Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 403 Ancient Coffin of Gods (two-in-one)

Yuan Changqing and the others stepped onto the five-color altar again and headed to the next stop on the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

As soon as they walked out of the space gate, they were attacked. It had to be said that the ancient road in the starry sky was full of dangers all the time.

A bone knife was slashed at the three of them, with unparalleled power, enough to chop a mountain into pieces.

However, since Yuan Changqing and the others set foot on this ancient road in the starry sky, they have been fully mentally prepared and are always on guard.

The five-colored light flashed in Yuan Changqing's hand, directly breaking the bone knife and killing the attacking opponent along the way.

It was a snow-white skeleton, and with one blow, it was beaten into powder by Yuan Changqing.

When Yuan Changqing and the others set foot on this land, they looked from a distance and found that the world was full of the smell of death, without light and dark.

Black mist floated in the sky, as if they had arrived in the kingdom of death, and the ground was littered with bones, a miserable whiteness.

The colors here are bright, black and white, without any other colors.

Moreover, just by looking at the bones all over the place, it is impossible to tell how many people had died here before the scene was like this. It was so chilling to the spine.

Yuan Yue'er opened her eyes wide and said in shock: "What kind of place is this? How come there are so many bones!"

Zeng Li's voice was trembling as he said, "Can't all these bones have fallen here on the ancient road to the stars?"

"Maybe, so we must be careful on the road behind us. Now let's go to the front and take a look!" Yuan Changqing didn't know how to answer at this moment, but just reminded Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer again.

It is true that the scene here is too horrifying. The bones are exposed in the wild, and it is boundless. How many people must have died to reach the current scale.

Even Yuan Changqing was shocked when he saw such a scene.

Everywhere you look is filled with white bones, boundless. Even after Yuan Changqing and the others have walked through many mountains and rivers, they still see bones everywhere. The feeling here is extremely terrifying.


A bone spear shot out, exuding terrifying power, with the power of a king condensed in it.


Yuan Changqing slapped the bone spear into pieces.

Then, he saw a standing figure appearing on the bone mountain in the distance, which was a skeleton.

However, this skeleton has already given birth to consciousness, and the fire of the soul is shining in the skull.

At this time, the skeleton let out a deafening roar, and was surrounded by white bone creatures, all kneeling before it, as if they had entered a world of skeletons.

Unfortunately, Yuan Changqing discovered that there was something special about the standing skeleton. The fire of the soul shone in the skull, but the other white-skeletal creatures did not.

It has to be said that there are countless wonders in the world. It is really a miracle that this white skeleton gave birth to the soul fire.

Moreover, this white-bone skeleton also has the strength to kill the Dao King.

Perhaps, as long as you give it enough time, it might be possible for it to truly resurrect towards death, and maybe even give birth to flesh and blood.

At this time, Yuan Changqing stretched out a hand and grabbed the white skeleton without any resistance.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing directly pulled out the soul fire from the white-bone skull and began to observe.

Finally, Yuan Changqing discovered that the soul fire was actually a brand of life, filled with the principles of life.

In the soul fire, the law of life evolves, and countless life runes are constantly flowing in it. This is the transformation of life and death, and it is also the most original part of life.

Unfortunately, this soul fire has not evolved completely and is still incomplete.

However, it is an important object of understanding for the way of life and death.

Although Yuan Changqing now specializes in the Five Elements because of his constitution.

But in Yuan Changqing's sea of ​​suffering, there is still a Blue Silver Emperor.

In his last life, Yuan Changqing had already been exposed to the way of life and death, but because of his world level, his understanding was not deep.

But the Blue Silver Emperor itself is the attribute of life, and the mystery of life in the soul fire, and the life runes in it, are of great significance to understanding the way of life.

Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er, who were beside Yuan Changqing, were also observing the soul fire.

If you can understand the profound meaning of life and death, it will be of great benefit to the improvement of Taoism.

Like Zeng Li, who cultivates the law of wood, life, death, withering and prosperity, it is a perfect fit.

And Yuan Yue'er practices the Great Way of Fire, and the tool to prove it is forged with phoenix blood red gold. The way of Nirvana also includes the way of life and death.

Therefore, this soul fire is also a great opportunity for Yuan Changqing and the others.

Life and death, yin and yang, prosperity, reincarnation, nirvana...

Although this soul fire has not evolved completely, it is enough for the current state of Yuan Changqing and the others.

The profound meaning of life in it is enough for Yuan Changqing and the others to understand a lot of things, thereby perfecting their own path.

A year later, Yuan Changqing and the others have been meditating on the soul fire, and have gained a lot. Their Taoism has also been improved, and they can overcome the disaster at any time.

However, Yuan Changqing and the others have no such plan, but are constantly accumulating until they can no longer suppress it.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing and the others found the Five-Color Altar and set foot on the Ancient Starry Sky Road again.

This ancient starry sky road is made up of ancient stars connected one after another. There are five-color altars arranged in it to allow the genius who embarks on the road of the strongest trial to quickly reach the first level of the human race.

