Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 373 Planning the Taiyin Cult (two in one)

"Senior, what are your plans next?" Yuan Changqing asked after taking the Hetu Luoshu from the old madman.

"I should take a look around on Ziwei Ancient Star." The eyes of the young and old lunatic were filled with profound expressions at this time.

Ye Fan also asked at this time: "Senior, when will you return to Beidou? I wonder if you can take me back with you?"

Ye Fan's arrival in Beidou was full of surprises. He actually wanted to return to the Earth Star, but something happened in the middle and he came to Beidou.

"I don't know either, but since you are here, you can take advantage of this opportunity to practice well here." The old madman suggested to Ye Fan.

"Indeed, although the cultivation method here is consistent with Beidou's, there are still some differences, and the understanding of the avenue is also somewhat different. You can indeed experience it here." Yuan Changqing also nodded and said.

At this time, Ye Fan asked Yuan Changqing again: "Does the senior know if this crape myrtle has a way to return to Beidou?"

"Yes, there is a five-color altar back in Beidou in the Bajing Palace. You should know Yi Tiande. It is now occupied by him." Yuan Changqing explained.

Ye Fan knew Yi Tiande, but he didn't want his brother to be killed by him.

Now that the two have a grudge, they want to use it to get back. If there is really no other way, they can only rob it.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing looked at the old madman and said: "Senior, if you are not in a hurry, please stay temporarily. Junior, there is something I need to discuss with you."

"Oh, tell me!" The old madman suddenly became interested.

"I think the seniors should have some understanding of the Taiyin Immortal Sutra we just obtained." Yuan Changqing said.

The old madman nodded and said: "This is the Immortal Scripture created by the ancient emperor Taiyin Saint Emperor of the human race. This ancient emperor has also made great contributions through the ages and deserves the respect of future generations like us. Why, does it have anything to do with this? ?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and explained: "Senior has just come to this ancient Ziwei star. There may be some things that are not clear yet, but the inheritance left by the Taiyin Holy Emperor has been destroyed."

"What, who will destroy the inheritance left by the Holy Emperor of my human race!" After hearing Yuan Changqing's words, the old madman suddenly became angry.

However, then the old madman became a little confused and said: "That's not right. Although I have only been here not long ago, isn't the Taiyin Sect on the ancient planet Ziwei well-established? Could there be any changes in this?"

Yuan Changqing said with a serious face: "Yes, although the Taiyin God Sect exists now, it is still the Taiyin God Sect before."

"It's just that this is just an appearance. In the Taiyin God Religion, there are no descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor anymore. They were all killed by the current controllers of the Taiyin God Religion."

As soon as Yuan Changqing finished speaking, in an instant, a monstrous force rose up with immeasurable power, making Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan next to them unprepared and knocked away.

"They dare to do such a heinous and unethical thing. Aren't they afraid that we, the powerful human race, will liquidate them?" the old madman said angrily, while retracting the sudden burst of momentum.

Then he said: "Also, haven't the major human forces in Ziwei Ancient Star sought justice for the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor? Have they forgotten everything the Holy Emperor has done for our human race?"

Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan returned to the old madman and sighed. Ye Fan was also extremely shocked when he heard the news.

Because Ye Fan needs to collect the strongest scriptures, and the Sendai chapter requires the use of the Taiyin Immortal Sutra or the Taiyang Immortal Sutra.

Therefore, I still know a lot about the two oldest Holy Emperors of the human race, but I can't believe that someone now dares to risk the disapproval of the world to kill the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Queen, and even directly exterminate them.

Ye Fan didn't wait for the old madman to ask questions, and hurriedly asked: "Senior, what is going on? Who are the current people of the Taiyin God Sect?"

Yuan Changqing further explained: "You may not believe it, but strictly speaking, the people of the Taiyin God Sect are also members of the Taiyin God Sect, but they are servants of the descendants of the Holy Queen."

"It's just that later on, when the Holy Queen became weak, these servants had other thoughts and became rebellious."

"So, we took advantage of the fact that no strong person was born from the descendants of the Holy Queen, and directly destroyed the descendants of the Holy Queen."

"Moreover, no one with the blood of the Holy Emperor will be spared, and all will be slaughtered."

After hearing this, the old lunatic was furious and said in a cold voice: "What a Taiyin God Cult and what a servant. How dare you kill your master? I can't let them go."

Yuan Changqing added: "You may not believe it, but now even the Sun God Sect is suppressed by some forces on Ziwei Ancient Star, among which the Taiyin God Sect and the Golden Crow Clan are the worst."

"Therefore, they teamed up with some forces to continuously erode the sphere of influence of the Sun God Religion. Some time ago, they were almost wiped out."

