Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 372 The Power of the Imperial Weapon (Two in One)

In a vast wilderness, there are ancient trees everywhere, green mountains and green waters, lakes like the sea, extremely lush.

Places full of primitive atmosphere like this can be seen everywhere on the ancient planet Ziwei.

However, there was something different about this wilderness. It seemed extremely lush, but Yuan Changqing found that it gave people a lifeless feeling.

In this vast wilderness, there is coldness and deathly silence everywhere.

But in the center of this wilderness, there is a different scene. A vast golden desert comes into view, with a radius of about one hundred thousand miles.

Not only that, but in the middle of the desert, there is also a copper-colored warship parked, which is greedily devouring the essence in the void, and the energy it emits is extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the fighting spirit of the young and old lunatic continued to burst out, and the murderous intent surged, approaching the copper warship step by step.

I saw that the copper warship was stained with rust and was extremely old. I don't know how long it had been there.

There was a terrifying aura in the warship, and terrifying eyes looked at the young and old lunatic who came, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan.

At this time, many monks from Ziwei Ancient Star also followed.

"Ah, what's going on? I've been here before. There were countless beasts and elixirs. Why has it turned into a desert now?"

"What's going on with that copper warship? Is it devouring the essence of this vast wilderness to become what it is now?"

"I feel like it's too depressing here. Is this the ancient saint who wants to start a war with the strong man on the copper warship?"


These monks from the ancient Ziwei planet who followed us still don’t know what they will face.

If the young madman and Yuan Changqing were defeated, the creatures on Ziwei Ancient Star would probably bleed into rivers.

And the copper warship continued to swallow the essence in the wilderness. This was all the ancient ancestor kings restoring their divine power.

Because the Qi and blood of these ancient ancestor kings have dried up, they need terrifying energy to replenish them. This is also the reason why this wilderness, which was originally extremely lush and where wild beasts were rampant, is full of deathly silence.

However, even if this great wasteland is destroyed, it will not solve the problems of those ancient ancestor kings.

Those ancient ancestor kings not only had their energy and blood dried up, but also had little life left. They rode copper warships and wandered in the stars, just to devour the creatures on the living planets to replenish their vitality and restore their life span.

When they came to the Ziwei ancient star this time, they also planned to bloodbath the ancient star. However, due to the long period of sailing in the starry sky, they needed to replenish their divine power.

That's why we stopped in this vast wilderness to recover some of our divine power before we started to bloodbath the Ancient Ziwei Star.

Unfortunately, they met the great sage, the old madman, and they were destined to have a shocking battle in this wilderness.

These monks were all talking and full of tension, but the young man, the old lunatic and Yuan Changqing ignored these people.

In such a battle, let alone them, even Yuan Changqing couldn't intervene much and could only play soy sauce on the side. Didn't you see that Ye Fan stayed and watched from a distance after he came here?

Although the current Ye Fan's strength has improved a lot compared to when Yuan Changqing left Beidou, he is still at the level of the second immortal, and there is still a lot of gap between him and the king.

However, this person is considered strong in the eyes of ordinary people, but now, he is like a minion, and he can only watch helplessly from a distance.

"Senior, set up your formation, otherwise, we may not be able to deal with so many ancient ancestor kings." Yuan Changqing said to the young and old lunatic beside him.

The current situation forced Yuan Changqing to do this. After all, although those ancient ancestor kings had dried up their energy and blood, their strength was greatly reduced.

However, after all, they are all powerful men at the level of Saint King and Great Sage. If you just rely on the old madman alone, it will be difficult to eliminate them.

Because Yuan Changqing had made a plan in advance, preparing to watch the corner of the imperial formation to trap some ancient ancestor kings, thereby helping the old madman buy time.

"Okay, in that case, let's set up a big formation first, and then go deal with these pests." The old madman also nodded and said.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing and the old madman began to set up a formation, sealing the sky and the earth. The incomplete imperial formation directly blocked the copper warship.

"Humans, just the two of you, you are trying to take advantage of us. Are you planning to take the initiative to become our blood food? Hahaha..."

The ancient ancestor kings couldn't help laughing after looking at the old madman and Yuan Changqing. The two of them were afraid of the old madman, but they didn't pay attention to Yuan Changqing.

After all, Yuan Changqing is not as powerful as a saint and can be destroyed with a snap of his fingers.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing took out Hetu Luoshu, the supreme supreme emperor weapon, and for a moment, the aura of the emperor filled the air.

Although it has not been activated yet, the Taoist charm it exudes is mysterious, extraordinary and immeasurable.

"Senior, let's mobilize the imperial soldiers together, otherwise, it's not easy to deal with so many ancient ancestor kings just by you alone." Yuan Changqing said at this time.

