Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 370 A great victory (two-in-one)

Golden divine light pierced the void, and a terrifying energy filled the sky, directly hitting the holy power shot by the holy soldiers of the Golden Crow tribe.


In the sky, like the scorching sun exploding, a terrifying energy tide swept across the world in an instant, and the entire void was vibrating.

"What, does the Sun God Religion still have hidden holy soldiers?"

Countless people were not only a little shocked at this time, but also confused. Didn't it mean that the Sun God Cult no longer had any magic weapons? How could there be any existence that could compete with the Phoenix-winged Gold-plated Iron?

At this time, the senior leaders of the Sun God Cult, including the Holy Lord of the Sun, and the people of the Sun God Cult, after being shocked, instantly became happy and their morale was greatly boosted.

As for the Golden Crow tribe, they were also surprised that the Sun God Cult still had an existence that could compete with the Phoenix-winged Gold-plated Tuo.

"Huh, so what if there are holy soldiers." Lu Ya said loudly at this time.

Indeed, if it is all a confrontation between holy soldiers, the fully resurrected holy soldiers and the non-resurrected holy soldiers are two different concepts.

After all, the Holy Power exerted by a fully revived Holy Soldier can be lasting, unlike the Holy Soldier that has not been revived, which cannot last.

Lu Ya didn't expect that the Sun God Cult actually had holy soldiers, so it would be a bit tricky.

I originally thought that defeating the Sun God Cult this time was a sure thing. After all, once the holy soldiers came out, even if the Sun Lord had become the king, he could not be easily suppressed.

Even if the Sun God Cult now has four kings, the result is the same. You must know that the resurrected holy soldiers are just like the same king or saint alive.

But now, the Sun God Cult has taken out a holy weapon, so the battle situation is somewhat out of control.

Although the Golden Crow army has an absolute advantage, if they fight to the death, they can still win.

However, the final outcome can only be regarded as a tragic victory. Both sides have holy soldiers in their hands. If it really comes to a life-or-death situation, there will be no rules.

As long as the Golden Crow tribe is still determined to destroy the Sun God Cult when the Sun God Cult also uses holy weapons.

Then, the king of the Sun God Cult holds the holy weapons and kills the Golden Crow army like wolves among the sheep.

Therefore, this is a lose-lose situation, and no one can take advantage of it. This makes the tenth prince of the Golden Crow now have a weapon to avoid the rat.

However, at this moment, eight large black flags appeared in the hands of the Golden Crow Crown Prince.

The eldest prince said at this time: "Sixth brother, don't worry, before coming here, my father has asked me to bring the clan treasures."

"The banner of the Ancient Town Clan!" The other nine Golden Crow princes looked surprised after seeing the banner.

"Okay, okay, let's see what treasures the Sun God Religion has to offer this time, hahaha." Lu Ya said again with a laugh.

"Deploy formations and kill all the people of the Sun God Sect here." The Golden Crow Grand Prince shouted, his eyes full of indifference.

At this time, seven Golden Crow princes took over a large flag from the hands of the eldest prince. Under the leadership of the eldest prince, they stood in a specific direction. A mysterious divine pattern spread out under their feet, connecting the sky and the earth.

"No, this is the ancient divine formation of the Golden Crow tribe!"

The Holy Lord of the Sun looked at the actions of the Golden Crow tribe, and his face became more solemn. Although he had defeated the Holy Soldier of the Golden Crow tribe before, he also guessed that it might be Yuan Changqing's help.

However, now the Golden Crow tribe has begun to set up a large formation. This is the banner of the Jinwu tribe, and it was made by an ancient saint.

This is the rhythm of killing and completely destroying the Sun God Cult. It is so ambitious and well prepared. It is really determined. The hatred in the heart of the Sun Lord is so deep.

"The Golden Crow tribe is deploying the divine pattern formation. This is definitely an ancient killing formation. Even if the peerless god king enters, he will hate it."

"The Golden Crow Clan is really generous. Unexpectedly, they even brought the Zhen Clan's formation. Now the Sun God Sect is in big trouble."

"Yeah, I don't know what to do with the Sun God Sect this time. If there is no way, there may not be any Sun God Sect after today."


As the people observing in secret started talking, everyone knew that this was the banner of the Jinwu Clan.

This also shocked countless people. In order to deal with the Sun God Cult this time, even the ancient killing array was deployed.

A treasure like this has rarely appeared once in millions of years. As a result, the Golden Crow tribe is indeed determined to destroy the Sun God Cult this time.


A monstrous energy was surging, dark clouds were rolling, the momentum was overwhelming, and the divine power was bursting, and it suddenly overwhelmed the Sun God Sect.

