Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 396 Holy Body Transmission (Two in One)

Ye Fan activated the Wu Shi Killing Formation and directly shattered the stone man's body that was the holy body of God.

However, Dacheng Holy Body Divine Nian still wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but unfortunately, he was blocked by Ye Fan.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, Dacheng Holy Body Divine Thought could only rush toward Ye Fan like a madman, trying to seize Ye Fan's body.

However, the current Dacheng Holy Body Divine Mind is already low in strength, and its accumulated strength has been consumed. How can it be Ye Fan's opponent.

Therefore, the Dacheng Holy Body planned to go all out, and a voice like a curse sounded in his mouth.

"Awaken the memory of the previous life, borrow the Tao Fruit of the previous life..."

As the curse-like voice sounded, a terrifying wave of pressure filled the void instantly.

I saw a golden energy pouring directly from the top of the mind of the Dacheng Holy Body God. It was extremely sacred and contained no trace of Yin energy.

As this golden sacred energy enters the body of the Dacheng Holy Body, the golden color all over the body becomes extremely sacred, majestic and majestic.

The breath of this terrifying golden energy makes people feel that their souls are trembling. Even the Beginningless Killing Formation cannot do any harm.

At this time, the world between heaven and earth felt suffocating, filled with an aura of immeasurable terror, as if a great emperor had returned from a long time ago.

This is the divine power of the Dacheng Holy Body at its peak, and it is also the divine thought of the Dacheng Holy Body that awakens the memory of the previous life and welcomes back the Tao and Fruit of the previous life.

Moreover, as the Dacheng Holy Body God remembers the Tao and Fruit of the previous life and returns to the body, the yin energy filled in its body is also directly purified by the most rigid and yang energy.

The current Dacheng Holy Body Divine Thought no longer looks as gloomy as before. At this time, he is full of sacred aura.

Moreover, with the return of the Dacheng Holy Body God's thoughts of the path and fruit of the previous life, the evil thoughts full of malice were also purified.

The holy body blooming with immeasurable golden divine light dominates the world, is extremely sacred, and has an inviolable majesty. The heaven and earth are trembling and shaking because of its return.

Unfortunately, although he returned to the Dao Fruit from his previous life, it was just a trace of obsession and could not be reborn again.

Therefore, this great holy body will not exist in this world for long.

At this time, the Dacheng Holy Body reappeared in the world, the immeasurable auspicious aura emerged from the sky, and the various forms of the Holy Body were constantly changing. At this moment, it seemed as if the heaven and earth were welcoming its return.

Also because of the return of the Dharma Fruit of the Dacheng Holy Body God's past life, a domineering aura instantly swept across the entire world. At this moment, countless sentient beings trembled.

However, at this moment, there is a sadness in the eyes of the Dacheng Holy Body, because it will soon return to heaven and earth and will eventually cease to exist.

This is a family with a deep attachment to this world and a reluctance to give up. This is the world that we have fought for all our lives.

It's a pity that after today, we will never see him again.

After a period of silence, the Dacheng Holy Body said to himself: "Even if we sweep across the nine heavens and ten earths and reverse the cycle of heaven and earth, so what if we are invincible and the world, we will eventually pass away..."

This is the sadness of a supremely powerful man who has been fighting all his life, even though he is invincible in the world.

However, relatives, friends, and comrades-in-arms watched them die one by one, leaving themselves alone.

Although the world is invincible, all relatives and old friends have turned into dust.

And now, the Dacheng Holy Body will also dissipate in this world. Perhaps, this is also a kind of relief.

After a lifetime of fighting, guarding everything I love, I have long been tired, and I will soon return to heaven and earth, not to this glorious life.

This is one of the nine holy bodies that protected all living beings in ancient times, and is an object of admiration for countless people.

After that, this great holy body, with a thought, cut off the divine thoughts formed by evil thoughts.

For a moment, the aura of the emperor's way filled the heaven and earth, soaring straight into the sky, shaking the world. It was as if a being who dominated the world was announcing his return at this moment, accompanied by the laws of the great road, exuding immeasurable sacred light, and incomparable majesty.

