Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 395 Trapping and Killing the Enemy Bandits (Two in One)

There were constant turmoil in the Eastern Wasteland, one after another. Not long after the grand gathering of all races ended, there was an attack on the ancient forbidden land.

This caused another wave of disturbance in Donghuang, which had finally calmed down, and made countless creatures in the southern region tremble.

Even the fighting Buddha and the divine silkworm princess almost fell into the ancient forbidden land while holding the imperial weapons.

The Great Sage's attack on the ancient forbidden land also continued to spread to the outside world, instantly shocking the Southern Region and the five regions.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the Black Emperor and the Holy Prince carried the decree of the Wushi Emperor, and they finally calmed down.

Of course, only the person involved knows the specific situation inside, and the outside world only knows that there is great terror in the ancient forbidden land.

The outside world has no idea why the ancient forbidden land suddenly calmed down.

The major events that occurred in the Eastern Wasteland slowly calmed down, finally giving the world a sense of peace.

However, there was an undercurrent surging secretly. Ye Fan reappeared on the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, and in a short period of time, he did several earth-shattering things.

Rather, these events are all related to the Taikoo clan, which makes the Taikoo clan hate Ye Fan deeply, especially the emperor.

Although after the meeting of all races, the agreement between the human race and Taikoo stipulated that saints should not intervene in the battle between heaven and earth.

Therefore, the fight between the younger generation of Beidou, as long as there is no strong person such as a saint or above to intervene, life or death will depend on it.

Therefore, the Taikoo clan began to make secret moves again, especially the Emperor's son who danced the most happily.

As well as Ye Fan's enemies, after all, Ye Fan used to be on Beidou, but he took over a lot of enemies.

But now Ye Fan is alive and kicking, and those enemies naturally don't want to give up so easily.

Like the Shaking Light Holy Land, this holy land that the ruthless emperor penetrated very hard, Ye Fan is salivating over the origin of the ancient forbidden land.

In addition, Ye Fan and Yaoguang Holy Land had a grudge, so Yaoguang Holy Land also began to plot in secret.

Ye Fan still has many friends on Beidou, and these friends are also reminding Ye Fan to be careful of those enemies.

Therefore, Ye Fan also knew that those enemies wanted to cut Ye Fan into pieces and kill him quickly.

In addition, the two sides have an inextricable hatred. Not only did they force Ye Fan to stay away from the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, but they also hunted down Li Heishui, Pang Bo and other relatives and friends.

As a result, Ye Fan also began to plan secretly, and there were two black-hearted guys, Black Emperor and Duan De, around him.

And Ye Fan himself is also a guy who treats his enemies with a thick face and a dark heart. As long as those enemies fall into the trap, it will be difficult.

You must know that Beidou is now a world where the king rules the roost. As long as the saint does not appear, the king is invincible.

Now Ye Fan is facing many enemies, so Ye Fan also plans to kill a group of people with bad intentions first to frighten the enemies.

In the Holy City of the Northern Territory, a news suddenly spread throughout the world's major trading companies and auction houses.

Auction houses like Tian Yao Que have received the task of purchasing five-color stones. Of course, it is not just Tian Yao Que, but other auction houses and trading companies have also received such commissions.

As soon as this news came out, it spread quickly throughout the five regions and caused a commotion. No one knew what happened.

Many forces in Beidou know the role of five-color stones, which are used to build long-distance teleportation arrays.

But now, there are actually people buying five-color stones in large quantities, and many auction houses and trading companies are buying them together.

This is the first time that such a situation has happened in Beidou. Therefore, many forces are also speculating about what unknown secrets there are.

Suddenly, this news also made Beidou monks a topic of conversation.

The news, true and false, false and true, left many forces confused.

However, two months later, news came out that the person entrusted with the purchase of the five-color stone was Ye Fan, the Holy Body of the Human Race.

Ye Fan acquired these five-color stones in order to build a five-color altar and go outside the territory.

When Yuan Changqing learned this news, he knew that Ye Fan must have met the divine mind of the Dacheng Holy Body.

Many forces that had grudges against Ye Fan couldn't sit still for a moment when they learned that Ye Fan was acquiring the five-color stones and preparing to build an altar and go outside the territory.

As a result, the turmoil in the dark became even more undercurrent, causing huge waves in an instant.

If Ye Fan is really allowed to gather the five-color stones, build an altar and go abroad, it will be difficult to kill Ye Fan.

Therefore, many forces hostile to Ye Fan began to plan, hoping to kill Ye Fan before he fully emerged!