Those eight big flags, as black as ink, exude infinite divine power and are extremely terrifying. Standing in the void, they have the power to suppress heaven and earth.

In an instant, the terrifying killing array composed of these eight pitch-black flags arose with terrifying murderous intent, making people feel extremely frightened.

At this moment, a golden figure appeared, standing proudly above the monstrous dark clouds. The golden figure was tall and majestic, and when its eyes opened and closed, it shot out a terrifying golden light that could directly penetrate the void.

"That's...that's the clone of the Great Saint of the Golden Crow Clan!" The Sun Lord was completely uncalm now, even a little desperate.

The terrifying energy continued to spread, making countless people unable to bear the terrifying pressure, unable to stand at all, and paralyzed on the ground.

That kind of unruly and domineering momentum in heaven and earth made countless people's souls tremble.

This is the Great Sage. Although it is a clone of the Great Sage, it still possesses some of the strength of the Great Sage.

"The damn Golden Crow clan actually used such a treasure. It seems they really have never forgotten our clan's Immortal Scripture." Holy Lord Sun said with hatred.

"Hmph, now surrender to my clan and offer the Immortal Scripture, and I will spare your life. Otherwise, your Sun God Sect will be annihilated today." The eldest prince of the Golden Crow said coldly.

At this time, there was no trace of emotion in the cold voice, which was cold and cold, as if at this moment, it dominated the world, including the lives of everyone in the Sun God Sect.

However, the Golden Crow Crown Prince did have such strength at this time. After all, he had summoned the Great Sage's clone.

And within the City of the Sun God, everyone including the Holy Lord of the Sun had extremely pale faces.


However, at this moment, a golden spear cut through the void and stood in front of the Sun Lord. Even the infinite pressure emanating from the Great Saint's clone had no effect at all.

In an instant, the people in the City of the Sun God felt a sense of relief, and there was no longer any fear of the pressure of the Great Sage before.

"The Golden Divine Spear, this is the magical weapon of our ancestors. Our Sun God Sect can be saved." At this time, the Holy Lord of the Sun seemed to remember the origin of this magical weapon.

"This is a divine weapon forged entirely from Dao Tribulation gold. I didn't expect that the Sun God Religion would have such a treasure. It should belong to our clan." At this time, the eyes of the Golden Crow Crown Prince were full of fire.

However, what the Golden Crow Grand Prince didn't know was that the Golden Divine Spear did not burst out with its divine power at this time.

Therefore, the Golden Crow Crown Prince did not know that this divine weapon was a quasi-imperial weapon.

At this time, a big hand emitting monstrous flames wanted to grab the golden spear. Unfortunately, this was just a delusion.

"You are a descendant of the Holy Queen. Sprinkling your blood on the Divine Spear should be able to awaken it." At this time, Yuan Changqing's voice came to the ears of Holy Lord Sun.

After hearing the words, Holy Lord Sun knew what to do. He slapped his chest with his big hand and vomited blood, which instantly fell on the golden spear.

This golden divine spear itself was considered a divine weapon of a descendant of the Sun Holy Emperor, and it was also a quasi-imperial weapon. After being infected with the blood of the descendant, it began to revive.

"Descendants of the Holy Emperor, sacrifice your blood to resurrect the divine weapons!" The Sun Lord began to summon the people of the Sun God Cult.

After the people of the Sun God Cult heard the call of their Holy Lord, countless blood fell on the golden spear.


A monstrous divine power was resurrecting, becoming more and more powerful, and soon surpassed the clone of the Great Sage summoned by the Golden Crow Grand Prince.


Just when the flaming hand of the Golden Crow Grand Prince was about to touch the golden spear, an extremely powerful divine power burst out, and the flaming hand shattered instantly.

"What, the Qi machine alone is so powerful, no, this is not a holy weapon, this is... this is the emperor's power!" In an instant, the Golden Crow Prince realized something was wrong.

"Hurry up and activate the town clan formation!"

The eldest prince of the Golden Crow shouted loudly, "If you don't attack at this time to prevent the Golden Divine Spear from reviving, it will be too late after it revives."

Moreover, maybe, the entire Golden Crow army might be planted here this time.

Then, after hearing the order from the Golden Crow Grand Prince, the Golden Crow army took action together, shooting out immeasurable divine light and blessing it on the ancient killing array.

In an instant, the ancient killing array erupted with terrifying murderous intent, soaring straight into the sky, shaking the sky and the earth.

"Everyone in the Sun God Religion, use your divine power to revive the divine weapons." The Holy Lord of the Sun also called out at this time.

