Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 356 Meeting King Ginger

Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan discussed everything, and after Ye Fan left, they took their little girl to the Holy City.

After arriving at the Holy City, Yuan Changqing went directly to Tianxuan Shifang. When he arrived, he found that Ye Fan had not arrived yet. It seemed that he had arrived at the Holy City one step ahead of schedule.

With Yuan Changqing's current peak cultivation level, although he is one step behind Ye Fan, he is still much better than Ye Fan.

"Mr. Wei, this junior is here to see you again." Yuan Changqing looked at Mr. Wei and said.

Mr. Wei casually looked away from Yuan Changqing, not paying much attention to the little girl next to him at first.

After all, the cute look of the little girl is so confusing that no one would think that there is anything special about this cute little girl.

However, when Mr. Wei looked at the little girl, he saw that she was radiant with divine light and exuding the spirit of a fairy, which instantly made Mr. Wei's heart tremble.

Then, Mr. Wei's dull eyes were shining with golden light, staring straight at the little girl. However, when he wanted to see clearly the details of the little girl, he found that a crisis was coming instantly, as if there was a great terror.

However, the little girl didn't know anything about all this. She only felt that Mr. Wei was weird and kept staring at her. The little girl was still a little scared. She looked at Mr. Wei timidly and held Yuan Changqing's hand tightly with her little hands. Don’t let go.

The moment Mr. Wei felt as if a great terror was coming, he looked away and looked at the little girl. When he found that the terrifying sense of crisis disappeared, he knew that the little girl was not simple.

"Changqing, what's the matter with you coming here this time?" Mr. Wei said absently.

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Mr. Wei, there's nothing big to do. I just have some things to do. I came here this time to stay with you for a while. I don't know if it's okay."

Old Wei said nonchalantly: "It's up to you. Anyway, I'm the only one here. If you live here, you can talk to me."

"Then thank you first, Mr. Wei." Yuan Changqing thanked him.

Then he said: "Mr. Wei, I have friends coming over later, and I will disturb you for a while this time."

"Nothing, just come. As long as you don't dislike the old man, this place is deserted and run-down." Wei Lao said again.

However, Mr. Wei's eyes glanced at the little girl from time to time, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Changqing said, "Mr. Wei, if you have anything to ask, just say it."

"Changqing, this little girl next to you is very special. Who is she to you?" Wei Lao asked.

Yuan Changqing looked at the little girl and said: "Little girl, please say hello to Mr. Wei, um... uh... you should also call me Mr. Wei!"

After all, strictly speaking, Xiao Nannan's real age is tens of thousands of years older than Boss Wei.

After the little girl looked at Yuan Changqing, she turned around and said crisply: "Hello, Mr. Wei, my name is Nannan, and I am the eldest brother's sister."

Yuan Changqing added: "Mr. Wei, the eldest brother that little girl is talking about is me. Her brother asked me to take care of her. Her brother will come here in the future."

"As for the little girl you said is not simple, it seems that you have seen something, Mr. Wei. However, this matter cannot be discussed, and it cannot be said. If something happens, there may be unpredictable consequences."

After hearing the words, Mr. Wei also nodded. Although Yuan Changqing did not explain anything, and the little girl seemed harmless, but he had experienced it himself and knew that some things were not as simple as they appeared.

After waiting for a few days, Ye Fan and Heihuang also quietly came to Tianxuan Stone Square. Before they entered, they heard the happy laughter of the little girl.

"Senior, I didn't expect you to arrive before us!" Ye Fan asked quickly.

"Brother!" After seeing Ye Fan, the little girl ran over happily.

At this time, the Black Emperor also licked the dog's head and said in a flattering manner: "Little darling, I, the Black Emperor, am also here!"

"Puppy, you're here too." The little girl touched Heihuang's dog's head with her little hands and said.

The Black Emperor also looked like he was enjoying himself and looked very honored.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Ye Fan, this is Mr. Wei, one of the few strong men in our human race. This Tianxuan Stone Square belongs to Mr. Wei."

Ye Fan said hello quickly: "Hello, Mr. Wei, my name is Ye Fan. I'm sorry to disturb you this time."

Mr. Wei looked at Ye Fan and nodded, then he was a little surprised and said: "Ye Xiaoyou's physique is very strong. It is probably a lot better than people of his own age. Not bad, not bad!"

However, Ye Fan smiled bitterly. The ancient holy body was indeed powerful, but unfortunately, it was very difficult in this era.

"What, could it be that the old man made a mistake?" Wei Lao looked at Ye Fan's wry smile and thought he had made a mistake.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Mr. Wei, you will know if you take a closer look."

Later, Wei Lao Shenguang looked at Ye Fan with dissatisfied eyes, and saw gold all over Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering, lightning and thunder, and his body was full of energy and blood.

"Hey, it's not easy to cultivate to this level with this kind of physique. It's just a pity that I was born at the wrong time." Elder Wei sighed with a look on his face.

Ye Fan said at this time: "Mr. Wei can see it."

Mr. Wei nodded and said: "With your current state, you should be facing the four great catastrophes!"

"Yes, we can overcome the tribulation at any time now, but we don't dare to do so yet." Ye Fan nodded and said.