Finally, he looked at Ye Fan below and said, "Has even the inheritance of the Holy Body been cut off now?!"

The words were full of sadness, whether it was because he was about to pass away or because his inheritance was lost.

When Ye Fan heard this, his heart also moved, and he said respectfully: "Please give me the law, senior."

Duan De was also a chicken thief, and he quickly said respectfully: "Senior, please give me the supreme holy law."

The Black Emperor did not hesitate to give in. He also quickly prostrated himself and asked the Dacheng Holy Body to give him the holy law.

The Dacheng Holy Body had no words, just pointed out, and a divine light sank into Ye Fan's eyebrows, which contained the holy method of their ancient Holy Body lineage.

After doing all this, the Dacheng Holy Body stepped forward and headed into the distance.

With one step taken, the heaven and earth shook, and the great road followed, giving rise to all kinds of strange images.

There are real dragons soaring, phoenixes flying, and unicorns accompanying them...

Infinite auspicious energy was generated, and the divine radiance descended one after another, paving a golden avenue, and the Dacheng Holy Body stepped on it and disappeared into the distance.

Taking advantage of the last moments, Dacheng Holy Body still wants to see this protected world. He will eventually come to an end.

The Immortal Mountain, the Primordial Lake, the Blood Phoenix Mountain... these areas, the Dacheng Holy Body passed by one by one, and looked into the eyes of the Supreme Being inside.

However, those Dark Supremes only looked at the Dacheng Holy Body coldly, without any sign of taking action.

After all, it is impossible for the Dark Supreme, who has been waiting for countless years to kill himself, to take action for a great holy body that is about to pass away. They are all waiting for the road to immortality to open.

Therefore, it is not in their interest to take action against a dying Holy Body now.

You must know that they are sleeping in the restricted area of ​​life and slowing down the passage of life, not just to wait for the road to immortality and to the legendary fairyland.

None of these Dark Supremes had their glorious moments, but in order to stay alive and become immortals, they paid a huge price.

These Dark Supremes are going crazy if they want to become immortals. Moreover, there are many Dark Supremes who have long violated their original ideas and become demons in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

These Dark Lords are not afraid of the Great Holy Body, but those ancient creatures are trembling with fear at this moment.

Finally, the Dacheng Holy Body entered the Taichu Forbidden Land, and then came out again, which made countless ancient creatures tremble with fear.

At this moment, the avenue was roaring. After the Dacheng Holy Body walked out of the Taichu Forbidden Area, he took one step and arrived at the Holy City.

The Dacheng Holy Body standing in the void, with divine light shining in its eyes, looked at the endless area, directly seeing through the ancestral lands of the ancient tribes.

At this moment, those ancient creatures were trembling with fear. No one could compete with such terrifying divine power, and no one had the courage to contend with it, not even those ancient royal families with the existence of ancient imperial soldiers.

At this time, countless ancient creatures were shouting in their hearts: "The ancient emperor of the human race is still alive..."

"All races coexist, and they all have the basis of existence." The Dacheng Holy Body seemed to be whispering.

However, this sound spread to the ears of countless creatures, just like the thunder in the nine heavens, especially those ancient creatures.

Therefore, as soon as these words came out, those ancient beings were shocked, and for a moment, countless ancient beings were chilled.

Until finally, this great holy body came to his beautiful tomb, where he also dissipated into heaven and earth.

Perhaps, this is the sadness of not being able to live forever. It is also those Dark Supremes who want to pursue the illusory immortality even if they pay an extremely huge price.

Unfortunately, what those Dark Lords don't know is that their path has lost any hope since they chose to kill themselves and pursue their desire to enter the fairy world.

This is a point of no return.

The incident in the Tianduan Mountains also ended with the appearance of the Dacheng Holy Body.

And Ye Fan also killed many enemies here, and there was also a river of blood and bones everywhere.

Although he did not kill all the enemies who came here to surround him, Ye Fan also used twelve beginningless killing arrays to harvest the heads of countless enemies.

In the central area of ​​the Tianduan Mountains, it was extremely bloody, with remaining bones and flesh everywhere. It was shocking, as if you had entered a Shura field.