Tianduan Mountains.

This is an inaccessible area in Zhongzhou, an area that few people have set foot on, tens of millions of miles of vast wilderness, boundless.

There are countless mountains and rivers here, majestic and majestic. From a distance, they are all black and boundless.

Countless peaks tower into the clouds, but the tops of countless peaks here have been flattened, forming huge platforms.

According to legend, these platforms were cut off with one face by a supreme emperor, resulting in such a strange scene.

However, Yuan Changqing knew that immortal beings once lived here, and they were wiped out by the ruthless emperor 200,000 years ago, which gave it this appearance.

However, these are all legends, and whether they are true or not cannot be verified after such a long time.

However, Yuan Changqing believed that this should be true, and the ruthless emperor also had such strength.

But now, countless divine patterns have been secretly placed here. It is difficult to detect them without special means.

There are countless people hiding here. These people have a grudge against Ye Fan and want to bury Ye Fan here.

Therefore, these people ambush and hide here early, waiting for Mark to come.

So many people, not knowing how much Ye Fan was hated, wanted to kill him.

Among them is the Dacheng Holy Body God Nian that Yuan Changqing knows. This is the Dacheng Holy Body God Nian that came from Mars with Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan and others to the Beidou Emperor Burial Star.

Not only that, but the Crocodile Ancestor divine fetus from Mars that parasitized Li Xiaoman also appeared here. Naturally, Hua Yunfei was also indispensable.

There are also the world and hell in the three great killer dynasties above Beidou. After all, Ye Fan has killed countless of their killers before.

In addition, Ye Fan has long had a grudge against these two killer dynasties. Ye Fan was assassinated by them before he left the Beidou Emperor Burial Star.

However, as the son of the world that covers the sky, Ye Fan is invincible in terms of luck.

Therefore, every time the killer dynasty assassinated Ye Fan, they always failed.

This is also a major pain point for the Killer Dynasty. After all, when Ye Fan was not very powerful, every assassination failed.

As Ye Fan's strength increases, the difficulty of assassination also continues to increase, which makes the assassin dynasty uncomfortable.

You know, because of the special nature of the assassin dynasty's cultivation techniques, many times they can surpass the level of assassination.

However, they suffered a lot from Ye Fan. No one was assassinated, but the killer suffered a lot of losses.

This is also the reason why the two killer gods think about killing Ye Fan all the time, and this is also the reason why they participated in the siege of Ye Fan.

Of course, the Taikoo clan is definitely indispensable. Ye Fan has endless grudges with the Emperor.

Therefore, those ancient beings from the ancient clan who followed the Emperor of Heaven also sent their masters to the Tianduan Mountains.

And when these forces come together to surround Ye Fan, you can imagine how powerful Ye Fan's black-recruiting physique is. It may be comparable to the great sage Huntuo of the Ancient Clan who persuades peace.

After all, what the Great Sage Huntuo is most famous for is not his strength, but his mouth. This is very similar to Shen Gongbao's "Fellow Taoist, please stay" in the prehistoric world.

This time, many kings came to besiege Ye Fan. If it weren't for the fact that the saint could not be born, even the saint would probably be dispatched.

It seems that these people really have endless hatred for Ye Fan, and they are determined to kill Ye Fan for this.

Instead, the Emperor even dispatched his semi-saints, intending to kill Ye Fan with one blow.

Of course, in addition to those who have grudges against Ye Fan and want to take revenge on Ye Fan, there are also some forces with ulterior motives involved.

As for the purpose of these people coming, they are also different. Some are for fame, and some are to clear the obstacles on the road ahead in advance.

After all, Ye Fan is an ancient holy body, and he has survived the four great tribulations. He has made some achievements in cultivation and is invincible at the same level.

Judging from Ye Fan's current development, there is now a big obstacle on the emperor's road, blocking the way of countless geniuses.

With Ye Fan's current strength, he can be said to be invincible among his peers, which scares countless forces, especially those who are talented and qualified to compete for the existence of the Godless One.

Therefore, this is also the reason why they want to eliminate Ye Fan in advance. You know, if Ye Fan is really allowed to grow up, it will be terrifying.

Therefore, many people do not want Ye Fan to grow up. These forces are not unaware of the horror of the Dacheng Holy Body.

After all, the Dacheng Holy Body at its peak was an existence that could compete with the Great Emperor.

If Ye Fan is not eradicated, when Ye Fan succeeds in his cultivation in the future, the first ones to suffer will definitely be those forces who have a grudge against Ye Fan.