Originally, the old madman thought that this encounter with the Ancient Ancestor King was a narrow escape. He had already embraced the belief that success would come if he didn't succeed, and planned to fight to the death.

However, what he didn't expect was that after Yuan Changqing took out the imperial weapon, the situation would become different. Now it is a 100% sure battle.

"Well, let's let these ancient ancestor kings taste the taste of the imperial weapons, hahaha." At this time, the old madman said with high spirits.

It's great not to have to die. This great age is about to come, and the old madman also wants to see what the higher scenery is like.


At this moment, a corner of the Imperial Formation was activated, and Hetu Luoshu directly enveloped the Imperial Formation. The supreme aura of the Imperial Dao was instantly emitted, and the entire Ziwei Star Territory felt this supreme aura.

"Hetu Luoshu!" Ye Fan in the distance looked at the place where the old madman and Yuan Changqing were fighting, and exclaimed in his heart.

"Senior indeed has an imperial weapon, and it is still so familiar." Ye Fan couldn't help but think.

Why does Ye Fan feel that this imperial weapon is familiar? It is because Hetu Luoshu is so famous among the ancient myths and legends above the earth star.

It almost runs through the history of civilization on Earth and plays an important role in the entire human history of Earth.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Ye Fan to be able to tell what this imperial weapon was called at just one glance.

I saw dragons and horses flying into the sky, black turtles spitting water, and turtles and snakes integrated into the red copper warship, forming a Heluo formation.

"No, they have an ancient imperial weapon. Let's all use our divine power to break this ancient imperial weapon." An ancient ancestor king shouted quickly.

Fortunately, there is a great sage like the old madman. Otherwise, if Yuan Changqing alone wants to mobilize the imperial troops, it will cost a lot.

After all, the imperial weapon Hetu Luoshu requires too terrifying divine power. As long as it is activated, Yuan Changqing's divine power can be expended.

This was also the ancient time when the extreme forces above Beidou rarely used imperial weapons, because it consumed too much divine power and would not be used easily unless absolutely necessary.

As the imperial soldiers were mobilized and exploded with overwhelming divine power, the void was shaking. Those cultivators from Ziwei Ancient Star who followed felt that they were extremely insignificant at this moment.


A ray of divine light shot out from Hetu Luoshu, and in an instant, a divine phoenix was smashed into pieces. Even its soul could not escape at this time, and it could not die anymore.

"Hmph, don't you ancient tribe regard humans as your blood food? I don't know if you have changed your mind now." Yuan Changqing's tone was full of coldness.

"Humans, you are too arrogant. You are relying on this ancient imperial weapon."

"Being an enemy of our Taikoo clan, you will pay the price..."

"Hmph, don't think that only your human race has ancient imperial soldiers. I, Taikoo, also have them."


The ancient ancestor king is extremely angry now. When he can run rampant in the world, human beings can only crawl on the ground and be treated as his blood food, but they are killed at will.

However, with the birth of the two ancient emperors of the human race, the Sun Holy Emperor and the Taiyin Holy Emperor, the situation of part of human existence was finally reversed.

However, it was still extremely difficult. The two ancient human emperors fought for their whole lives and fought to the last drop of blood.

They are great, they have gained a glimmer of hope for mankind, and let mankind see that not only those ancient tribes can become great emperors, but the human race can also do it.

It was also later that the ancient emperors of the human race ascended to the throne in every era.

This is why mankind has such a beautiful living environment now. Therefore, the two ancient emperors of the human race have made eternal achievements and lasted forever.

Unfortunately, as the years go by, people now seem to have forgotten the achievements of the two ancient human emperors.


An ancient ancestral king wearing black armor rushed to the front, holding a war spear and exuding monstrous momentum.

It's a pity that the divine power of the imperial soldiers is immeasurable. With just one blow, the black-armored ancestor king was directly destroyed. The whole person was directly crushed into minced flesh, which was even worse than the previous divine phoenix.

"Hahaha, you pests are vulnerable to the imperial soldiers. You must die." The old madman also had murderous intent at this time and shouted loudly.

The old madman holding the imperial weapon was full of fighting spirit at this time, although he also wanted to have a happy battle with these ancient ancestor kings.

However, I also know that now is not the right time. After all, there are many ancient ancestor kings here.

If they end up fighting those ancient ancestor kings with real swords and guns, it may be difficult for Yuan Changqing to maintain the situation.

You must know that two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands. Haven't you seen that Yuan Changqing is struggling to maintain a corner of the imperial formation here?

These ancient ancestor kings have dried up their energy and blood, and their strength has been greatly reduced. However, after all, they are monks at the level of saint kings and great saints, so their strength cannot be underestimated.

It can be said that each of them can easily kill Yuan Changqing now, which is what the old madman has to consider.

If these ancient ancestor kings really escaped, I would be happy, but Yuan Changqing and the humans on Ziwei Ancient Star would be in danger.

