Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 363 The King


The terrifying Thunder Tribulation Sword descended and slashed directly towards Yuan Changqing.

Yuan Changqing also knew that this was the most critical moment, and the thunder tribulation he had overcome before was just a prelude.

It looks terrifying, but it is indeed terrifying. It can easily destroy the Immortal Er Mighty One.

However, now is the real test moment for Yuan Changqing.

Yuan Changqing became more cautious now, and the golden soul instantly returned to the sea of ​​consciousness.

If you are still exposed to the thunder now, you will most likely be chopped off and destroyed by the Thunder Tribulation Blade.

At this critical moment, Yuan Changqing also released all the power in his body, revealing himself under the Thunder Tribulation Blade, without any reservation.

This is the moment when the Tao is really cut off. Which way to cut and how to choose the way to cut are not important now, just leave it to Dao Dao to do it.

Yuan Changqing only needs to keep his own fundamental Five Elements Avenue, and the other avenues are not important now.

As all of Yuan Changqing's own avenues emerged, the Thunder Tribulation Knife fell, and the avenues began to help Yuan Changqing complete the last step.

The sword of thunder and calamity fell one after another, not only cutting down the avenue, but also cutting down the physical body and the soul.

The terrifying Thunder Tribulation Sword trapped Yuan Changqing's body, leaving irreparable scars.

And this Thunder Tribulation Sword is the origin of thunder, the origin of heaven and earth. After it appears on Yuan Changqing's body, it directly invades the body and continuously destroys the body.

At this time, the five gods in the Tao Palace also continued to break out chains with divine patterns, locking the sword of thunder and calamity, breaking it bit by bit, and finally devoured the original power above and turned it into energy to repair itself.

And Yuan Changqing is now beginning to integrate his own avenues. When the Thunder Tribulation Sword falls, part of the avenues will be taken away.

When the sword of nine thunder tribulations fell, Yuan Changqing became extremely weak at this time, and the five elements in his body were also uncertain.

This is the Thunder Tribulation Sword, after cutting off Yuan Changqing's other unnecessary avenues, it then cuts towards the Five Elements Avenue.

Fortunately, the Five Elements Avenue was the foundation of Yuan Changqing, and he understood it most deeply, but in the end it was not completely cut off.

Although the remaining Five Elements Avenue looked dim, after withstanding the sword of nine thunder tribulations, the thunder tribulation also disappeared.

At this time, the Five Elements Avenue was also beginning to continue to transform and become stronger. The Five Elements Avenue, which was still uncertain, was also constantly recovering.

In the end, the Five Elements Avenue also transformed into the law of kings and was essentially sublimated.

Yuan Changqing felt that at this moment, his Five Elements Law had officially sublimated into the Kingly Law.

The heavenly calamity dissipated, and the soul broke through the limitations of the physical body, gained great freedom and freedom, and awakened the only true self.

However, although the Heavenly Tribulation dissipated, there was still a hazy air of chaos permeating the sea of ​​thunder.

Then, something seemed to be evolving, and there were bursts of fairy sounds, among which exuded a mysterious Taoist rhyme, seducing Yuan Changqing's senses.

Suddenly, the picture changes, like the heaven and earth changing, the universe flowing, and chaos exploding.

The scenery in front of us changed. It was full of traffic, tall buildings, and pedestrians coming and going in a hurry.

A modern atmosphere appeared in Yuan Changqing's eyes.

Suddenly, Yuan Changqing was confused. Wasn't he going through the great tribulation of Zhan Dao? How could he come to a society full of industrial atmosphere.

Looking at the people around me in suits and ties, they were in a hurry and looked busy.

At this time, Yuan Changqing discovered that this place was so familiar. He remembered the scenery and the city clearly.

I have walked this road countless times, whether I am going to work or home, I will pass by here.

But why do I appear here again? Isn't it that I have embarked on the path of cultivation?

Moreover, this is not a modern society in the world that covers the sky. Could this be all a dream?

Just when Yuan Changqing wanted to try flying, he found that there was no magic power in his body at all.

I can no longer feel my own sea of ​​suffering, Taoist palace, four poles, transformed dragon, and immortal platform, as if I am an ordinary person.

However, Yuan Changqing felt that this was very unreal, and he remembered clearly that he had just been through the great tribulation of Dao Zhan.

He looked at his own attire again. He looked like a modern white-collar worker. This made Yuan Changqing confused and didn't know what was going on.

Yuan Changqing was stunned for a while, still not thinking clearly about what was going on, as if there was a shadow on his mind, covering something up.

In the end, Yuan Changqing, who had no idea, could only follow the extremely familiar memory and walk towards the company where he worked.

"Yuan Changqing, do you still want to work hard here? If you don't want to, get out of here. There are many people competing to do it. The company is not your home. You can come whenever you want!"

As soon as Yuan Changqing arrived at the company, he was greeted by a roar.

And all this is so familiar, as if it has been experienced before.

Yuan Changqing didn't seem to hear the roar, but walked around the company and looked everywhere.

"Changqing, what's wrong with you? Why don't you come over to work quickly? Are you afraid of the manager's roar?" A familiar colleague quickly reminded Yuan Changqing.

Yuan Changqing smiled, did not speak, but left gracefully, which left the people in the company stunned.

Following the memory, Yuan Changqing returned to the rented house, lying on the bed and calmly recalling everything.

Yuan Changqing discovered that this was what he had experienced, and remembered that he would eventually return to his hometown.

Suddenly, the scene changed again, and Yuan Changqing turned into a child. Both the people and the scenery here were so familiar.

At this time, Yuan Changqing's memory felt so clear. At the same time, he had experienced these experiences long ago.

Unexpectedly, now he is experiencing it again. As Yuan Changqing's mind becomes clearer and clearer, the picture is also fast-forwarding.

Familiar pictures and familiar people appeared in front of me.

When it came to the final battle with Tang San, Yuan Changqing woke up instantly.

The layer of fog in my mind also disappeared instantly. This experience was just like when I was lost in the secret realm of Lun Hai.

After all this was figured out, Yuan Changqing returned to the dead planet.

At this moment, the calamity clouds in the sky slowly disappeared into the depths of the starry sky.

But Yuan's mind was so clear at this moment, as if everything along the great road of heaven and earth followed his heart and reflected the heaven and earth.

"I have a fairy heart, which has been locked up by the dust for a long time. Now the light is born when the dust is gone, shining through thousands of mountains and rivers."

At this moment, Yuan Changqing's mood was so good. The great catastrophe of killing Dao was over and he was promoted to the king of the world.

The true self awakens, illuminates the heaven and earth, and leads the way of heaven and earth.

This is just like a physical body that will form an instinct after a long period of training. This is the embodiment of the self.

And after people continue to study and learn all kinds of knowledge, what they learn is their own and is an expression of themselves.

There is also the God Self, which requires widespread worship, deification, and becoming a myth and legend.

As for the true self, this is the embodiment of one's own great path. Only when the true self is awakened, then nothing can restrict it.

The true self is connected to the great road, and the most real side of the world will also appear in the perception of the true self.

It’s true: if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening!

Now that Yuan Changqing has broken through to become a king, he feels more powerful than ever before. He is many times more powerful than before when he was a powerful person.

After recovering his divine power, Yuan Changqing stepped on the five-color divine light and prepared to leave this dead planet and head towards the Big Dipper.

"Hey, that's..."

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