At this time, the old madman became even more angry. The descendants of the two ancient emperors of the human race were living in such misery on this ancient Ziwei star.

"Senior, what happened next?" Ye Fan asked.

Yuan Changqing said: "I was in the Sun God Religion at the time and sent back the quasi-emperor soldiers of an ancestor of the Sun God Religion. This resolved the crisis."

"Otherwise, you should have heard the news that the Sun God Cult was destroyed by the Golden Crow Clan."

The old madman asked at this time: "Then you said you have something to discuss with me, is it because of the Taiyin God Sect?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, the people of the Taiyin God Sect are causing trouble in Ziwei. Not only do they occupy the magpie's nest and massacre the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor, but they are also plotting against the Sun God Sect. Immortal It’s not enough to comfort the Holy Emperor.”

The old madman nodded and said: "But we want to clean up these human scum. What are your plans?"

Yuan Changqing looked at the old madman and said: "Senior, this Taiyin God Sect is not weak in strength and has a strong foundation. It will definitely not be able to do it just by relying on people like us."

"So, my opinion is to unite some forces to encircle the Taiyin Sect."

"Also, in order to prevent accidents, I will ask seniors to use imperial soldiers to block the Taiyin Sect and directly eliminate their foundation."

"This way, those people down there won't have anything to worry about."

Ye Fan also said at this time: "Senior, count me in."

Although Ye Fan can cause trouble, he is still very loyal and principled to the people around him or those who have helped him.

Moreover, not to mention getting the Taiyin Immortal Sutra this time, just based on the achievements of the Taiyin Holy Emperor to the human race, it is worth Ye Fan's action.

This is also the reason why Yuan Changqing proposed to let the old madman stay temporarily this time. Since he has received benefits, he cannot ignore it.

Also, by destroying the Taiyin Sect this time, we can also get a lot of resources from there, killing two birds with one stone.

Yuan Changqing also plans to invite the Sun God Sect. Now is the time when the Sun God Sect needs training resources and establishes its authority.

Although the Sun God Religion has temporarily resolved its crisis, it still has the foundation to suppress it by quasi-emperor soldiers.

However, there is no guarantee that the Golden Crow tribe will not attack the Sun God Religion again. After all, the Golden Crow tribe has a profound foundation that cannot be compared with the current Sun God Religion.

Bringing the Sun God Sect on board will not only expand the Sun God Sect's sphere of influence, but also strengthen the Sun God Sect's momentum and let people know that there are still people in the human race who have not forgotten the achievements of the two ancient emperors of the human race.

It’s not that I won’t retaliate, but those who covet the Holy Emperor will have to weigh it before the time comes.

If there are really people who are not afraid of death and still want to have bad ideas, they will have to wait for the day when they will be liquidated by the strong men of the human race.

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if you don't tell me, you will be indispensable here. When the time comes, you will still need to put in a lot of effort."

"However, there is no need to worry yet. We still need to discuss it, and it will take some time."

"Now, let's leave here first and go to the Sun God Sect. With the help of them, a local force in Ziwei Ancient Star, our plan can be implemented."

The old madman nodded and said: "Okay, let's do it like this. Make a decision before taking action. This time we must destroy the Taiyin Sect."

Afterwards, the old madman took Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan directly across the void and headed towards the Sun God Sect.

Sun Cult.

In the past few years, the Sun God Sect has developed steadily. With the last record of defeating the Golden Crow Tribe, no force can underestimate the Sun God Sect anymore.

Moreover, the Sun God Sect also gained a prestige due to its power in destroying the Golden Crow Army last time. Those cities that were close to the Sun God Sect and originally belonged to the Sun God Sect were taken back without even a single soldier.

The forces occupying the city are not stupid either. Although the Sun God Sect has not made any move to take back the city after defeating the Golden Crow Army.

However, those forces also know that this is only temporary. The Sun God Sect voluntarily gave up before in order to shrink its power and preserve its strength.

When the strength is restored in the future, the first ones to be retaliated will be those forces close to the Sun God Cult. Who allows you to occupy things that do not belong to you in the first place? If you don't attack, who will attack you?

Therefore, those forces were smart enough to give up on their own initiative and withdrew from the cities close to the city of the Sun God Cult.

As for those that were relatively far away, I didn't give up. After all, since I had taken possession of them, I couldn't just give them up.

Why were the cities close to the City of the Sun God abandoned? The main reason was that they were too close, and the Sun God Sect would not let those forces occupy it for a long time. They would eventually take it back one day.

Those who originally belonged to the sphere of influence of the Sun God Sect, if they want to take it back again, they have to wait for the Sun God Sect to rise again, and no one knows when that will happen.