"Alas, I don't know whether you are unlucky or lucky, but you have a physique like the ancient holy body. The four greatest tribulations of this kind of physique can be said to be ten deaths and no life. Are you ready to survive the tribulation?" Mr. Wei also said for Ye Fan asked with some pity.

Ye Fan looked at Yuan Changqing and said: "Senior has already explained to me some secrets about the ancient holy body. Now I am retreating before I advance. I am just waiting for the time to come and prepare to overcome the tribulation."

Mr. Wei glanced at Yuan Changqing and said: "It seems that you are also aware of the problems you are facing. Unfortunately, the old man has no choice but to rely on yourself."

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Mr. Wei, we already have a plan for Ye Fan to overcome the tribulation. We are just waiting for the final decision."

"Oh, you guys have figured out a way. If you succeed, it will be the first time in history." Mr. Wei said in surprise.

"It's not sure yet. When the time comes to overcome the tribulation, we can only look at Ye Fan himself." Yuan Changqing said again.

Mr. Wei nodded and said: "I hope you can succeed. In this way, it can also be considered as opening up a way for the ancient holy body."

"After all, the ancient holy body has contributed to the human race, but a big change occurred later, which caused the ancient holy body to become like a waste body until now."

Ye Fan said at this time: "I can only risk my life. As for whether I can succeed in the end, it depends on God's will."

Mr. Wei nodded, without saying anything more, and said: "Since you have come to my Tianxuan Shifang, feel free to choose a room here to stay."

After that, Mr. Wei sat on the big bluestone and closed his eyes.

When Yuan Changqing saw this, he took Ye Fan to choose the room next to his for him to live in. As for the Black Emperor, he just let it go.

"Senior, when are we going to see King Jiang Shen?" Ye Fan asked impatiently after choosing the room.

After all, now that Ye Fan is facing life and death difficulties, it is impossible to remain calm.

Yuan Changqing said: "Tomorrow, you just arrived today, let's have a rest first."

"Besides, when you go there, you must also dress up in disguise to avoid causing trouble."

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Okay, now we really need to be careful."


Early on the next morning, Yuan Changqing took Ye Fan to the Holy City Hualong Pond.

When they arrived here, people from the Huanggu Jiang family had already been stationed here, forming heavy defenses.

When Yuan Changqing saw these arrangements, he really did a good job in acting. It seems that King Jiang Shen or the Jiang family are fishing this time.

After Yuan Changqing took out the token given by King Jiang Shen that time, someone quickly came to greet him.

"Two little friends, we meet again after such a long time." King Jiang Shen said happily.

"Senior God King, it's so gratifying to see that you have recovered." Yuan Changqing congratulated.

"Congratulations to Senior God King." Ye Fan also congratulated.

"Hahaha, it's nothing. I wonder if there is something wrong with the two little friends coming here this time?" King Jiang Shen asked with a smile.

Although God King Jiang seems to have recovered now, it is not easy to recover from the original loss, and the ancient Jiang family has a deep heritage.

"Senior God King, we do have something to do here this time. I wonder if there is a quiet place." Yuan Changqing asked.

Jiang Taixu glanced at the two of them and said, "Okay, come with me."

When they came to Hualong Pond, only Jiang Shenwang, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan were left here.

"The two little friends are here but they need my help with something." King Jiang Shen asked.

Yuan Changqing glanced at Ye Fan, then looked at King Jiang Shen, and said: "Senior God King, does he know how to help an ancient holy body survive the four great catastrophes?"

After hearing the words, King Jiang Shen fell into deep thought, and then said: "It is said that the four great tribulations of the Ancient Holy Body are extremely terrifying. It can be said that those who survive the tribulations will die without rebirth."

"Moreover, even after passing through the catastrophe, there will still be an innate Dao map coming. If this innate Dao map cannot be broken, it will eventually be annihilated."

"Innate Dao Diagram, that is the most original disaster that comes directly from heaven and earth. It is even more difficult to survive than the thunder disaster."

"Another point is that even if there are external forces to help break the Innate Dao Diagram, the strength of the Ancient Holy Body's Dao Palace cannot completely break through the Innate Dao Diagram."

"In the end, the foundation will still be cut off by the innate Dao map, so you are not far away from death."

After hearing this, Ye Fan's face turned pale. He didn't expect that the four major catastrophes were one after another. Is there really no hope?

King Jiang Shen also noticed Ye Fan's situation and said: "Could it be that Ye Xiaoyou is going to survive the four great tribulations? So, your physique is the ancient holy body."

Ye Fan's face was pale and gloomy, and he said: "Senior God King, I am indeed an ancient holy body, and I am also facing four great catastrophes."

"Ah, this...oh, I didn't expect Ye Xiaoyou to have such a physique." King Jiang Shen also felt sorry for Ye Fan.

Yuan Changqing said again at this time: "Ye Fan, everything has a glimmer of hope. If you don't have a firm will, even if there is hope, you can't grasp it."

Yuan Changqing's words finally cheered up Ye Fan and asked: "Senior, is there any other way?"

Now Ye Fan is so upset because of what King Jiang Shen said that his thinking has become confused. He has long forgotten what Yuan Changqing told him before.

Yuan Changqing shouted with a serious face: "If you are like this now, how can you become a strong man? Just don't survive the tribulation and wait until death."

"Also, how can you give up until the last moment? You have forgotten what I said before."

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