Rays of divine light soared into the sky and landed on the golden divine spear.


At this time, with the help of blood and divine power, the Golden Divine Spear also revived instantly. The god of the Divine Spear also noticed that someone was attacking the Sun God Sect.

Then, the golden divine spear was gently drawn out, and the ancient killing array of the Golden Crow clan was cut through, and the golden light directly penetrated the ancient killing array.


Accompanied by bursts of screams, the Golden Crow army now suffered large casualties.

Then, the Golden Divine Spear continued to wave in the void, and golden light and shadow streaked towards the Golden Crow army.

Facing the attack of the quasi-emperor soldiers, if it were not for the existence of the Ancient Killing Formation, the people of the Golden Crow tribe would not have the courage to stand up at this time.

"Quick, activate the formation with all your strength, otherwise, we will all be doomed."

The eldest prince of Jinwu was also filled with anxiety and fear at this time.

"Hiss, is this the Sun God Sect's trump card? It's actually not a holy weapon, but an imperial weapon. No, it should be a quasi-imperial weapon."

Some powerful people have already guessed what level of magic weapon this golden spear is.

"I didn't expect that the Sun God Cult still has the quasi-emperor soldiers passed down from generation to generation. How is this possible? Then why haven't they used them before?"

"Perhaps, they just found it, or there are some restrictions on reviving it."

"Anyway, this time the Golden Crow tribe is kicked against the iron plate. Maybe the whole army will be annihilated this time."

"Everyone should stay away. If you are hit by the Emperor's power, you will be doomed."

"It's the best, it's the best, let's go together, go together..."

Originally, the Golden Crow tribe brought a handed down holy weapon this time, and coupled with the clan's large formation, they thought they had a sure chance of victory, and could completely overwhelm everything and suppress all dissatisfaction.

It's a pity that I didn't expect that the Sun God Sect still has such a trump card. It's really a waste of money.

The tenth prince of the Golden Crow also wanted to escape from here, but faced with the lock of the Golden Divine Spear, it was already too late.

If he had fled decisively before, before the Golden Spear had recovered, there might still be a chance.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that this golden spear was originally a tool of enlightenment for the ancestors of the Sun God Cult. With the blessing of the blood of the descendants of the Holy Queen, it finally burst out with immeasurable divine power.

At this time, the Golden Crow tribe's peerless killing array erupted, and a sea of ​​holy power surged like an ocean, with dark clouds rolling and divine power overwhelming the sky.

Terrifying divine power arose in the Golden Crow's peerless killing array, and the Great Sage's clone appeared again, blooming with peerless divine power.


The cry of the golden crow resounded throughout the heaven and earth, and the terrifying holy power of the sun spewed out, flooding the entire sky, and tilted down instantly.

Between heaven and earth, the mighty holy power shook the void, and countless people collapsed on the ground, terrified all day long.

The terrifying energy tide affected countless people. The countless monks who were observing in secret exploded like meat balls, forming a bloody mist, and died unexpectedly.

This made those monks who had stayed away from this place very happy. Fortunately, they had left in time, otherwise, they would have died like those who were already in the blood mist.

At this time, the golden divine spear drew out a divine light, destroying everything.


The sky collapsed, the void shattered, and the entire world seemed to be destroyed. Most of the Golden Crow army was evaporated, causing heavy casualties.

Even Prince Jinwu, who presided over the formation, was half dead.

The remaining people, who had been driven downhill by this time, retreated one after another, with disheveled hair, vomiting blood, cracked flesh, miserable state, and temporary depression.

Such a scene directly made the people of the Sun God Sect freeze on the spot. They did not expect that the power of the golden spear was so terrifying.

"Sixth Brother, take Xiao Shi and the clan members and leave here quickly!" The Golden Crow Crown Prince made a quick decision and asked Lu Yao to take the clan members and leave as quickly as possible.

There were only five Golden Crow princes left. At this time, the eldest prince asked Lu Ya and the tenth prince to leave quickly. Otherwise, the ten brothers might not be able to leave here.

So what if there is a clone of the Great Sage. Facing the resurrected quasi-emperor soldiers, although they cannot unleash their full power, it is not something that the Golden Crow can handle.

Of course, the Sun God Cult did not pay any price. Countless Sun God Cult members fell limply to the ground after their divine power was drained away.

After all, quasi-emperor soldiers are not ordinary divine weapons. Fortunately, this golden divine spear itself belongs to the ancestor of the Sun God Cult.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be as simple as that, and I'm afraid it would just suck the person to death.


The Golden Divine Spear was drawn out again and hit the broken Golden Crow Killing Formation. The remaining Golden Crow Grand Prince and other Golden Crow troops were wiped out in an instant.