And with the news about the Tianduan Mountains, the news that Ye Fan and others had killed countless enemies would shock the world.

As the incident in the Tianduan Mountains came to an end, countless people who came here fled frantically.

Not to mention the fact that Ye Fan killed countless enemies, the mere appearance of the Dacheng Holy Body, an existence comparable to the ancient emperor, will also shake the five realms.

And as the news spread, a human emperor-like existence stepped through the forbidden area of ​​life on Beidou Emperor Burial Star, entered the forbidden area of ​​​​the beginning, and then came out, shocking all the ancient tribes.

Such earth-shattering news immediately made countless people excited and excited.

However, the Taikoo tribe is filled with gloom in their hearts, directly pressing on their hearts. This is not only a shock, but also a belief for the human race.

Now, the Taikoo tribe is already scared. The threat of such a terrifying existence also makes the Taikoo tribe dare not say any words.

For a moment, Beidou fell into a state of tranquility. Perhaps, only the washing of time will dissipate the fear in his heart.

However, not long after Beidou calmed down, news came again that the Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple reappeared in the world.

Although more than 200,000 years have passed, this place is intact and there is no peerless divine treasure. It has attracted countless monks from all over the world to go there.

With the advent of the golden age, Beidou has become a troubled place, and any disturbance can cause a storm.

Moreover, such a major event as the birth of Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple naturally shocked the world.

Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple, this is the ancestral place of the Yuhua God Dynasty. Two hundred thousand years ago, it was extremely glorious. A terrifying existence, it could almost unify the entire Zhongzhou.

Unfortunately, the Great Terror occurred later, and the existence of terror was attracted and destroyed overnight. Among them, all kinds of doubts were not even recorded in the history books.

And now, an ancestral temple of the Supreme God Dynasty has appeared in the world, and there must be countless divine treasures inside, making countless people salivate.

Suddenly, all the monks from all walks of life speculated and discussed, and set foot in the Zhongzhou area.

"The Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple is now here, and there must be countless peerless divine objects in it. Even if you only get a few, you will be able to benefit from them endlessly."

"Yes, in addition to those peerless divine treasures, there must also be treasures of divine weapons, cultivation techniques, and insights into the great road."

"Yes, if we can get it, we won't have to worry about practicing in the future. With the wisdom of these predecessors, we won't have to fight life and death for a few cultivation resources."


Countless monks are talking about it, eager to enter it and get the peerless treasure inside.

Perhaps, no matter whether it is a person or a monk, they can't escape the greed, and they all fantasize that they can get the magical treasures in it.

However, these people do not think about the dangers involved. You must know that if you have a name, you will not use your life. All your efforts will be in vain, and your own life will be lost.

Maybe this is a real world of spiritual practice. You have to fight for everything and fight with your life. If you win, you can have a glorious life and honor your ancestors. If you lose, everything will disappear.

As the news of the emergence of the Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple spread, countless forces turned their attention to this place.

As a result, the great sects, holy places, and aristocratic families in the five regions of the world heard the news and sent large numbers of people to the Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple.

Unfortunately, what these forces don't know is that this news was released by Ye Fan and others, and he is going to cause trouble again.

Perhaps, only the ruthless people from the Shaking Light Holy Land may know this place, because they were also looking for it before.

However, even if Yaoguang Holy Land knew that someone had released the news, they would not tell it.

After all, when the Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple appears, countless geniuses will definitely come, and the physiques of these geniuses who can be called geniuses must not be simple.

So, in this way, wouldn't it be possible to play into the hands of the ruthless people of the Yaoguang Holy Land?

You know, the Holy Son of Fluttering Light who practices the Heaven Swallowing Demon Technique and the Immortal Heaven Technique needs the origin of those special physiques.

Now that there is such an opportunity, naturally he will not give such a kind reminder, but will secretly add fuel to the fire in order to take advantage of the troubled waters.

However, although there is news that the Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple has emerged, the specific location is not yet known.

And Ye Fan released this news, obviously, just to let these forces know and let them search together. This is a bunch of free workers.

I thought that with the search of these people, I would definitely be able to find him quickly.

After all, Ye Fan's purpose is not to find the divine treasure in it, he is to find the coordinates of the starry sky and the star field location of the earth star.