Therefore, those forces are also confident, and now they are not afraid of the Sun God Cult.

Although the Sun God Cult is now on the rise, it will take a lot of time. It would be good if it can maintain its current sphere of influence.

Those forces also know the details of the Sun God Cult, otherwise, they would have fled long ago.

As soon as Yuan Changqing arrived at the Sun God Cult, he was warmly welcomed by the Sun God Lord and other senior officials.

Now that the Sun God Religion is flourishing again, it is all thanks to Yuan Changqing.

Although Yuan Changqing did not personally participate in it, if it were not for Yuan Changqing, the current Sun God Sect might have become history.

Yuan Changqing not only brought the Sun Immortal Sutra - the Sun Immortal Sutra - to the Sun God Sect, he also brought a quasi-imperial weapon.

On Ziwei Ancient Star, an ancient star where no extreme forces exist, a quasi-emperor weapon can suppress any disobedience and transcend anything.

If the Sun God Cult had not exhausted all its resources, the strongest ones would be some kings, not many.

Only a few have been born in these years. Counting the Sun Lords who first became kings, the total number is less than ten.

Otherwise, with the quasi-emperor soldiers in hand, the entire territory of the Sun God Sect would have been recovered long ago.

This is because the foundation of the Sun God Religion has been consumed for a long time and is completely gone. Even if there are quasi-emperor soldiers, it is only to ensure that the Sun God Religion is immortal and can develop smoothly.

"Fellow Daoist Yuan, where have you been in the past few years? I thought you had left Ziwei Ancient Star." Holy Lord Sun asked.

Although Holy Lord Sun has never asked about Yuan Changqing's origin before, he also knows that he is not from the ancient planet Ziwei.

As for why it is so certain, it is because it can be guessed from the golden spear.

There is still a record in the clan of the Holy Sun Lord, the ancestor of the Sun God Cult who owned the Golden Divine Spear.

In order to find an opportunity to become a great emperor and already a quasi-emperor, he left Ziwei Ancient Star and headed for the boundless starry sky. There has been no news since then.

The golden spear that Yuan Changqing brought back also let the Sun Lord and the others know that their ancestor eventually died outside.

Therefore, since Yuan Changqing has the golden spear in his hand, it can be determined that he is not from Ziwei Ancient Star.

In addition, Ziwei Ancient Star has never heard of Yuan Changqing, a strong man, which can also be proved.

Yuan smiled and said: "That's not true. Over the years, I have been traveling on the ancient star Ziwei and understood the traces of the great road here."

Holy Lord Sun nodded and said: "Looking at the strength of fellow Taoist, I can't see clearly. I think I will gain a lot this time."

In the past, after the Sun Lord became the king, he could still feel Yuan Changqing's strength. Now after several years, Yuan Changqing's strength becomes more and more unfathomable.

Afterwards, Holy Lord Sun looked at the two people beside Yuan Changqing and asked: "Fellow Taoist, I didn't know these two are fellow Taoists..."

Yuan Changqing introduced at this time: "This senior Xuan Xiao is a senior in the world of cultivation where I am. This is a little friend of mine named Ye Fan."

Yuan Changqing introduced the Holy Lord of the Sun and the senior leaders of the Sun God Religion one by one.

For the old madman and Ye Fan, they are young and shameless, but Ye Fan is okay, they can also sense their great strength.

As for the old madman, he is a bit too young now, and he is actually Yuan Changqing's senior.

They were even more surprised by the strength of the old madman. They could not sense his strength at all. They only felt that it was ordinary and unfathomable, like a bottomless pit with no bottom.

Therefore, Holy Lord Sun and others also fully knew that the excessively young senior Yuan Changqing mentioned was indeed a senior.

Therefore, the Sun Lord and others also had difficulty meeting the old madman and the two, and they still have to be in awe when facing the powerful.

After everyone got to know each other, Yuan Changqing said again: "Holy Lord, we are here this time because there is something we need your help with."

Holy Lord Sun waved his hand and said: "My fellow Taoist's words are serious. With your kindness to our clan, there is no need to be so polite."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "This time we are here to destroy the Taiyin Sect. Some subsequent plans will require the use of your Sun Sect's manpower."

Although he knew that Yuan Changqing was not weak, the old madman was even more unfathomable.

However, Holy Lord Sun still reminded: "Fellow Taoist, the Taiyin God Sect has been coveting our Sun God Sect for a long time, and we are also eager to destroy them."

"However, the background of the Taiyin Sect is not simple. It is very likely that there is a peerless powerhouse at the level of a great saint among them."

"So, it's still a little inappropriate to act rashly like this."

Although he didn't say it clearly, Holy Lord Sun still reminded Yuan Changqing.