And these forces will also be liquidated by Ye Fan. This is also the reason why those forces who have enmity with Ye Fan have to kill Ye Fan.

Moreover, the battle between the emperor and the emperor has never been smooth sailing.

This is a road of no return, full of blood and killings. If you want to achieve the highest position, you can only walk on endless corpses.

The Beidou Emperor Burial Star is even more cruel, and the struggle is even more intense.

Prodigies from all walks of life, emperors, princes, princesses, sons of gods, saints, etc., as well as all major races in the universe.

In these Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, these peerless talents emerge in endlessly, as well as those monsters who have been self-styled since long time ago.

If we don't fight, we can only be wiped out in the world. If the geniuses of all races fight to survive, it will be a glorious world.

And now, this glorious world is not far away, and geniuses from all walks of life have begun to appear, competing for that supreme opportunity.

While all the forces were waiting slowly, I don't know how long it took, Ye Fan took the Black Emperor, Duan De, the Holy Prince and others out of the domain gate and came to the Tianduan Mountain Range.

However, those forces who wanted to kill Ye Fan quickly did not know that this was a shocking killing situation set up by Ye Fan, just to kill those who wanted to kill him first.

All this is a secret plan by Ye Fan and others. After all, it is not a good thing to be targeted all the time, so Ye Fan plans to strike first.

You know, you can only be a thief in a thousand days, but you can't prevent a thief in a thousand days. Ye Fan still knows this truth.

In addition, there are Black Emperor, Duan De, and Holy Emperor who are not afraid of trouble, so even if it causes earth-shaking trouble, it won't be a big deal.

With the arrival of Ye Fan and others, this killing spree has also begun. This will definitely be a major event that shocks the five regions.

"Holy Body Ye Fan is here!"

After seeing Ye Fan enter the Tianduan Mountains, countless monks appeared and entered one after another. Suddenly, this area was filled with murderous intent.

In an instant, someone started to take action against Ye Fan and others. Divine light bloomed, and countless crocodile ancestors appeared and attacked Ye Fan. This was Li Xiaoman's move.

Of course, strictly speaking, Crocodile Ancestor should have taken action. After all, Li Xiaoman has now become a puppet.

As for whether Li Xiaoman has been swallowed by the crocodile ancestor's divine fetus, he probably hasn't yet. Otherwise, Li Xiaoman will not fall into the ancient forbidden land and become a slave in the future.

As countless crocodile ancestors charged, the shadow of a golden giant crocodile followed, turned into a tangible body, rushed towards Ye Fan, and attacked, with unpredictable power.

Murderous intentions were unleashed, and all forces used various means to attack Ye Fan and others.


The holy power is shaking. This is a legendary holy soldier awakening. A terrifying holy power instantly appears in the void, and the immeasurable divine light strikes Ye Fan and others. This is to kill with one blow.

It's a pity that these people have underestimated Ye Fan and his group. None of them, such as Black Emperor, Duan De, and Holy Emperor, are simple.

If you want to kill Ye Fan and others with a handed down holy weapon, then you would be looking down on Ye Fan and others.


Duan De was the first to take action, and saw a black magical weapon with a lid appear. It was part of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar and could also unleash immeasurable divine power.

The black cover appeared above Duan De's head, covering Ye Fan and others, directly blocking the two powerful killing moves.

After that, in the central area of ​​Tianduan Mountain Range, imperial soldiers, holy soldiers, kings, and killers were seen taking action one after another. The mountains here were shattered and the void was constantly shaking.

This is just the beginning, and it has already entered a fierce battle. It is extremely fierce and terrifying. All kinds of magical powers are emerging one after another, and they are attacking each other as if they are free of charge.


Suddenly, a dark wind roared, blood rain poured down, and the whole world was extremely cold. A black figure appeared in the distance, looking at everything on the battlefield with indifference. This was the god who had become a holy body on Mars. Only miss.


The terrifying murderous intent emerged, as vast as the sea, and the murderous intent shot straight into the sky like huge energy pillars.

The central area of ​​the Tianduan Mountain Range was blocked from all directions, and the killing force was surging, as if it spanned eternity, traveled through ancient and modern times, and headed straight for Ye Fan and others.

Just when the Dacheng Holy Body God came to kill, the Black Emperor instantly activated the nine great emperor killing formations of the Wushi Emperor.

Although these emperor killing formations were just a corner, the aura of the ancient emperor instantly filled the air, and the terrifying killing intent made countless people feel scared and frightened.

The murderous intent surged to the sky, and pillars of air reached the sky and the earth, turning into a vast place of murderous intent. No one could escape from here.