"Break their blockade and escape first, otherwise, everyone will die."

"Okay, let's use our divine power together..."


Suddenly, an extremely powerful divine power shot out, trying to open a gap and escape from here.

"Don't even think about it you pests."

The immeasurable emperor suppressed the scene, and the divine light formation directly broke the monstrous divine power exerted by the ancient ancestors and kings together.

Moreover, the power did not diminish, and two more ancestor kings were swept away and turned into a pile of minced flesh, with blood mist filling the void.

"Everyone, don't worry about anything else and take action quickly, otherwise, everyone will die here."

Countless divine lights were emitted, and various weapons were fired, just to seize that glimmer of life.

Seeing their companions die one by one under the imperial soldiers, the hearts of those ancestor kings instantly felt cold, their fighting spirit was greatly reduced, and they had other thoughts in their hearts.

Even the three powerful saints inside were trembling at this time. After all, facing the imperial soldiers, this filled their hearts with a sense of powerlessness and they could not think of fighting to the death.

The Great Sage, in any era, is a peerless and powerful existence.

There are three great saints on the side of the ancient ancestral king, one ancestral king with a thousand arms, and the great sage's energy is surging.

The face of a great sage with dragon horns was extremely heavy at this time.

A great sage with a scaly face, full of endless anger.

The ancient ancestors and kings they brought with them on this ship were all beings with a short lifespan. They were wandering in the starry sky in search of a way to extend their lives.

However, they have also caused the death of countless living beings. As long as they encounter a living planet, it will be a bloodbath, and blood will flow into rivers, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

Now, facing the imperial soldiers and the blockade of a corner of the imperial formation, they are now a little at a loss.

This also made some ancient ancestor kings feel uneasy, wondering whether they should surrender. After all, it is better to die than to live. Only by living can there be hope.

It's a pity that they are destined to be disappointed. You must know that the human race has a blood feud with these ancient races.

Although in Beidou, the ancient race and the human race now coexist, it is because they do not want a Yakuza war to happen.

There are many imperial soldiers on both sides. If a battle between the extremes really breaks out, there will be no success and there will be heavy casualties.

Although the Ancient Clan is very powerful, and the Ancient Kings and Royal Clan have profound foundations, human beings are not bad either. That Holy Land and Great Sect have no foundation.

When it comes to the race war, it must be an earth-shattering battle. The collision of the Ji Dao imperial weapons will directly smash Beidou into pieces.

Another point is that when this great age comes, those ancient tribes are born, although they want to bully the human race and compete for a lot of territory and resources.

However, their more clear purpose is for the throne of this great world. Those princes and daughters of the ancient clan, who are like gods and sons, have been sealed for a long time until now, just to compete for the opportunity of this life.

Therefore, the ancient tribe and the human tribe are now fighting extremely fiercely. However, the top officials are maintaining a situation where they cannot break through the fight.

After all, no matter how important things are, nothing can compare to Emperor Chengdao.

This is also the reason why those ancient tribes seemed arrogant and constantly suppressed the human race after they were born, but the human race was still able to maintain the situation.

This is also the reason why the two tribes do not want to have a large-scale fight. They have agreed to let the younger generation compete, as long as the older generation does not end up.

However, the human race is not a fool. They know that the Taikoo clan is used to being arrogant and will definitely break the rules. Therefore, the few powerful humans who have been born are on guard against the Taikoo clan's assassinations.

"Senior, I can't maintain a corner of the Imperial Formation here." Yuan Changqing quickly reminded the old madman.

Facing the constant attacks from the Ancient Ancestor King, a corner of the imperial formation was crumbling, leaving Yuan Changqing to continuously channel his divine power.

Unfortunately, the divine pattern on one corner of the Imperial Formation is still being erased.

"Senior, let me help you." Ye Fan flew from a distance at this time.

Ye Fan also discovered the situation on Yuan Changqing's side and walked out without hesitation.

After all, Ye Fan knew the horror of these ancient ancestors. The disaster they caused was indescribable. It must have been a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Although Ye Fan is only the second powerful Immortal now, he is no longer a weakling in the world of cultivation.

With the addition of Ye Fan, Yuan Changqing breathed a sigh of relief, but the situation was not much better.

Those ancient ancestor kings were all saint kings and above, and their divine power was extremely terrifying.

"You guys just hold on a little longer." The old madman said at this time.

At this time, the dragon horse and the black turtle shine brightly, the immeasurable emperor's throne spreads across the void, and the entire ancient Ziwei star is shaking.

The terrifying imperial power burst out, and those ancient ancestor kings knew that this was the most dangerous time.

"Everyone, try your best, this is your last chance."


The overwhelming divine power was unleashed on Hetu Luoshu, but it did not shake this imperial weapon.