Now, Ye Fan misses his parents very much and wants to return to Earth Star as soon as possible.

Therefore, with the participation of countless forces, a small world was soon discovered near the ancestral line of Zhongzhou, which was suspected to be the ancestral temple of the Yuhua Dynasty.

Subsequently, various forces from the five regions gathered in Zhongzhou, all wanting to obtain the sacred treasures within it.

Here, one power no longer has the final say. Even the four major divine dynasties in Zhongzhou do not dare to fight alone even if they have the ultimate imperial weapon.

As a result, many forces participated in the negotiations, and finally decided that they could not bring the imperial soldiers and the handed down holy weapons into the ancestral temple.

This decision was also due to the fear of a war, and if a collision between imperial or holy soldiers occurred, the treasures contained therein would most likely be destroyed.

After all, it is said that the Ancestral Temple of the Yuhua Dynasty contains many essences of enlightenment of the great avenues, all of which are carved on the stone walls. These things are of immeasurable value. It would be a pity if they were destroyed.

As soon as the Zhongzhou Ancestral Temple came out, the world was shaken and moved by the wind, causing huge waves. Countless forces also gathered here, thinking of dividing the treasure of divine weapons inside.

The major holy places, aristocratic families, and great sects of the human race all gathered at the Ancestral Temple of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

Of course, the Taikoo clan is also indispensable for them. They also send out the geniuses of the clan, on the one hand, to compete for the sacred treasures inside, and on the other hand, they also have plans to train their descendants.

Moreover, what the Taikoo clan is most concerned about is the broken bronze green tripod.

After all, that bronze green cauldron holds the secret of becoming an immortal. Now, because of the agreement of No Saint in the World, only the younger generation can go there.

Fortunately, the human race cannot have a saint take action, and the Taikoo tribe is also very confident and feels that it can be captured easily.

However, what the Taigu clan didn't know was that the bronze green tripod was not in the Ancestral Temple of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty at all.

The Green Cauldron had long been sent to the Kunlun Divine Land on the Earth Star by the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, and the terrain there was used to prepare to repair the bronze Green Cauldron.

Also, the Yuhua Divine Dynasty was destroyed by the ruthless emperor with a slap in the face out of revenge.

As for the bronze green tripod, it was smashed to pieces by the ruthless emperor. It is still lying in the Kunlun Divine Land on Earth Star, waiting for Ye Fan to collect it.

Not only that, the bronze green tripod has great cause and effect and is so terrifying that no one can afford it.

Even if you get it, you will die unknowingly.

No matter how much the world is covered, only Ye Fan can take it. Of course, this is except for those peerless beings.

After all, no one here knows what Emperor Zun has arranged, so now only Ye Fan can get it.

Otherwise, the cause and effect involved would not be affordable to anyone.

But Ye Fan is different. He is not only the son of the world, but also protected by the ruthless emperor.

Although it seems that the ruthless emperor did not take any action during Ye Fan's cultivation, Ye Fan had an invisible hand that seemed to be arranging everything from the Earth Star to the Beidou Emperor Burial Star.

Those opportunities that Ye Fan encountered seemed to be Ye Fan's good luck, but who knew that they might not have been arranged long ago.

Except for Ye Fan, who was practicing hard on his own along the way, he didn't seem to get any help from the ruthless emperor.

However, since Ye Fan came to the ancient forbidden land of Beidou, he got the holy fruit inside, which helped Ye Fan break his physical body and be able to practice step by step.

Otherwise, without the help of those holy fruits, it would be impossible to help Ye Fan start his cultivation just by relying on the cultivation resources that Ye Fan obtained from the Lingxu Cave.

You must know that since ancient times, the holy body has been called the waste body. The sea of ​​suffering is as hard as iron. Without the help of external forces, it is impossible to open the sea of ​​suffering.

And this external force is not just a simple external force, it requires an external force such as a great medicine or a holy medicine.

Therefore, Ye Fan received help from the ruthless emperor from the beginning of his training.

Then, the Taikoo clan's plan would be in vain, and even if they get it, it might even lead to disaster.

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