Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 402 Ancient Road in the Starry Sky (Two in One)

Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er practiced in the Yaochi Holy Land, and also came into contact with some classics on the Tao of Cutting saved by the sages of Yaochi.

However, these experiences of slashing the path can only be used as a reference and cannot be regarded as a guideline.

Zhan Dao, this is a level that is unclear and unclear, and everyone is different.

For example, some slashes remove one's own obsessions, while others remove the past, a memory, a past event, and so on.

Of course, what Yuan Changqing killed was those who did not belong to the five elements, and thus became kings.

There are also some people with great courage and perseverance who directly go against the path of war, like how Ye Fan became a king in the future.

As long as someone with this kind of counter-war path does not perish, his future achievements will not make him a great emperor, but he will at least reach the pinnacle of a quasi-emperor, or even become a different kind of Taoist.

And on this day's road, if he wasn't a peerless monster, he would definitely be dead.

Because this requires having an invincible belief and relying solely on your own strength to fight hard without any external force to help.

So, in short, the way of cutting is different for everyone. Even if the path is the same, the way of cutting is also different.

Therefore, everyone knows best what they want to kill.

However, this needs to be understood by oneself, but these are in the deepest part of everyone's heart, which is a great test of a monk's understanding.

Yuan Changqing also explained these experiences to Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer very clearly.

Even if mother and daughter are now trapped in the confusion of Zhan Dao, Yuan Changqing can't help at all. They can only rely on them to figure it out on their own.

In terms of their cultivation time, Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er are still very young and have special physiques, no worse than any genius.

It seems that Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er are much older than those talented people in Beidou, and they may feel that they are not as good as those talented people.

However, I don’t want to think about the environment where Yuan Changqing and others came from.

In the beginning, there was no spiritual energy in the Earth Star, so it took time to grind it out, slowly comprehend it, and practice it.

When I find a resort like Kunlun Divine Land, which is so awe-inspiring, the cultivation environment will be solved.

However, he has no experience in cultivation. Even if there are scriptures for cultivation, he still needs to understand them by himself.

Even if Yuan Changqing knows a little better, it cannot be compared to a prosperous cultivation environment like Beidou.

Therefore, at the starting point, it was more than nine levels behind those talented people on Beidou.

Moreover, even if you arrive at the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, you still need to start the semester from scratch, so that you can slowly catch up with the knowledge of the Beidou Tianjiao.

After all, one is a cultivation civilization that is extremely prosperous, and the other is a cultivation desert.

Of course, Ye Fan is not among these. He is a monster-like existence. Not only does he have high understanding, but he also has the help of precious treasures like Bodhisattva.

In addition, Ye Fan has great luck that others envy, and his super fighting talent.

The combination of these factors created a perverted existence like Ye Fan.

And in the future, Ye Fan will reverse the Dao and cut off all the Dao. He is the Dao and only cultivates his own Dao. This is to go against heaven.

As for those who go against the Dao, such a Dao is not recognized by the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and they are those who abandon the Dao.

From now on, as long as the strength of each level is crossed, terrible disasters will come from heaven and earth to punish those who go against the path.

Therefore, every step taken by a person who reverses the Great Dao is extremely difficult. It is a test of life and death again and again, and there is a danger of falling at any time.

However, once you get through it, your combat power will naturally be extremely powerful.

Like Ye Fan in the later stage, even if the Golden Crow Emperor picked up the opportunity and became the Great Emperor, Ye Fan could counterattack him. This is the terrifying strength of the counterattack path.

Of course, this also requires the powerful and special physical blessing of the Ancient Holy Body.

However, this all shows the power of Ni Zhan Dao.

Going against the Tao, only cultivating one's own Tao, and becoming the Tao itself, may be something that countless monks have never heard of or heard of.

However, it is a real existence. Although it is not recognized by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, it is also a path.

In fact, as long as you embark on the path of a monk, you are traveling on a path that defies heaven.

Of course, the word Ni Tian here does not mean the same as the Dao of Ni Zhan.

After all, the origin of heaven and earth has a limit. To put it bluntly, monks are robbing the origin of heaven and earth and increasing their own origin. This is why monks, like their colleagues, live longer.