Then, Ye Fan and others began to kill these people without mercy.

Suddenly, there were screams and screams of terror, and bones were flying everywhere. It was too horrible to see.

Countless people died tragically on the spot. Sons of gods, goddesses, and kings were all ruthlessly killed, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, and no bones left.

The murderous intent of the Great Emperor's Killing Formation surged into the sky. The nine imperial formations were connected to each other at one corner. Murderous intent swept across all directions. Countless corpses fell and turned into a bloody mist.


At this time, the Dacheng Holy Body finally began to take action. The terrifying aura filled the void, and it was extremely powerful, constantly confronting the Emperor's killing array.

"Hey, this old monster is starting to take action, Ye Heizi, hurry up, I can't handle this thing." The Black Emperor shouted quickly at this time.

"Just hold on for a while, and I'll be here to help you soon." Ye Fan responded quickly.

Afterwards, Ye Fan went on a killing spree against the killer dynasty, ancient creatures and others. For a moment, blood flowed here, killing countless people in fear.

The Black Emperor worked hard to fight against the divine thoughts. Although the divine thoughts of the Dacheng Holy Body were cut off by 90% of its strength and foundation, after all, it was once an invincible Dacheng Holy Body and had profound combat experience.

Therefore, the Divine Thought of the Great Holy Body should not be underestimated. On his body, the divine power as rich as demonic energy was constantly gushing out, and the corner of the Great Emperor's killing array was constantly shaking.

Ye Fan also showed great power here, strongly urging the imperial formation to kill the golden crocodile ancestor clone.

"Ye Fan, come and help, I can't stop him anymore." Black Emperor shouted loudly.

Afterwards, Ye Fan hurriedly came here to help the Black Emperor, and together with the Black Emperor, he mobilized the Great Emperor's killing array and continuously attacked the Dacheng Holy Body Divine Mind.

The terrifying battle was extremely fierce, the collision of sinister energy and murderous intent was boundless in terror.

This time, the Dacheng Holy Body God came here to kill Ye Fan and seize Ye Fan's body to be reborn.

Moreover, this idea of ​​the Dacheng Holy Body God exists because of evil thoughts, and is extremely evil. Otherwise, he would not want to seize the body of Ye Fan, who also has a Holy Body physique.

Unfortunately, because the nine levels of strength and Tao foundation were cut off, the Dacheng Holy Body did not last long. The strength and origin accumulated over the years were consumed by Ye Fan and the Black Emperor. Years of planning came to nothing in one day.

"Ah... I hate it. Years of planning have come to nothing..." The Dacheng Holy Body Divine Thought kept roaring towards Ye Fan.

Obviously, this Dacheng Holy Body God is extremely unwilling to accept it. Finally, he has the possibility of rebirth, but he did not expect that everything here is planned by Ye Fan.

Wu Shi, the Dacheng Holy Body God wanted to see if the plan failed, so he rushed towards Ye Fan desperately, wanting to die together.

"Ha, I'll send you on your way!" Ye Fan sneered.

I saw a big black and yellow cauldron rushing out from the center of Ye Fan's eyebrows, and terrifying divine flames poured out from it, in the shape of nine colors.

This is the divine fire in the fire domain in the Eastern Wasteland South Territory. For this plan, Ye Fan personally went to collect a lot of it, just to deceive the monsters.


The terrifying screams came from the mouth of the Dacheng Holy Body God. They were so cruel that they made people feel their scalp numb.

The nine-color divine flames drowned the divine thought of the Great Holy Body, and the black energy on his body was constantly evaporating, and he was constantly struggling to escape from the divine flames.

It's a pity that it itself is a yin object. How can it be escaped from the divine flame that is as strong as the yang?

"My body, you wait, no matter how you turn the world upside down, you will eventually escape from my unstoppable hand." The Dacheng Holy Body God kept yelling at Ye Fan, and his huge body continued to shrink.

Then, he fled directly into the corpse of a stone man who had participated in the siege and killing of Ye Fan, hoping to escape from here.

"Humph, you're already like this, and you still want to run away!" Ye Fan snorted coldly when he saw this.

Immediately, Ye Fan raised his hand and laid out three killing formations, which were integrated with the other nine beginningless killing formations.

In an instant, the rays of light spread, a terrifying murderous secret was spread, and the murderous aura rose, immediately chopping the stone man almost to pieces.

Ye Fan kept using killing moves, which made the Dacheng Holy Body Divine Mind very angry, but there was nothing he could do about Ye Fan.

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