Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 362 Killing the Way

On a dry planet, Yuan Changqing, dressed in green clothes, sat casually on a hilltop.

This planet has been dead for a long time, there is no life on it, and everything is gray and black.

Since Yuan Changqing separated from Ye Fan in the Holy City, he has been walking alone in the Big Dipper, his whereabouts are erratic.

And this journey has lasted for several years. Beidou is also full of excitement, and Ye Fan is now even more popular in Beidou.

There are also major forces that hate Ye Fan even more and want to kill him as fast as possible.

It's a pity that Ye Fan is lucky, but he can't kill him, and he is still living well in Beidou.

This is the fate of the children of the world. It requires the test of blood and fire to forge the sharpest sword.

Ye Fan is now becoming stronger and stronger in such a cruel environment.

And Yuan Changqing also followed his own plan, understanding his own way step by step and finding his own way.

In the silent starry sky and the dead planet, Yuan Changqing sat there motionless, comprehending what he had gained over the years.

I saw where Yuan Changqing was, the divine light was flashing, the Taoist charm was flowing around him, and runes were constantly emerging around him.

At this time, in Yuan Changqing's sea of ​​suffering, pictures were changing one after another, the wheel of life was shining brightly, and waves were constantly rising in the five-color sea of ​​suffering.

In the boundless sea of ​​suffering, divine patterns, principles, and chains of order are densely intertwined.

The divine spring at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Bitterness is also constantly gushing out divine power.

The divine bridge, like a rainbow, hangs high above the Sea of ​​Bitterness, illuminating everything, extending towards the land of nothingness, connecting to the land on the other side.

The five Taoist palaces are solemn and solemn, vast and majestic, constantly swallowing the essence of heaven and earth, and surrounded by fairy light.

The gods of the Taoist Palace are high in the middle of the Taoist Palace. Sometimes they turn into holy beasts, spread their wings and fly high, looking up to the sky and roaring.

Sometimes he changes back to his human form, sitting in the cross-legged position high in the sky solemnly, chanting ancient scriptures in a low voice.

There seemed to be four pillars in the void, supporting a piece of heaven and earth toward nothingness.

A flying celestial dragon, as if it had divine patterns imprinted on its scales, looked up to the nine heavens, wanting to ascend to the fairy world, and peered into a portal.

And deep in Yuan Changqing's sea of ​​consciousness, there is a white and flawless immortal platform, with divine light emitting, unstained by dust, and the sound of the Tao lingering, mysterious and extraordinary.

At this time, Yuan Changqing was becoming stronger as he comprehended the principles of the Great Dao, and the essence in the starry sky was also continuously gathering.

The star essence is like a Milky Way, adding a touch of color to the silent starry sky.

At this time, Yuan Changqing's Dao body was getting stronger, and bursts of divine light were like a god, becoming a beacon for this dead planet.

Divine light shines in the sea of ​​consciousness, like a bright sun, shining for nine days.

The soul is ethereal, ethereal, surrounded by the sound of Tao, united with Tao, and united with heaven and earth. This is a state of enlightenment in which heaven and man are one.

The five gods of the Dao Palace are reciting ancient scriptures, which seem real and illusory, constantly absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, and the essence of the stars tempers the fetal bones of the body.

On the flawless white body, there are faint runes that seem to be immortal, like stars, twinkling with starlight, and every inch of the pores are swallowing divine essence.

The white bones in the body are also covered with countless Dao lines, shining with mysterious brilliance and extremely hard.

As Yuan Changqing's enlightenment continues to deepen, his foundation is also increasing all the time.

And this enlightenment is also Yuan Changqing's last enlightenment before the Dao Beheading. Next, it is time to overcome the great catastrophe of the Dao Beheading.

Yuan Changqing also thought clearly about the preparations for the next Dao Cut, and did not think about how to reverse the Dao Dao.

After all, not everyone is suitable for the reverse slashing path. Only the one that suits you is the best.

And Yuan Changqing himself is the body of the five elements, so cutting off the Tao means cutting off the excess Tao in himself and retaining the ones that are useful to him.

The monks themselves go against the will of heaven, and the great catastrophe of cutting off the path is the test that heaven and earth place on a person.

In fact, to put it more clearly, there are only so many sources of heaven and earth, and as the monks become stronger and stronger, they will absorb more sources of heaven and earth.

The Dao of Zhan is actually the foundation of a monk. If a monk fails to cross the catastrophe of Dao of Zhan, then his origin will return to heaven and earth.

And this is also the reason why so many monks are trapped in this level during the Great Tribulation.

One is that many monks have not fully understood the barriers to slashing, are unable to break through, and are trapped there for the rest of their lives.

The second is that the Dao-Destroying Tribulation is very scary and there is no complete certainty. Many people dare not break through that level.

However, a great age is about to come, and the Qing Emperor's imperial suppression will also be completely dissipated. This is good news for those who will overcome the tribulation later.

Because the Tianxin mark will be fully restored, the origins scattered between heaven and earth will also be gathered together. Correspondingly, the test of heaven and earth for monks will decrease again.