Otherwise, just relying on the cultivation of a king or a saint to cross the starry sky, it will take many years and months to reach the first level of the human race.

In another half year, Yuan Changqing and the three of them stepped on ancient stars one after another.

It has to be said that the vast starry sky in the universe is really vast and it takes a lot of time just to travel.

But now, Yuan Changqing and the others are approaching the Eternal Star Territory, and the cultivation civilization here is a sight again.

The Eternal Star Territory is different from the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, but the Ziwei Ancient Star is different. Technology is prevalent here, and the monks here rely on technology to improve their strength.

It's just like the technological civilization developed on the Earth Star, except that the Earth Star is an inanimate planet and cannot be cultivated.

Moreover, the technology of the Earth Star is also relatively low-end. It can be said that it is different from the technology of the Eternal Star Territory, just like the difference between an ant and an elephant.

Perhaps, Earth Star will also take the road to the Eternal Star Territory in the future.

After all, now that Ye Fan has returned to the Earth Star, he has also taken out the Immortal Cauldron from the Kunlun Divine Land, and the imprisoned spiritual energy has begun to feed back to the Earth Star, the solar system, and even the Milky Way.

In addition, the Earth Star itself has the foundation of science and technology, so it is not impossible to embark on the road of science and technology.

Although Ye Fan will pass down the cultivation methods from Earth Star and have orthodox cultivation methods, there are also many orthodox cultivation traditions on Earth Star.

The two paths are very different, but the most basic practice is still the secret realm method created by Emperor Huangtian, but they go in different directions.

After Yuan Changqing and the others walked out of the space door, they instantly felt a strong pressure, full of suffocation, and their souls seemed to be trembling.

I saw boundless darkness in the vast starry sky.

In the starry sky in front of Yuan Changqing and the others, there is a huge fleet group, full of technology, as if entering a science fiction world.

However, this fleet group exuded majestic pressure, and even the saint Yuan Changqing felt his soul trembling.

Densely packed interstellar battleships traverse the void, each one is extremely huge, the big one is over ten thousand feet, and the small one is as big as thousands of feet.

The sky and the earth are overwhelming and boundless and still in this void, but these interstellar battleships have long lost their vitality, like a group of ghosts, floating in this cold and dark starry sky.

"Did we come to a science fiction world?!" Yuan Yuer said in surprise at this time, and even Zeng Li was no exception.

As someone who came to the outer starry sky from Earth, I am still familiar with the science fiction depictions in the movies on Earth and the star battleships I saw.

But after witnessing it with my own eyes, it was still a bit unbelievable.

After all, although I have now entered the world of cultivation, except for the fantasy of technology and science fiction on the earth, I never thought that all of this would come true.

You know, since they entered the world of cultural cultivation, Yuan Changqing and the others have been exposed to a social environment that is like a myth.

However, suddenly a science fiction product like an interstellar battleship appeared in front of me. It felt like these things were intruding, shocking and unbelievable.

Zeng Li also asked at this time: "Chang Qing, is all this true?"

Although Yuan Changqing has never seen the cultivation methods of the Eternal Star Territory before, he still knows their cultivation methods.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "These are true, just like some sayings in the scientific community on Earth, the end of science is theology."

"What you see now are just different ways of cultivation and different routes chosen."

"Actually, they should be the same as us. The most basic scripture exercises they practice are no different."

"It's just that they used science to improve their strength, so it doesn't look so fantasy."

After listening to what Yuan Changqing said, Zeng Li also came back to his senses and said: "Sure enough, there are thousands of worlds, and the development of civilizations will be different."

Yuan Changqing added: "Yes, just like the Beidou Emperor Burial Star and the Ziwei Ancient Star, the cultivation methods of the two are similar, but there are still subtle differences."

"Although what we are seeing now does feel like science fiction, it has its own reasons for its development."

"Even, this path may be the way out for Earth Star. You know, Earth Star also has the foundation of technological cultivation."

Yuan Yuer asked at this time: "Dad, except for the Kunlun Divine Land, Earth Star cannot practice at all. What you said about Earth Star embarking on the path of cultivation, is this possible?"

Yuan Changqing said with a "hehe" smile: "Why is it impossible? Since there is the Kunlun Divine Soil, and there are so many myths and legends on the earth, what does this mean?"

Yuan Yue'er took the words and said: "It means that it was possible to practice on the Earth Star in the past, but something happened that made it impossible to practice later."

"Also, those sect inheritances you told us are still passed down on the Earth Star, and there are still monks."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, so after Earth Star entered modern society, it developed technology. As long as Earth Star has a cultivation environment in the future, nothing is impossible."

Yuan Yue'er and Zeng Li still don't believe that there will be a cultivation environment in Earth Star in the future. After all, they have followed Yuan Changqing on the starry sky and outside this territory over the years, and have seen countless starry sky environments.

They saw countless dead planets, and there must have been life on these planets before.

However, the planet also has its lifespan. In addition to the death of the planet due to battle damage, there is also the fact that the lifespan of the planet itself has expired, and finally turned into a series of dead planets.