Yuan Changqing said with a smile: "Don't worry, Senior Xuan Xiao is a peerless powerhouse at the level of a great saint. When the time comes, those saint-level powerhouses from the Taiyin God Sect will not need to worry about us."

The Sun Lord and others were also shocked when they heard this. They did not expect that the old madman was actually a peerless powerhouse at the level of a great saint.

Later, Yuan Changqing brought another news, saying: "I wonder if you have heard about what happened in Tianyuan City before."

Holy Lord Sun asked: "Is it because of the appearance of an ancient saint? In that case, he should be Senior Xuan Xiao."

"That's not the case." Yuan Changqing shook his head and said.

Holy Lord Sun thought for a while, thought of something, and said, "Is it the strange imperial power that appeared on the ancient Ziwei star before?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, the ancient ancestor king appeared on Ziwei ancient star before, preparing to feed all the spirits on Ziwei ancient star. It was Senior Xuan Xiao who took action and killed all the ancient ancestors with imperial weapons. Ancestor King."

After all, the incident about the Ancient Ancestor King happened not long ago, and Yuan Changqing and the others came directly to the Sun God Cult.

Therefore, Holy Lord Sun and the others are not clear about it for the time being. The time is too short and the news is still in the process of spreading. It is expected that it will spread throughout the ancient Ziwei star soon.

However, that imperial power was felt by all the forces on the ancient Ziwei Star. The power that shook the world was extremely terrifying.

It happened again on the ancient planet Ziwei, and everyone here could easily feel the immeasurable divine power.

Thinking of this, Holy Lord Sun and others were extremely happy. In this way, Yuan Changqing and the others said that they would destroy the Taiyin Sect, which was not a sure thing.

This is great news for the Sun God Cult.

After all, the Taiyin God Sect was the human force that suppressed the Sun God Religion the most in the past. Now that they have the opportunity to take revenge, they will naturally not let it go.

Therefore, the Holy Lord of the Sun promised: "Fellow Taoist, tell me what to do. The Sun God Sect guarantees that this matter will be handled properly."

"Not only that, we, the Sun God Sect, have also joined you. This time we can finally take revenge."

Regarding the details of the Taiyin God Religion, the Taiyin God Religion is still very clear, but in the past, their strength did not allow it, and they faced the situation of being coveted by the Taiyin God Religion, which made them extremely arrogant.

At this time, Yuan Changqing talked about his plan and said: "We only need to spread one piece of news now, and that is to spread the news about how the Taiyin God Sect can control the Taiyin God Sect from a mere servant."

"Also, the most important thing is that the people of the Taiyin Divine Sect betrayed the Lord and massacred the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor. The news has spread, letting everyone on the entire Ziwei Ancient Planet know."

"In this way, those forces or casual cultivators who have been suppressed by the Taiyin Sect will also help us continue to spread this news."

"Then, we are waiting for a suitable time, when the news is almost ready."

"When the time comes, if you, the Sun God Sect, raise your arms, I think many forces and casual cultivators will join in and destroy the Taiyin God Sect together."

The old lunatic said harshly: "As for those masters above saints, it is up to me to take action. Those who dare to massacre the descendants of the Holy Emperor's bloodline should be considered. This time I will make them fall into disgrace."

Ye Fan heard Yuan Changqing's plan at this time, and instantly realized that this was not the same as the public opinion on Earth.

At that time, as long as public opinion is consistent, those dark things of the Taiyin God Sect will be exposed, and it will be shit if not shit.

Besides, these things are facts to begin with, but in the past, other forces on Ziwei Ancient Star could not do anything to them when faced with the powerful Taiyin God Sect.

After all, the matter is of no concern to oneself. If there is no absolute certainty, it will not be made public. Everyone knows what is going on.

Now that there is an opportunity, I think there are still many forces who are willing to see it.

When the time comes, there is a high probability that they will participate in it and get a share of the pie. After all, Taiyin God Sect is a big religion with countless good things.

The Holy Lord of the Sun said at this time: "Okay, I will make arrangements now to ensure that this news is completely exposed on the Ziwei Ancient Star, so that people in the world can see the true face of the Sun God Sect."

Moreover, this also made the senior leaders of the Sun God Religion very happy. They could finally take revenge, even if it was not because of the Taiyin Holy Emperor.

Until now, the Taiyin Cult has been usurped for thousands of years.

From a servant to a master, all the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor were slaughtered because they were weak.

Now with Yuan Changqing's plan, we can finally expose this traitorous and ruthless force that killed the master.

The Holy Lord of the Sun and others also quickly arranged for people from the Sun God Cult to spread across various places, and began to spread the details about the Taiyin God Cult, detonating such news that shocked the ancient star of Ziwei.

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