And Hetu Luoshu also burst out with imperial power, covering the ancient ancestor kings. Some weaker ancestor kings died directly and turned into pieces of flesh and blood.

Those ancestor kings who were still alive were all seriously injured. Obviously, Hetuluo Shu's explosive imperial power also made them feel uncomfortable.

This was before Hetu Luoshu unleashed its full power. If the imperial soldiers were fully revived, it would only take one turn for all the ancient ancestor kings here to be destroyed in an instant.

However, it is a bit difficult to fully recover the imperial soldiers, and it is not necessary to be there now.

The old madman is a powerful man at the level of a great saint, holding an imperial weapon. If he can't destroy a group of ancient ancestor kings with dried up blood and greatly reduced strength, he will just crash to death on tofu.

As the old madman continued to urge the emperor's soldiers to target the three great saints, facing the emperor's power and such an unsolvable situation, their outcome could only be death.


The first one to die was the ancestor king with scales on his face. He was also the weakest among the three great saints.

However, the other two were not much better, both looking like they were about to die.

"I hate it. If I were in my heyday, I wouldn't be like this."

"Human, you must die a good death. I, the Ancient Race, are born and will not let you humans go. The Ancient Race will rule the world again."


"Hmph, you're going to die, and you still talk so hard. In that case, I'll give you a ride first. As for your Taikoo clan's desire to rule the world again, I'm afraid you won't be able to see it." The old madman is not what he seems. Very easy to talk to.

Didn't you see the murderous look on the old madman's face when he faced the Ancient Ancestor King before? If you still don't know how to live or die, you can only die faster.


After that, the Thousand-Handed God Demon and the Dragon-Horned Ancestor King were also eliminated by the old madman using imperial weapons one after another, but the remaining Ancient Ancestor Kings were now frightened to death.

"Spare your life, we are willing to surrender..."

"Let us go, we just want to live..."


"Hmph, even if you are alive and causing the greatest harm to this world, you should still be buried with those dead souls!" the old madman said in a cold voice.

Then, a blood mist rose, and all the ancient ancestor kings were beaten into blood mist by the imperial soldiers in an instant.

With all the ancient ancestral kings being wiped out by the old madman holding imperial weapons, Ziwei's crisis was finally resolved this time.

When Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan saw this situation, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan did not participate much, they could be regarded as witnessing the terror of the imperial soldiers.

Hetu Luoshu has always been in Yuan Changqing's hands, but unfortunately, it has never exerted its power. This is because it is too weak.

After that, the three of them entered the copper warship and found a jade piece and skull that exuded the lunar atmosphere, and also obtained the Taiyin Immortal Sutra from inside.

Yuan Changqing knew that the owner of this jade was a follower and admirer of Emperor Wu Shi.

Unfortunately, in the end, only a piece of her skull was left, and she died so miserably.

"Ye Fan, I will leave this jade and the skull to you. When the time comes, you can give it to the Black Emperor, and it will know the reason." Yuan Changqing said to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan did not ask the specific reason, nodded and said: "Senior, don't worry, I will leave it to that dead dog."

Ye Fan was also extremely happy at this time. With the Taiyin Immortal Sutra, he had finally found the skills at the Immortal Stage level.

In this way, the scriptures for each of Ye Fan's great realms have finally been collected.

Ye Fan even practices the strongest scriptures in each realm to build the strongest foundation. However, this is a bit of a test for him.

After all, each realm cultivates different scriptures, and the principles in them are different. It is easy for conflicts to break out, which may lead to explosion and death.

Fortunately, Ye Fan has a peerless physique like the Ancient Holy Body, so he has been able to practice until now. Otherwise, he would have been useless long ago.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing thought for a while and taught the Sun Immortal Sutra to Ye Fan.

Even if Yuan Changqing doesn't give it, Ye Fan can still get it from the human demon Dongfang Taiyi.

As soon as Ye Fan received the past information imparted by Yuan Changqing, he was overjoyed again. He did not expect to gain such a big harvest this time.

"Thank you, senior." Ye Fan thanked him.

Yuan Changqing waved his hand and said: "I know your plan, but you have left some disadvantages."

"After all, the paths are different and conflicts are easy to occur. If one of them is not good, you may be ruined."

"Also, if nothing happens to you now, it's because of your physical condition."

"So, if you can't regulate the great power in your body in the future, it will be difficult to improve your cultivation level."

"Therefore, you can practice and understand the natural way, or you can go to Zhuofeng to consult with fellow Taoist Li."

At this time, Ye Fan's face also had a solemn expression. He had already understood what Yuan Changqing said, and was forcibly suppressed by it.

Moreover, as the cultivation level gets higher, the feeling of conflict between the avenues becomes more and more obvious.

However, the method Yuan Changqing said made Ye Fan's eyes light up.

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