However, a powerful world has nothing to do with these, so it is not the same as the heaven-defying Dao of Ni Zhan.

As long as the monks do not reject the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, then it can be said to be in compliance with Heaven and the way of Heaven.

However, this kind of obedience to heaven is often a kind of imprisonment. There are very few great achievers, and they are much inferior to those who truly defy heaven.

But there is a premise that the one who defies heaven will not perish.

However, why is this so? It is the same reason mentioned earlier. There are only so many sources of heaven and earth, and there is simply not enough to consume.

The way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking when there is more damage.

The way of man is to lose more than enough but benefit more than enough.

The Tao is only equal in the world, and only then is it suitable for use. If there is more than one thing, there will be less than that. If there is less than that, then there will be more than that. All of them are useless. If you suppress those who are high, you will lose more; if you lift those who are lower, you will make up for the deficiencies. The way of heaven is like this, so its uses are endless.

This is actually the fundamental principle of the operation of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, nothing else!

In addition, this world itself is broken and cannot be consumed. This is why the great emperors cannot coexist.

It is because the current source of heaven and earth is only enough for one great emperor, and there is no extra source to create another great emperor.

Another reason is that there are many dark supreme beings in the dark restricted area. They also occupy most of the origins of heaven and earth. These people are also people who are rejected by the world.

Therefore, it is simply impossible for these people to dream of becoming immortals and living forever.

This is why after the death of a great emperor, it will take tens of thousands of years before another great emperor appears again.

That's because the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth needs to re-gather the origin of Heaven and Earth in order to gather the new Tianxin Seal.

This is the greatest sorrow of a world. The world is like a mother, but its children do not know how to cherish and care for it, like cancer.

And heaven and earth will naturally record everything, and those cancer-like existences will naturally lose their luck.

As for why they can still live well in this world, it's naturally because they don't want to repay the day when freedom is liquidated.

The road is hard to find, and immortality is hard to find.

This is not only the tragedy of the monks, but also the tragedy of the world.

Due to problems with the origin of the world, it cannot be upgraded and cannot produce immortality. In such a vicious cycle, even if there is no external force to conquer it, sooner or later it will enter the Age of Ending Dharma.

Yuan Changqing took Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er to countless places on Ziwei Ancient Star, and also saw a cultivation scenery that was different from that of Beidou Emperor Burial Star.

However, the two of them still couldn't find the direction of their killing path.

"Dad, what path do you think Mom and I should take? We haven't found the direction yet." Yuan Yuer asked distressedly.

Zeng Li was not much better, she was also troubled by this matter, as if a person suddenly fell into confusion.

In a wilderness place, Yuan Changqing's family of three stayed on a mountain peak.

Yuan Changqing looked at the two of them and replied: "I have told you those words of experience a long time ago. You all know those are just the experiences left by the sages who succeeded in killing Dao."

"As for the fact that you can't find the direction to cut the path, it means that you haven't clearly understood your own path. This is actually a process of choice, in order to clarify your own path in the future."

"Zhan Dao, this is like looking for a smooth road. There is no road, so you need to find it."

"It's like there is no road ahead. If you find it, walk through it, and create a new path, then you will succeed."

"So, the path you choose is not up to me or anyone else, but up to you, deep in your heart."

"You can only keep walking along the path deep in your heart, because this is your own choice, and I can't give you any more advice."

"Therefore, if you are confused now, it means that you have not discovered your own path and are not determined enough."

"This requires you to calm down, think slowly, and discover slowly. Don't be anxious. The more anxious you are, the more confused you may be."

"Now, all you need to do is to search from the depths of your soul, and it will tell you the right path to take."

"Since you still can't figure it out for now, then you can go and experience it together. I will follow you secretly. As long as your life is not in danger, I will not help you."

"In this way, you may slowly find the direction of the killing path."

Yuan Yuer and Zeng Li nodded in unison and began to practice on Ziwei Ancient Star.

So, along the way, Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer continued to challenge the geniuses on Ziwei Ancient Star.

Both of them are at the peak of their power. As long as they find their own way, they can kill it at any time.

Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer, who suddenly appeared on Ziwei Ancient Star, pushed them all the way. Whether they were the saints and saints of the Holy Land family or the talented successors of the great religion, they were all defeated by the two of them and were invincible.

This also made the major forces on Ziwei Ancient Star surprised by the sudden appearance of the two people.

After learning that Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er also had special physiques, countless forces were shocked. There were two more competitors in the imperial battle.

In addition, the two women originally practiced the Emperor's Scripture, so they had few rivals in Ziwei Ancient Star, and there was no shortage of magical powers and secret techniques.

Moreover, practicing in an environment like Beidou Emperor Burial Star with strong suppression of Qingdi Dao, he is naturally much stronger than these geniuses on Ziwei Ancient Star.

Of course, it's not like there weren't some kings who came to test them, and even wanted to take the opportunity to kill the two women.

However, after Yuan Changqing secretly revealed a hint of holy power, those probing forces also knew that Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer were not easy to mess with, and that there were saints and strong men behind them.

Besides, the prodigies challenged by Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer were all fair and square, and their lives were not endangered.

Therefore, after knowing that there was a saint behind the two women, there was no such thing as a king coming to test them.

Now Ziwei Guxing's number one prodigy, Yi Tiande, has left. Otherwise, it would be hard to say who is stronger or weaker among Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer.

Two years later, Yuan Changqing took Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er to stay at Ziwei Ancient Star for five years. The two also successfully killed the Tao and became kings.

And some young geniuses on Ziwei Ancient Star have also succeeded in cutting off the path one after another. The prelude to the coming of the great age will be accompanied by the competition among these geniuses.

Another three years have passed. It has been five years since Yuan Changqing's family came to this ancient Ziwei star. Including the time since coming from Beidou, eight years have passed.

Time flies so fast, Yuan Changqing is also planning to leave here, preparing to take them to the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

The geniuses of the younger generation are succeeding one after another, and a new era is about to begin.

Moreover, people also had a premonition that a dazzling golden world was about to begin, in which all races would compete, and it would definitely be accompanied by endless blood and fire.

In the past years, it was difficult for kings to emerge, but now they emerge in endlessly.

The suppression of the Heaven and Earth Avenue is about to disappear, and the rules have also changed.

A new era will also begin in these nine heavens and ten places, and the glorious era will begin to recover.

This will be a prosperous era of spiritual practice.

Now, after five years of training, Yuan Changqing's strength is constantly improving. He has many scriptures in his hands, including several imperial scriptures.

It is conceivable that with these scriptures as the objects of enlightenment, the strength will naturally improve quickly, and now he has reached the third level of the saint.

This is already very fast. When the Golden Age reaches its peak in the future, the saint's cultivation will be somewhat insufficient.

That will be an era when great sages roam the earth and saints are inferior to dogs. It will be extremely glorious.

This is also the reason why Yuan Changqing can't wait to improve his strength.

The Starry Sky Ancient Road is also a place to quickly improve your strength. Yuan Changqing brought Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer out together so that they could be tempered by blood and fire.

After all, the world of Zhetian in the future will really be a cannibal world, with strong people emerging in endlessly. Without strength to rely on, it will be easy to fall.

Now Yuan Yue'er has also specialized in the Sun Immortal Sutra passed down to her by Yuan Changqing, which is also the most suitable Emperor Sutra for her.

With the special constitution of a fire spirit body, although practicing the Sun Immortal Sutra is not the most suitable for Yuan Yuer, it is also the most suitable for her now.

Only when Yuan Yuer'er can create her own scriptures in the future will she find the most suitable cultivation scriptures for her.

After Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer came to Ziwei Ancient Star and became kings, they stayed here for another three years. Now it is time to embark on a new journey again.

The ancient road in the starry sky, this is a road of no return.

The ancient road in the starry sky is also a testing ground for geniuses from all walks of life, full of blood and fire.

After embarking on this road, if you don't advance, you will retreat. You may never be able to go back, buried in the stars.

Therefore, there are countless corpses of geniuses buried on the ancient road in the starry sky.