As for the Earth Star, except for the Kunlun Divine Land, all other places are entering the Age of Dharma End.

Just like the solar system and even the Milky Way, there are no living planets and no aura.

However, what Yuan Yuer and Zeng Li didn't understand was that Dixing was an extremely special ancient planet and a famous burial ground.

The current Earth Star is not its original appearance at all. It was the arrangement left by the supreme power on the Earth Star that caused the Earth Star and its surroundings to become a soulless place.

In fact, Earth Star, the former star domain, was also producing energy all the time, but it was all swallowed up by the Kunlun Divine Soil.

This created an environment where Earth Star could not see the cultivation environment.

However, this time Ye Fan returns to Earth Star, this problem will be solved, and Earth Star will slowly recover and enter the era of spiritual energy recovery.

"Perhaps, when we return to Earth Star again, maybe Earth Star can also practice!" Yuan Changqing said mysteriously.

Yuan Changqing didn't say much about Earth Star's spiritual energy recovery that should have started now. After all, they haven't gone back, so it's useless to say more. He will naturally know when he takes them back next time.

Yuan Changqing looked at the group of battleships ahead and said, "Let's go over and take a look!"

Zeng Li said worriedly at this time: "Is there any danger? I can feel a mysterious energy flowing in it."

"Me too." Yuan Yuer also nodded and said.

For Yuan Changqing, who knows the plot of Zhetian World, he still knows something about everything in front of him.

So, Yuan Changqing said again: "It's okay, there shouldn't be any danger here. If there is any danger, we won't have to stand here and talk when we show up here."

The battleship group in front of me should have appeared here a hundred thousand years ago, and it is also extremely long ago.

At that time, the Eternal Star Territory was extremely prosperous and powerful.

As for why so many warships appear here like ghost ships, it is because of an ancient coffin of a god.

At that time, a powerful sage in the Eternal Star Territory discovered the ancient coffin of the god and wanted to capture it.

Unfortunately, the entire fleet group that finally came here, including the powerful Great Saint among them, all died.

Therefore, one hundred thousand years have passed by now, and these warships have also shown signs of time. They already look very dim, and their luster is no longer bright.

However, after all, they are battleships built in the most glorious era of the Eternal Star Territory, and there are also battleships of the Great Sage level among them.

These technological products developed in the Eternal Star Territory are also linked to the monk's cultivation level.

What kind of technological products can be controlled by what kind of strength? Of course, this is when relying on one's own strength without the intervention of external forces.

Otherwise, if low-level monks could control high-level technological products at will, the Eternal Star Territory would have dominated the universe long ago.

You must know that controlling these technological products also requires powerful energy, especially those with higher levels, the more terrifying the energy consumed.

Among these battleships, there are battleships of the Great Sage level. Perhaps this is also the Great Sage of the Eternal Star Territory a hundred thousand years ago. He feels confident that he can obtain the ancient coffin of the gods.

It is a pity that they all underestimated the horror of the ancient coffin of the gods, and in the end they lost a powerful battleship group and were buried in the endless dark starry sky.

Moreover, what the powerful people in the Eternal Star Territory don't know is that the burial of such a supreme-level figure in the ancient coffin of the gods is not something that the little great sage can touch.

"Let's go, since we can encounter the opportunity here, we shouldn't miss it."

After Yuan Changqing finished speaking, he led Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer quickly towards the battleship group.

When they got closer, they saw four huge battleships, all exceeding ten thousand feet. These four battleships were all of the Great Sage level, exuding terrifying pressure.

Moreover, these four battleships each occupied a position, and the mysterious ancient coffin was tied with divine gold chains, floating in the starry sky of the universe.

The mysterious ancient coffin was made of unknown materials. It was neither gold nor wood. It looked extremely simple, as if it had experienced countless years of baptism.

However, such a simple-looking ancient coffin exudes a terrifying aura, as if it is the only one in this world, with an aura of eternity.

This also made Yuan Changqing and the others feel a strong aura of death on the ancient coffin.

"Dad, this ancient coffin is so scary, why don't we leave here!" Yuan Yuer said quickly at this time, and Zeng Li also nodded in agreement.

However, Yuan Changqing knew who was buried in this ancient coffin of gods. It was the Void Emperor of the Huanggu Ji family.

This great emperor has been fighting all his life and never stopped.

Yuan Changqing felt that with his peerless talent, it would be easy to live a second life.

It's a pity that in that dark age, there was no time for the Void Emperor to stop, which also resulted in the Void Emperor finally dragging his enemies with him and burying them together in this ancient coffin of the gods.

The ancient coffin of the god was tied up with extremely thick chains, and was being pulled by four great saint-level battleships, floating aimlessly in the starry sky.

The ancient coffin of the gods has nine layers, eight of which have been opened. Obviously, this should have been opened by the powerful people from the Eternal Star Territory a hundred thousand years ago.

However, the last level was not opened. It seems that this battleship group fell here because of an accident at the last moment.

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