Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 371 The Ancient Ancestor King

The matter with the Sun God Sect has come to an end for the time being, and Yuan Changqing has no need to stay.

As for the birth of the Sun God Experience in the Sun God Cult, this is nothing to worry about for Yuan Changqing.

And the Sun God Body should be left to Ye Fan. In the original work, the Sun God Sect was destroyed, leaving only the Sun God Body. Now because of Yuan Changqing's intrusion, the Sun God Sect has been preserved.

In addition, after Yuan Changqing sent back the Sun Immortal Sutra, it is unlikely that the final Sun God Body can become Ye Fan's apprentice.

After all, now the Sun God Religion has the capital to rise, and the Sun God Body is the hope for the rise of the Sun God Religion.

Therefore, it is very likely that the Sun God Body will be cultivated by the Sun God Cult itself.

The ancient star Ziwei is extremely large, unlike the sealed earth.

The ancient Ziwei star, like the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, has an extremely prosperous cultivation civilization.

There are countless forces here, and many of the holy places for cultivation are no worse than the Holy Land for Beidou, and they all have extremely rich foundations.

However, there are no Ji Dao forces in Ziwei Emperor Star. Although the Sun Holy Emperor and Taiyin Holy Emperor were both born in Ziwei, in the end, all the imperial soldiers were taken away.

This is also the reason why the Sun God Sect is in such a state of decline now. It is not as powerful as the Yakuza forces in Beidou.

Moreover, the bloodline descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor would not be ruthlessly massacred.

This is all because in the era of the Sun Holy Emperor and the Taiyin Holy Emperor, it was difficult for the human race to survive and they were always in a state of war.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Ziwei Ancient Star does not have the ultimate power.

Yuan Changqing is now walking in various places in the ancient star of Ziwei, measuring the heaven and earth, and realizing the Taoist charm of Ziwei.

As time passed slowly, Yuan Changqing discovered that the energy on the ancient Ziwei star was slowly improving.

Although I don’t know if other sacred pilgrimage sites have been discovered. However, Yuan Changqing knew that as the essence began to revive from silence, the great age was about to come.

Now that Yuan Changqing came to Ziwei Ancient Star, in addition to the three years he spent rushing here, he also spent more than a year staying in the Sun God Cult, and the few years he walked alone on Ziwei Ancient Star after leaving the Sun God Cult.

It has been almost ten years since Yuan Changqing left Beidou.

According to Yuan Changqing's estimation, the ancient tribes of Beidou should have been born now, and all kinds of geniuses have emerged. This is just some news that Yuan Changqing heard on Ziwei Ancient Star.

Not only that, people on Ziwei Ancient Planet are still discussing that some forces that have been hidden for a long time have begun to surface one by one.

These ancient forces also knew that Qing Emperor's imperial suppression was about to disappear completely, and the Tianxin Seal would also face a new master.

And those geniuses sealed in the big world, as well as the geniuses in this world, will start a battle in this life.

"Another great age is about to come, and another battle between blood and fire is coming. I don't know how many amazing and talented people will perish." Yuan Changqing stood on a mountaintop in the wilderness and murmured. .

This life is destined to be Ye Fan's great life, although the position of emperor was integrated with the Tianxin Seal in advance by the Golden Crow Emperor.

However, the most important thing is to go against the will of heaven and prove that the first ancient Holy Body Emperor has been established since the beginning of time.

After Ye Fan became enlightened in a different way, not even the peerless powerhouse, the Golden Crow Emperor, dared to compete with him.

Although Yuan Changqing is powerful now, in the past few years, he has reached the peak of a king and is not far away from a saint.

However, Yuan Changqing's own family knows his own affairs. If it is really according to Tianzi, Ye Fan is stronger.

It's just that Yuan Changqing has been practicing for a longer time, and in the final analysis, Ye Fan is the son of the world that covers the sky, and this life is destined to belong to Ye Fan.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing does not expect to achieve the emperor's throne that covers the world. At most, he can achieve another kind of enlightenment.

However, Yuan Changqing has already made plans, which is to start from the World Pearl, an innate spiritual treasure that has always been with him.

Since it is called the World Pearl, its level will naturally not be too low. Using the World Pearl instead of the Tianxin Seal is equivalent to using the power of the world for oneself.

In this way, Yuan Changqing felt that his achievements were no worse than the Tianxin Seal that merged with Zhetian World.

After all, the Tianxin Seal that covers the world is used to enlighten the current emperor.

However, the emperor's laws of the emperor suppress other avenues, and he becomes the emperor of this world, and he is the only one who dominates.