From the ancient star Ziwei, we set foot on the ancient starry sky and entered the cold and dark universe. The dead stars and the vast starry sky seemed to have no end.

Abandon the prosperous life planet, leave your hometown, and embark on the road of the strongest trial.

A year later, when Yuan Changqing and the others came to an ancient star with yellow sand flying in the sky, they saw pieces of white bones. It was unknown how many monks were buried here.

Yuan Changqing also found some ancient writings, but they had been corroded by wind and sand and were blurred.

After Yuan Changqing carefully identified it, he also knew that this was the door of trials. After stepping out of here, he would experience horrific ordeals.

"After you step out of here, you will have to advance without retreating and experience countless hardships. Are you ready?"

"This is a road of no return. I don't know how many geniuses have been cut down and buried in other places."

Yuan Changqing told Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer what he had discovered, and they also fell silent.

However, they all showed a determined expression afterwards. If you want to become a strong person, you have to go through ups and downs. Only after going through ups and downs can you be qualified to become a strong person.

After Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer looked at each other, the latter said: "Dad, don't worry, we will definitely remove the obstacles ahead and catch up with you."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Okay, then let's go and see the real strong people among all the races in the starry sky!"

Here, you will embark on the most powerful trial, and only the truly strong can escape unscathed.

After that, after Yuan Changqing and the others found the five-color altar here, they were about to start their trial of blood and fire.


The five-color divine light bloomed, and the door of space opened. Yuan Changqing and the other three entered it. With a flash of light, the three figures on the five-color altar disappeared.

Soon after, the three people walked out of the space door and came to a strange world.

The feeling here is very depressing and full of heaviness.

Suddenly, a giant mountain-like tail swept toward Yuan Changqing and the others.


A fiery red spear, burning with terrifying flames and exuding the power of a king, directly nailed it into the distance. The flames burst out instantly, burning it out, and the air was filled with the aroma of meat.

Zeng Li twitched his nose and said, "It smells so strong of snakes!"

"Don't worry about other things first, let's find the five-color altar first." Yuan Changqing said at this time.

Along the way, Yuan Changqing would not take action as long as it did not exceed the strength of Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer.

The road to the strongest trial requires training, and the same goes for Yuan Changqing.

However, there is no need to take action against opponents under the saints, they will be left to Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer.

Otherwise, if Yuan Changqing does it all by himself, what kind of trial would it be?

"Okay!" Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer said in unison.

The three of them set off together and walked on this gray ancient star. There was no light and it was extremely dark, accompanied only by the strong smell of snakes.

However, this is not difficult for Yuan Changqing and the other three, who can clearly see everything ahead.

Yuan Changqing and the others explored this ancient star to find the five-color altar. Walking in this dark environment, it was extremely depressing.


Suddenly, a huge black snake rushed out of a mountain in front, exuding a terrifying evil aura, and rushed straight towards the three of them.

"This black snake is quite strong. Go and compete with it." Yuan Changqing said to Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer.


Afterwards, Yuan Yue'er and Zeng Li rushed forward at the same time and fought with the black man.

I saw the evil aura of the black snake rising to the sky. The snake exuded vast energy, as if it could tear the void into pieces. Two rays of light shot directly towards Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er.

"Bang bang!"

Zeng Li's map of all things stood in front of him, emitting cyan divine light.

A fire phoenix flew out of Yuan Yue'er's fiery red spear, directly shattering the dim light.

Afterwards, divine light bloomed in the battlefield, and surging energy rioted, shattering countless mountains in front of it.

This black snake is stronger than Yuan Yue'er and Zeng Li. It has the strength of a great king and is extremely terrifying.

However, Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er are not easy to mess with. They are both kings and they practice the Emperor's Scripture. Their strength should not be underestimated.

Coupled with the fact that Wang Bing is in hand, the black snake will soon be no match for the two of them.

Countless snakes around them rushed toward Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er without fear of death. They were all at the level of Holy Lords. They were not enough to be seen in the battlefield of the king.

Soon, Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er dealt with the black snake and the group of snakes.

Later, on the way to find the five-color altar, Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er were also fighting constantly. With the two of them joining forces, they killed an unknown number of demonic snakes.

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