found that he and his little girl were very destined, as if there was such a force in the dark, telling Ye Fan that the little girl was his sister.

This feeling also makes Ye Fan feel very strange, but for his little girl, Ye Fan really regards her as his own sister now.

At the same time, Ye Fan also saw that the little girl was very dependent on him, as if he was really her brother, and Ye Fan didn't care about it.

Otherwise, Ye Fan would not have taken such a huge risk and returned to the Yaochi Holy Land all the way back to pick up the little girl.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Ye Fan, I also heard about you taking those people to Wanlong's Nest to look for the real dragon elixir of immortality."

"I have to say that you have tricked those forces this time. You should be more careful now."

"These forces are looking for you everywhere now. On the one hand, they must want to get your Xuanhuang Cauldron of Everything from you."

"On the other hand, I want to kill you. You know this very well."

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Senior, I understand what you said, and the reason why I found Senior this time is to let Nannan stay with you for a while."

"In this way, I can have less worries. If I really let my daughter follow me, I am really afraid that I will harm her."

At this time, the little girl said: "Don't be afraid, baby, don't leave your brother, brother, don't chase your daughter away, okay?"

The little girl looked at Ye Fan expectantly with tears in her eyes, making her look very affectionate.

Ye Fan immediately wanted to agree to the little girl's request, but thinking about the crisis he would face in the future, he could only be cruel.

So, Ye Fan comforted him: "Nanny, it's not that my brother doesn't want you to follow me, it's just that it's too dangerous to follow him. If something happens to you, my brother will be heartbroken to death."

"So, why don't you stay with your eldest brother for the time being? After your brother solves the problem, you can come and pick me up."

The little girl said with an aggrieved look: "But I still want to follow my brother. I am not afraid of danger."

Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan and the little girl and said, "Ye Fan, actually there is no danger in the little girl being with you. Maybe you will be safer."

Suddenly, Yuan Changqing's words made Ye Fan confused and asked: "Senior, why do you say that? Nannan is still so young. I have also checked that she has no strength at all."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Don't you realize that there is something extraordinary about my little girl?"

Ye Fan thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Senior, to be honest, I really don't see anything extraordinary about Nannan."

"However, if you want to say there is something special about Nannan, I can still tell you. Ever since I met Nannan, I have found that she never grows up."

"However, there is nothing strange about this. In this world of cultivation, isn't this normal? Maybe Nannan was born like this, or maybe she ate something that prevented her from growing up."

The little girl was listening to the conversation between the two and was very curious about why she was different from others and why she never grew up.

It is naturally impossible for Yuan Changqing to tell Ye Fan that this is the manifestation of the Dao Fruit of the Cruel Emperor. Even if he told Ye Fan, Ye Fan might not believe it.

After all, this is simply unbelievable, and Ye Fan is no longer a rookie who has just practiced.

Now the little girl really doesn't look like any Yuanshen Daoguo, she looks exactly like a real child.

Later, Yuan Changqing added: "Perhaps, you will gradually discover it later, but since you have considered it, you can follow me first."

"Also, I can follow you for a while, but this is not a long-term solution. You still need to relieve your crises, so that you can practice with peace of mind."

"So, you need a bigger backer. In that case, those forces will not dare to deal with you blatantly."

"After all, although I am at the pinnacle of power and at the same level as those Holy Lords, I am still just a human being. You also know how many ants kill an elephant."

Ye Fan thanked: "Thank you for your help, senior, but I don't know any powerful people."

"You should have heard the news about King Jiang Shen, right? Whether you can temporarily resolve the crisis depends on him?" Yuan Changqing said again.

Ye Fan nodded and said: "I did hear it, but why do I feel that there are other things going on here? Does senior know?"

"There is indeed something going on here. I guess it may be because the information about King Jiang Shen has been leaked. Some of the news that appears now are true and false. There must be some calculation in it." Yuan Changqing explained.

"Moreover, it must be God King Jiang who is plotting this time. It is in order to deal with those who are unfaithful to God King Jiang that the news spread that King God Jiang came out of the Purple Mountain."

"We all know very well that King Jiang Shen has come out a long time ago, and these false news are actually to lure those enemies into action."

"Then, as long as those who are evil to King Jiang take action, with the strength of King Dacheng, they will definitely be able to decide the outcome in one fell swoop."

"Maybe there will be a confrontation between the emperor's soldiers. It depends on how courageous that force is to deal with King Jiang Shen."

Ye Fan was shocked after hearing Yuan Changqing's analysis. He didn't expect that even the emperor's soldiers might be used.

"Then it seems that the enemy Jiang Shenwang faces this time should not be underestimated." Ye Fan said in surprise.

Yuan Changqing also nodded and said: "You have to know that four thousand years ago, King Jiang Shen was invincible in the world, so how could his enemy be a small player."

"After all, four thousand years have passed, and the strength of those people must be unfathomable."

"And Ye Fan, you can just go and help King Jiang Shen this time. Coupled with the things you prepared for King Jiang Shen, you will definitely get the results you want."

"You should also be facing the four major tribulations now, right?"

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Indeed, originally I wanted to see if I could overcome the four great tribulations by myself. However, when I wanted to overcome the tribulation, a huge crisis enveloped my mind. feel."

"Moreover, as soon as I went through the tribulation, I felt like there was no life or death. I realized that this was the same as what my seniors had told me. Sure enough, this catastrophe was extraordinary. It was my life-and-death catastrophe."

Yuan Changqing added: "It seems that you still know the importance and have not rushed through the disaster. Your ultimate hope is what I told you before."

"Also, don't you have a Lihuo Divine Furnace on your hand? In fact, this is a quasi-emperor weapon, and it is also the Jiang family's item that King Jiang God was looking for four thousand years ago."

"It's a pity that God King Jiang mistakenly entered the Purple Mountain and wasted four thousand years. If there was a confrontation between the emperor's soldiers this time, it would be just in time for the Lihuo Divine Furnace and the Hengyu Furnace to merge into one and awaken the emperor's soldiers and gods."

"Then, the Hengyu Furnace is much better than the ordinary imperial soldiers, and the victory or defeat can be won in just an instant."

Ye Fan was also shocked. Although he knew that Lihuo Divine Furnace was extraordinary, he did not expect it to be so extraordinary.

Ye Fan asked: "Senior, if you say so, this Lihuo Divine Furnace is also a weapon refined by Emperor Hengyu?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "This quasi-emperor weapon was the weapon used to prove the truth before Emperor Hengyu became enlightened. Unfortunately, due to material problems, it could not be transformed into an imperial weapon. In the end, it reached its peak as a quasi-emperor weapon."

Ye Fan suddenly realized it at this time and said: "No wonder the senior said it can be integrated with the Hengyu Furnace. It turns out that there is such a connection between the two."

"Yes, and now the news from the Jiang family is that King Jiang Shen is at the Hualong Pond in the Holy City. Let's rush there now to meet King Shen Jiang first." Yuan Changqing said again.

Then he said: "You can go there first and don't expose your traces. I will arrive soon with my little girl. We will meet at Tianxuan Stone Square in the Holy City. There is a super strong man inside. Just say he is my friend. "

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Okay senior, then I will go to the Holy City first, and I will leave it to you."

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