However, the World Pearl is different. It has its own laws and is equivalent to an independent world.

There is nothing wrong with Yuan Changqing using the World Pearl as the mark of Tianxin. After all, Yuan Changqing is the owner of the World Pearl.

Therefore, in the fight for this great world, Yuan Changqing is not important.

However, although it is not important to Yuan Changqing, he still has his family and needs to make some plans.

After all, this is a world where strength is respected. The stronger the strength, the bigger the fist, and the more weight the words have.

Previously, when Yuan Changqing discovered the complete five-color altar, he crossed the starry sky and came to the ancient star Ziwei without informing his family.

This is also because Yuan Changqing knows that the Beidou Ancient Star has disturbed the Beidou Cultivation World with the birth of the Taikoo Clan.

But the Ancient Star of Ziwei is different. On the contrary, it is more suitable for cultivation. After all, the Ancient Star of Ziwei is no worse than Beidou. Speaking of it, it is even more prosperous.

In this way, Yuan Changqing can also see the world of cultivation in different environments and practice with peace of mind.

Although Ziwei Ancient Star will still face a hidden danger behind it, a copper warship, with some ancient ancestor kings who have only a short lifespan, wandering in the universe and stars in order to extend their lifespan.

However, although this is a crisis for Ziwei Ancient Star, Yuan Changqing knows that the old madman, a peerless powerhouse, should soon come to Ziwei.

At that time, although those ancient ancestor kings with dried up energy and blood will be difficult to deal with, but with the old madman here, plus Yuan Changqing and the emperor's soldiers, I think we can catch them all in one fell swoop.

As for practicing and enlightening, this Ziwei Ancient Star is also a good place for Yuan Changqing, otherwise, he would not be able to practice so quickly.

Although the methods of cultivation are the same in different cultivation worlds, in the final analysis, there are still some differences in Taoism and other methods.

Although the avenues are the same, the same avenues have different understandings, let alone in Ziwei Ancient Star.

A kind of Tao, each has its own expression and its own advantages. Later in this practice, a monk's talent and understanding are required.

Therefore, it is even more necessary to absorb the sparks of various wisdoms to enrich one's own heritage.

Therefore, the longer Yuan Changqing practices in Ziwei Ancient Star, the more profound his understanding will naturally be, and his Taoism will become more and more unpredictable, and he will soon reach the saint stage.

Saints are in a completely new realm. How can I say this realm? They are not completely restricted by the world, they can rely on themselves to absorb the power of heaven and earth, and they can travel across the universe and stars.

This is also the reason why only saints can not get lost in the starry sky, even if it is because only saints can recover their divine power on their own and will not die due to exhaustion of their divine power.

A sudden news came, letting Yuan Changqing, who was still practicing at Ziwei Ancient Star, know that Ye Fan had arrived at Ziwei.

The younger brother of Yi Tiande, the peerless genius of Ziwei Ancient Star, was killed by a young monk.

As for this young monk, Yuan Changqing knew that he should be regarded as Ye Fan.

It seems that Ye Fan caused a big mess in Beidou and wanted to cross the starry sky from the ancient forbidden land back to the earth star. Unfortunately, he was taken to Ziwei.

Now that Ye Fan has arrived at Ziwei Ancient Star, it should start to get lively here.

After all, Ye Fan, a troublemaker, would cause chaos wherever he went.

The tree was about to be quiet but the wind was not stopping. Not long after the news about Ye Fan came, another big news appeared.

An ancient saint has been born. This can be said to be earth-shattering news. In this era, saints are just legends. Otherwise, they would not have the word "ancient" in front of them.

As soon as this news appeared, Yuan Changqing was sure that the old madman had arrived. As a result, the ancient ancestor king's copper warship was also approaching.

Tianyuan City.

The place where the ancient saint appeared was here. After Yuan Changqing got the news, he crossed the void and rushed here.

What kind of human race is this old madman? He was the genius of Tianxuan Holy Land six thousand years ago. Unfortunately, due to an accident, he went crazy.

The birth of such an ancient saint naturally shocked countless people.

However, the current old madman has achieved the status of a great sage after his transformation on the Taixuan Sect Clumsy Peak.

Moreover, the old madman's cultivation is still the top among the great saints. You can imagine how powerful he is.

After Yuan Changqing arrived at Tianyuan City, he also saw the old madman from a distance.

I saw that the old madman had changed his appearance at this time. He was no longer what he was before. Now he was a young man.

He was standing alone in the void, his black hair was flying, his eyes were like lightning, and he was terrifyingly powerful.