The gold-plated phoenix wings and the eight pitch-black flags also shattered into countless pieces.

However, in the end, the Sixth Golden Crow Prince Lu Ya and the Tenth Prince were not left, as well as some of the Golden Crow army.

However, this time the Sun God Sect faced the Golden Crow Army and achieved a complete victory.

"The Sun Cult of Immortality."

After seeing the victory of the Sun God Cult, countless people burst into cheers, and this time they also displayed the majesty of the Sun God Cult.

Although this is all because of the help of the Golden Spear, from now on, no one can underestimate the Sun God Cult.

Moreover, from today on, it will be difficult for the Sun God Sect not to rise.

This terrifying battle ended with the defeat of the Golden Crow tribe.

Those people from countless forces who came to watch the battle also left one after another, thinking of going back quickly to report on the situation here. The Sun God Sect was already an existence that could not be bullied.

There are also many people in the forces who are panicking at this time. With the rise of the Sun God Sect, the forces that previously oppressed the Sun God Sect may be in trouble.

In the Temple of the Sun, Yuan Changqing was holding the Golden Divine Spear in his hand, and the Holy Lord of the Sun and the senior leaders of the Sun God Cult came to him like this.

At this time, Holy Lord Sun said: "Fellow Taoist, thank you for your help this time, otherwise, our Sun God Sect may no longer exist."

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "It's nothing. I won't just watch the descendants of the Sun Holy Emperor be destroyed by foreign races like this."

"Besides, I didn't take any action. This is all your own fault. You don't need to thank me."

The Holy Lord of the Sun said again: "You're welcome, fellow Taoist. If you hadn't sent us the Immortal Scripture to pass on to our clan, the strength of our Sun God Sect wouldn't have improved so much."

"Also, this time when faced with the crisis of the Golden Crow Clan's army destroying our religion, it was our Taoist friends who came up with the help of divine weapons to help our clan overcome the difficulties. Such a great kindness is really something we can't repay."

"Yes, fellow Taoist Yuan, you're welcome. Our Sun God Sect is now in decline, and we have nothing to give to fellow Taoist. However, if we need help in the future, I promise to go through fire and water without hesitation."

"Even though our Sun God Sect can't bring out treasures to thank our fellow Taoists, we still have some strength."


Faced with the gratitude from the senior leaders of the Sun God Religion, Yuan Changqing could not shirk it and accepted it.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing handed the Golden Divine Spear, a quasi-imperial weapon, to the Sun Lord.

"Fellow Taoist, how can this happen? You have helped us so much, and if you accept your magic weapon again, then what kind of person do we, the Sun God, have become? Please take it back as soon as possible." Holy Sun Master quickly refused.

Although he was in great pain, the Sun Lord still rejected Yuan Changqing.

Yuan Changqing said: "I think you should know that this golden spear belongs to your ancestors, otherwise, you would not be able to display its power so easily."

Holy Lord Sun nodded and said: "Yes, I recognized it as soon as it appeared, but now it is the property of fellow Taoist after all."

Yuan Changqing looked at the statue of the Sun Emperor and said: "The reason why I returned it to you is not because it was once the ancestor of your Sun God Religion. After all, it is already in my hands and it is mine."

"But why I still give it to you is because the Holy Emperor's contribution to the characters is worthy of me, even though he is no longer here."

"That's why I will return it to you and use it to protect the descendants of the Holy Emperor from bleeding and crying."

Yuan Changqing's words expressed the admiration for the Holy Emperor in his heart, and also let the people of the Sun God Sect know that there are still people in this world who remember the Holy Emperor's contributions to the human race.

This also made the descendants of the Holy Queen in the Sun Temple shed tears. Even if they had been adhering to the Holy King's instructions, otherwise, they would not have declined like this.

After all, it is a supreme religion, but before Yuan Changqing came, even the king could not break through, and it could not be justified.

Later, after listening to Yuan Changqing's words, Holy Lord Sun took over the golden spear.

"No matter what, our Sun God Sect will definitely remember the great kindness of our Taoist friends and record the deeds of our Taoist friends in helping our clan in our clan history." Holy Lord Sun said firmly.

Yuan Changqing waved his hand indifferently and said, "I hope you can make good use of it."

"Definitely!" Holy Lord Sun said solemnly.

"Next, the Golden Crow tribe will definitely not give up. You should be more prepared." Yuan Changqing reminded again.

The Sun Lord and others also nodded, but they no longer had the worries they had before. After all, the Sun God Sect was no longer the target of oppression as before.

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