Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 464 The Past of Emergence


The Black Emperor rushed from the heaven to the sea of ​​stars at an extremely fast speed. Since the fusion of the two realms, after being awakened from the seal, the Black Emperor also saw the Wushi Emperor who was longing for him.

"Great Emperor, Xiao Hei finally sees you." Hei Emperor shouted with some tears of joy.

Who is the peak at the end of the road? Everything becomes empty at first sight!

"The Great Emperor Wushi!"

All the heavens and universes couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise as they looked at the majestic figure standing in the sea of ​​stars.

Even though millions of years have passed, the endless legend of Wu Shi Emperor is still spread throughout the world.

With the fusion of the two worlds, many supreme-level powerful men emerged from the strange world, which also shocked countless creatures in the original nine heavens and ten earths.

After all, this is too much. That supreme and powerful man appears in front of countless living beings as if he does not need money.

And this had a huge impact on countless living beings in the original Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

After all, there is one emperor in one life, this is the iron law of nine heavens and ten earths, except of course Emperor Ye Tian.

After the two worlds merged, the new Nine Heavens and Ten Earths also ushered in a long prosperous age. The spiritual energy was revived, the origin was strengthened, and the world was fully benefited, which also brought endless benefits to the world.

Moreover, after the new Nine Heavens and Ten Earths merged with the strange world, they also began to produce immortality. Although it was not much, the lifespan of a powerful person like the Great Emperor was much longer than the original ten thousand years.

However, the strengthening of the origin of the world makes the world more prosperous. This is not entirely a good thing. It can only be said that it is not as cruel as before.

This is just like the Red Dust Immortal and the Quasi-Immortal King, the comparison is too great.

You know, without the kind of apocalyptic training, although it will be easier to become enlightened in the future, it will be even more difficult to embark on the path of immortality in the world of mortals.

Just like the strange world before, it is no smaller than the original Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and the years of discovery are no less than the old Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

However, as far as the Hongchen Immortal was born, it was far from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. There was only one statue.

Let's take a look at the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The number of hands was born directly. This is enough to show that if you want to set foot on the Red Dust Immortal, it will be easier to be born only in the most cruel environment.

From the perspective of the emperor-level experts in the strange world, there is no comparison between the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The power of the strange world is enough to sweep across the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Of course, this excludes those who set foot on the path of the Red Dust Immortal and the existence of the Red Dust Immortal.

Even if Strange World will suffer heavy losses, it will definitely be Strange World that wins in the end.

However, even so, only one mortal fairy was born in the strange world. One can imagine how huge the proportion of terrifying creatures is.

However, in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, wars and dark turmoil continued to break out in an extremely cruel environment.

In fact, many races were exterminated in those eternal years, and countless races also experienced faults.

However, even so, in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, talents continue to emerge in large numbers, and they continue to reach the pinnacle of humanity.

In the end, the Red Dust Immortal has both hands on the index, or is on the way. When you think about it, you know how terrifying it is.

Moreover, for a strong man who can step onto the Red Dust Immortal Realm, his minimum limit is to be as big as an Immortal King.

Such a quality comparison is so amazing!

But now, after the integration of the two worlds, it is difficult for those who can achieve enlightenment and become an emperor. After all, there are many competitors.

Another is that the life span has been extended, and more powerful people have been born.

However, thinking about it on the other hand, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, not everyone has the qualifications to climb to the pinnacle of humanity.

The increase in the origin of the world can also accommodate more enlightened people, which is also a good thing for those who pursue higher peaks.

Everything must be compared. Nothing in the world is perfect. Only by adapting can we go further in the future.

Therefore, no one can predict what will happen in the future. Only those talented people with more hard work will stand out.

At this moment, the Black Emperor threw himself at Emperor Wushi and threw himself into his arms. His tears kept falling. This was a feeling of excitement and joy.

"Xiao Hei, you are still like this after so many years." Emperor Wushi directly grabbed the Black Emperor's neck and picked him up.

Now the Black Emperor looks like a pet. If it were anyone else, the Black Emperor would have started biting him desperately.

However, when facing Emperor Wushi, the Black Emperor was extremely well-behaved, which shocked countless people. They never thought that the Black Emperor actually had this side.

"Hey hey hey..."

"That unscrupulous and black-hearted dog actually has such a side, tsk tsk!"

"Quickly, record it quickly and let the black dog take a look at it later. Think about the scene, it will be very exciting!"

Those who were familiar with the Black Emperor couldn't help but laugh secretly, and some even left images of him.

As a result, the Black Emperor's "famous reputation" was destroyed in one day.

"grown ups!"

The powerful emperors who were forced to follow Yuan Changqing in the strange world also came to see Yuan Changqing at this time. They all looked extremely respectful and did not dare to be presumptuous.

Behind Emperor Wushi, a group of powerful emperors also came. They were all supreme figures who had followed Emperor Wushi in the strange world.

And between heaven and earth, dozens or hundreds of powerful emperors can be seen appearing at the same time, which is rare in the world and makes people's scalp numb.

The aura of the great emperor spread across the sky and the earth. The terrifying aura was extremely powerful.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Ye Fan, these people will be left to you. They will be helpful to us in the future. They have all been banned by me. I also promised them that as long as they behave well, I will give them their freedom. From now on, it’s up to you to decide their freedom, and I hope you can treat them well.”

"Okay, senior, don't worry." Ye Fan nodded.