However, the old madman at this time was unusually young, and his vitality and blood were terrifying.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing also discovered that the old madman actually underwent a transformation here.

From old age to middle age, then to youth, this surprised Yuan Changqing. He didn't know what kind of method the old madman was practicing.

"Senior." A shout came, and Ye Fan came out of the crowd and was a little surprised to see Yuan Changqing.

"Senior, you are also in Ziwei Ancient Star. I didn't expect to see you here without any news from you." Ye Fan said again.

Yuan Changqing smiled and nodded, saying: "Ye Fan, you are here too. I have been coming to Ziwei Ancient Star for many years."

Ye Fan said with some embarrassment: "Senior, I can't say enough. I came to this ancient Ziwei star by accident."

"Haha, it seems Beidou has been turned upside down by you again. I heard some news before and guessed it was you. You really came to Ziwei." Yuan Changqing said again.

Ye Fan also said helplessly: "I have no choice. I don't want to cause trouble, but if trouble comes to me automatically, I can only passively fight back."

"It's okay, as long as some monsters don't attack, I'll keep you safe." Yuan Changqing assured.

Now that Yuan Changqing is at the pinnacle of the king, he naturally has the confidence to say this. Coupled with his own trump card, he is not afraid even if he faces a saint.

Ye Fan was suddenly pleasantly surprised and said, "I really have to thank you, senior. During this time, I was being chased everywhere."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "That means you are still capable. In this unfamiliar place, those people didn't do anything to you."

"No, no." Ye Fan waved his hands hard and said.

Then, as if he thought of something, he said: "Senior, on my way to Ziwei, I found a copper warship sailing in the void, and the direction it came from was exactly the ancient star Ziwei."

"Moreover, there are ancient ancestor kings in that copper warship. The old crazy senior is about to fight them in a decisive battle. Please help."

The reason why Ye Fan asked Yuan Changqing for help was because he knew that Yuan Changqing might have imperial weapons in his hands.

Although he had never seen Yuan Changqing use it before when he was in Beidou, Ye Fan also guessed some things from some clues of information.

It's just like the problem of Bodhisattva. In addition, it's not like when Ye Fan came to Beidou just before. He is a bit of a novice and doesn't understand anything.

Now, although Ye Fan has encountered a formidable enemy in Beidou, he is still a man of the hour in Beidou.

He also knew a lot of secrets, so Ye Fan was very sure that Yuan Changqing must have imperial soldiers in his hands, otherwise, he would not be so disdainful of those holy land religions.

"Don't worry, I will certainly help to eliminate the ancient ancestor king." Yuan Changqing gave Ye Fan a reassuring look.

At this time, the young and old lunatic appeared in front of Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, saying: "The last time I saw you, you were so powerful. I didn't expect that when I see you again, you will almost become a saint."

Ye Fan was also shocked at this time and said: "Senior, you are about to become a saint. This is incredible."

Yuan Changqing raised his hands to the young and old lunatic and said, "Senior, I didn't expect you to still remember me."

"Although I wasn't very conscious at the time, I still had some impressions." The old madman said again.

Although the old madman seemed crazy, he did not seem to reject information from the outside world. Presumably, this was also the reason why he could recognize Yuan Changqing.

The current old madman is extremely powerful, his aura is extremely terrifying, and his unabashed aura of terror makes even Yuan Changqing feel frightened. Fortunately, he is not an enemy.

Yuan Changqing nodded and asked: "How do seniors plan to deal with those ancient ancestor kings?"

The old madman said calmly: "What else can we do? Soldiers will come to block the water and cover up the soil. We can't let those blood-sucking insects harm our human race."

"However, are you sure you want to participate in such a battle with a narrow escape from death?"

Yuan Changqing said: "Senior, with Ye's current strength, he naturally doesn't have much chance of winning against those ancient ancestor kings."

"However, I am still somewhat confident about playing as a junior next to my senior."

The old madman nodded and said: "In that case, you should be more careful. Although those ancient ancestor kings have dried up their energy and blood, they are still above the level of saint kings."

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me. I will be more careful," Yuan Changqing replied.

In the following time, even as he waited for the arrival of those ancient ancestor kings, Yuan Changqing also began to prepare to face the challenges ahead.

And Ye Fan also started to help Yuan Changqing. After all, if you want to deal with those ancient ancestor kings, you can't just rush forward like this.

Yuan Changqing also learned some aspects of the Imperial Formation before, which can be put to use now.

Although King Yuan Changqing is not strong enough to deal with those ancient ancestor kings, with the addition of a corner of the divine formation, he can still deal with some weaker ancestor kings.

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