This is why later on there were kings and saints everywhere, even with such strength they could only be considered average.

Only those great saints and quasi-emperors can be called truly strong. This means that saints are everywhere, and kings are everywhere.

But now, the king is considered to be the top monk in Beidou Ming, and he is still rare.

In the sky, calamity clouds were brewing, and a feeling of oppression came towards Yuan Changqing.

The place where Yuan Changqing chose to survive the tribulation this time was on this dead planet.

This place is very close to the Big Dipper. As for why we did not choose to survive the tribulation on the Big Dipper, it is naturally because the impact of the Great Tribulation of Cutting the Dao is too great.

And if Yuan Changqing survives the tribulation on Beidou, he will not be as safe as on this planet.

After all, those Holy Land families don't want to watch a king appear and overwhelm them.

In addition to those forces, that family does not have an ancient holy weapon, and the Yakuza forces have imperial soldiers to suppress the world.

It would be a bit tragic if it happened at the last moment, when Yuan Changqing had passed through the catastrophe.

And the Death Star, which is not far from the Beidou, is just right. It's not too far, not too close, and it won't get lost in the starry sky.

You must know that only saint-level experts can travel across the starry sky. In that vast starry sky, only saints cannot cross. Without the teleportation altar, who would dare to cross the starry sky.

If you go deep into the starry sky, lose your way, and wait until your divine power is exhausted, the end you will face is death.

Only saints can replenish their divine power from the void at any time in the starry sky. This is why saints can travel in the starry sky.

At this time, a boundless sea of ​​thunder was brewing in the calamity cloud, and soon formed a purple ocean, hanging above Yuan Changqing's head.

Yuan Changqing no longer held back at this time, releasing the power of his own avenue, bursting out with supreme will, shaking the world.

The endless sea of ​​thunder finally condensed, lightning flashed, and purple thunder struck Yuan Changqing, accepting the test of the great road.


Various divine thunders greeted Yuan Changqing one after another. They were so thick that the surrounding rocks were directly shattered by the thunder.

This is just an appetizer, but it does no harm to Yuan Changqing. Instead, it continues to temper his body.

And Yuan Changqing is also constantly absorbing the vitality of these thunders, and the Five Elements Diagram also welcomes the boundless thunder, imprinting the thunder and lightning runes in the thunder.

However, as the tribulation progresses, the thunder tribulation becomes more and more terrifying, and every thunderbolt is extremely terrifying. If it is an ordinary immortal, I am afraid that it will not be able to handle such a thunderbolt.

It was like the end of the world was coming, and the thunder filled with the aura of destruction was simply unbearable.

However, everything is mutually reinforcing, and destruction means there is life. Yuan Changqing's five-color divine light flashed around him, shattering the thunder full of destruction, leaving behind the thunder essence.

And this can just replenish Yuan Changqing's divine power and repair the damaged body.

At the same time, a little golden figure also walked out from between the eyebrows, exactly like Yuan Changqing, but a smaller version.

This is Yuan Changqing's soul. He saw the soul entering directly into the thunder, preparing to use the power of thunder to baptize his soul.

The physical body and the soul go through the tribulation together and accept the baptism of thunder tribulation together.


The terrifying energy fluctuations made the void of the universe tremble, and the dark starry sky was continuously cut by thunder, emitting bursts of light.

Yuan Changqing's body was also scorched black by the terrifying thunder from time to time. At this time, the power of thunder and lightning.

However, in the blink of an eye, the divine power in Yuan Changqing's body was restored. Under the ocean-like thunder, the five-color divine light was also flashing continuously. Pieces of thunder were broken and turned into the purest energy, which was absorbed by Yuan Changqing. absorb.

As Yuan Changqing continued to be baptized by thunder and lightning, his body became increasingly white and flawless, surrounded by precious light, as if there were faint thunder and lightning runes flickering.


Thousands of thunderbolts fell, boundless and mighty, constantly hitting Yuan Changqing's body and spirit. The Five Elements Diagram also exuded immeasurable divine light, following Yuan Changqing's baptism and tempering in the catastrophe. Refining.

Those thunderbolts full of destructive aura continued to fall on Yuan Changqing, as if they were going to destroy him directly.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The five-color divine light continued to hit the thunder, and the Five Elements Diagram also grew larger above Yuan Changqing's head, directly connecting with various thunderbolts.

The physical body and soul were also tempered by the continuous strikes of thunder, and those thunders were crushed by Yuan Changqing. The remaining pure thunder essence was absorbed by Yuan Changqing.

The golden primordial spirit villain directly swallowed the thunder, causing thunder and lightning to flash above the primordial spirit, and the law of thunder was also constantly tempering the primordial spirit.

The violent thunder fell one after another, hitting Yuan Changqing non-stop.

As the thunder fell one after another, a bigger and more terrifying crisis was brewing in the calamity cloud, which made Yuan Changqing feel terrified.


In the midst of the catastrophe, there seemed to be an invisible knife that was constantly brewing, accumulating terrifying power, and the thunder continued to explode.

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