Yuan Changqing has not established a force and does not need so many followers, so it is just right to leave it to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan also knew this, so he did not postpone it. After all, this in itself was strengthening his heavenly strength.

In addition, with the prohibition mark in hand, Ye Fan does not have to worry about the betrayal of these powerful emperors, and he can use it with confidence.

Yuan Changqing also handed over the secret method of prohibiting branding to Ye Fan, so that Ye Fan could better control them.

As for when Ye Fan will give them their freedom, this is Ye Fan's own consideration.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Let's go to Ye Fan's heaven together. I have a big thing to tell you here."

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.

Then, in the galaxy, bright fairy lights were seen, cutting through the starry sky and heading towards the Beidou Star Territory.


Big Dipper, Heaven.

In the main hall at this moment, there are seven of the strongest people in the world.

This does not mean that only Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan have embarked on the road of mortal immortals, or are already immortals in the mortal world.

Like the God Silkworm Emperor, Yuan Changqing handed it over to Ye Fan earlier. As for how Ye Fan handled it, Yuan Changqing did not pay attention.

As for the Yuhua Emperor, just like the original history, he was frightened by the ruthless Emperor and was born early.

Emperor Yuhua is indeed a thoughtful person. He did not find the elixir of immortality, so he could only find another way to live out his second life.

The Holy Spirit can be said to be the darling of heaven and earth, the son of heaven, born and raised by the earth, just like an innate being.

Unfortunately, the birth of the Holy Spirit is also extremely demanding. It takes millions of years to give birth to a perfect Bible.

Otherwise, if he were born in advance, the achievements of the Bible would be limited and irreparable.

However, although the Holy Spirit family was born and raised, they have a high self-esteem, are extremely hostile to the human race, and look down on the human race as an acquired race.

It is precisely for this reason that the human race and the Holy Spirit race have always been in a state of hostility.

But in this lifetime of Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, three supreme human beings were born, suppressing the world and allowing the human race to once again experience its most glorious years.

This also caused the Holy Spirit clan to die down, not daring to take the lead and target the human race in the universe.

Otherwise, the Holy Spirit clan will definitely attract the thunderous wrath of the three supreme human beings.

And as the human race supremes such as Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, Gai Jiuyou and others reached the higher peaks of the road, there was no other race in the universe that could rival the human race.

Now the human race has once again become the largest race in the world, and no living creature dares to provoke it easily.

Of course, in normal battles, as long as they were within the rules, human race supremes such as Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan did not intervene, but just sat back and watched the situation.

Otherwise, after Ye Fan converges on his own laws, no other races will give birth to powerful emperors.

As for the Yuhua Emperor, he placed his second life on the Holy Spirit, hoping to merge with the Holy Spirit and live out his second life.

It's a pity that the Yuhua Emperor failed to take into account his descendants in all his calculations. Although he was an unfilial son, the final cause and effect fell on himself.

In the end, if nothing unexpected happens to the Yuhua Emperor himself, he can live out his second life and become a perfect Holy Spirit.

The Yuhua Dynasty left behind by the Emperor Yuhua wanted to teach people to become immortals, collect countless special bloodline physiques in the world, and repair them into immortal cauldrons.

The ruthless emperor's brother had one of those special physiques, and was also brutally killed by the Yuhua Dynasty.

In order to take revenge, the ruthless emperor was born. From a mortal body to becoming the supreme emperor, it is enough to prove that hatred is sometimes more terrifying than any special physique.

Finally, the Yuhua Divine Dynasty was destroyed by the ruthless emperor overnight, and the Immortal Cauldron was smashed to pieces by the ruthless emperor.

Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. The ruthless emperor finally avenged his brother and eliminated the fire of hatred in his heart.

It's a pity that the ruthless emperor's brother will never come back. Ye Fan is that similar flower.

The ruthless emperor also took good care of Ye Fan, and his growth along the way had the shadow of the ruthless emperor faintly behind him.

It's a pity that Ye Fan is not the brother of the ruthless emperor after all.

As for the Feathered Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor 9 has no intention of taking action against him. After all, the Ruthless Emperor has also made contributions to the human race and has resisted the dark turmoil.

Moreover, the Yuhua Emperor did not kill the ruthless Emperor's brother. He even had no idea that the Yuhua Dynasty would be so crazy in order to become an immortal.

But after all, there was cause and effect involved. The ruthless emperor finally found the place where Emperor Yuhua transformed, and directly gave him a blow, without killing Emperor Yuhua.

However, the Yuhua Emperor misunderstood and thought that the Ruthless Emperor wanted to kill him and was born before his transformation was complete.

But the ruthless emperor left directly, which made the Yuhua emperor helpless at that time, as if he was vomiting blood.

It's a pity that Ruzhi Naihe is not the opponent of the ruthless emperor.

This is also in the original history, the transformation of the second life of the Feathered Emperor was incomplete. Although he had the strength of the Great Emperor, he could no longer live out the third life.

In the end, the Yuhua Emperor could only die in depression on the Yuhua Ancient Star, disappearing from heaven and earth.

However, in this life, there is a variable like Yuan Changqing, and he also knows why the ruthless emperor did what he did.

In fact, it is to test the Emperor Yuhua. Sometimes the choice is made in a thought, and the Emperor Yuhua chooses the wrong path.

Yuan Changqing finally brought the Emperor Yuhua back to the Earth Star Immortal Mountain. With the elixir of immortality, Emperor Yuhua would also one day go his own way.

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