Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 465 Future enemies, start planning (two-in-one)

"I wonder what the big event that fellow Taoist Changqing is talking about is?" Emperor Wushi asked.

Now, of the seven people sitting here, four have become mortal immortals, and the other three are not far away.

And what Yuan Changqing can call a major event is obviously not to be underestimated.

After all, Emperor Zun has now been dealt with, and the strange world and Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have been integrated.

There should be nothing worth paying attention to in this world, and the major events Yuan Changqing mentioned also made Emperor Wushi and others curious.

Yuan Changqing said: "Now that the two worlds are merging, the origin of our world has also been strengthened, and immortality substances are slowly being produced."

"As for that strange world, I think everyone should also know that it is actually a world that lies between the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the Immortal Realm."

"The integration of the two worlds has made up for some of the shortcomings of the original Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to a certain extent, thus extending people's lifespan."

"At the same time, the origin of the great world and the spiritual energy of all the heavens and worlds are also recovering. The future will definitely be a glorious and prosperous age."

"These, for the new Nine Heavens and Ten Earths now, more powerful people will be born in the future."

"Even in the future, the Great Emperor and the Supreme Emperor will stand side by side in the world. This will never happen before."

"These now seem to be slowly entering a more glorious moment, and we have also found a way to become immortals."

"It seems that everything that troubled us in the past has been solved. As for the reason why I wanted to merge the two worlds, you may have different guesses in your mind!"

Ye Fan, Emperor Wushi and others all looked at each other and nodded.

Ye Fan said at this time: "Senior, you let the two worlds merge, isn't it because the immortality substance in the strange world before can make people live longer?"

"The other one is that it can make the world more complete and enhance the world's heritage. Are there other reasons?"

Yuan Changqing said again: "Yes, Ye Fan, what you said is correct, and these are indeed what I have considered."

"However, this is only a small part of it, and it is not the real reason for the integration of the two worlds."

Emperor Qing asked at this time: "Fellow Taoist Changqing, is it the big things you are talking about that have the most fundamental meaning?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Actually, when it comes to big things, you guys, Taoist Qingdi and Taoist Wushi, maybe you should know a little bit about it."

Yuan Changqing's words made Emperor Qing and Emperor Wushi frown, as if they knew it, but it was paradoxical.

Qing Emperor and Wu Shi Great Emperor were both powerful Immortal Kings in the past. Qinglian Immortal King and Wuzhu Immortal King were immortal kings who once dominated the world.

As the strength of the two of them increases, fragments of the Great Law and some fragmented memories often appear in their own Dao Fruit.

However, after all, the strength of Emperor Qing and Emperor Wushi has not been restored, and the former Daoguo cannot return. Yuan Changqing's words also made the two confused.

Maybe Emperor Wushi needs to know more. After all, Emperor Wushi is already a mortal immortal. In the realm of quasi-immortal king, he has received more fragments of the avenue. Some of his past memories have also grown with his strength. Know better.

Emperor Wushi said with a serious face at this time: "There are a lot of fragments of battle memories in my memory, which are extremely tragic, but I don't know more. Is the big event mentioned by Fellow Taoist Changqing related to these? related?"

Qingdi also spoke at this time: "Among some of my memories, like fellow Taoist Wushi, many of them are memory fragments about battles. I don't know how many more there are."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, endless battles, extremely brutal battles, countless creatures continue to fall, and countless worlds are also falling."

"These are what we will face in the future. Now, even if we have become immortals or are on the road to becoming immortals, it is not the time to let our horses go."

"In the future, we will face battles that are a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, and even more terrifying than those we have ever faced before."

"However, we are not prepared at all for the situations we need to face. Our strength may be no more than cannon fodder."

Ye Fan asked with disbelief: "Senior, are you telling the truth? Could it be that the situation we face in the future will be so cruel!"

Yuan Changqing said solemnly: "It's true, it's more difficult than the cruel situation we imagined. Our current strength seems to be invincible in this world, but when we really face the enemy, it may not be the same." enemy."


Even the Emperor Wushi and the Ruthless Emperor couldn't help but take a breath of cold air at this time, and the breathing of everyone present became heavier.

In fact, everyone's face was ugly and they couldn't help but tremble.

Ye Fan said again: "Is there no other way?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "I don't know either. The reason why I tell everyone at this time is that we hope that our strength can grow faster so that we can have a glimmer of hope to face it."

"And the integration of the two worlds that I advocate is to hope that more strong people will be born. These are our heritage."

"Ye Fan, you are also the most critical link. Now that Heaven is the largest force in the entire universe, you are also needed to continuously integrate the power of the entire universe. This is why I entrust those supreme powerhouses to you."

"This new big world will be our talent reserve base in the future. As long as strong people are constantly born, our chances of winning will be better."

Ye Fan nodded solemnly and said: "Senior, I understand, we will make arrangements for the unification of forces."

"But how much time do we have to prepare now?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head again and said: "I don't know either, but one thing is unfortunately certain, that is, our enemies have not paid attention to us yet, and they have been looking for us."

"And these are all arranged, or planned, by the unparalleled emperor in the long river of time."

Emperor Wushi looked shocked at this time, pointed his finger to the sky and asked: "Is it possible that Fellow Taoist Changqing is talking about him!"

"Yes, it's him, the most amazing and talented emperor in history." Yuan Changqing nodded firmly.

Everyone also realized at this time that they probably knew who Yuan Changqing was talking about, but his name was unexplainable.

Otherwise, Ding Ranxin noticed his attention, and everyone maintained a tacit understanding and said nothing.

Ye Fan asked again: "Senior, what kind of terrifying enemy will we face in the future?"

Facing such a formidable enemy, Ye Fan now wants to know more about the enemy's details.

The people present may only know more and more clearly after Qing Emperor and Wu Shi Emperor recover their memories.

After all, the two of them have faced each other before, and even they only faced those immortal kings who were polluted in foreign lands.

As for the latter part, they only have a guess, and the details are not too clear.

But Yuan Changqing is different. He is not from a world, but a mortal in the mortal world, where he can know everything about the development and changes of this world.

However, those are just for entertainment, and there are even many pitfalls in them that have not been buried. Yuan Changqing does not know the inside story and can only rely on guessing.

Now that Yuan Changqing has come to this world, he feels horrible when he thinks about it at first. This world is simply like hell.

However, now that we are here, we can only bite the bullet and keep making progress, otherwise, we will only become a pile of loess.

Yuan Changqing asked at this time: "You know the Immortal Realm, we will go there soon. That is the real place where we prepare for war."

Ye Fan nodded and replied: "It's the world behind the Feixianxing Road to Immortality. I wonder how Huang Di and the others are doing now?!"

Yuan Changqing looked into the distance and said: "They are all people with great luck. They should be fine. Maybe they have become immortals now."

After all, nearly a million years have passed since the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Even if the speed of time in the Immortal Realm is slower, with the talents of Huangdi, Yandi, Lao Tzu, and Sakyamuni, even if they don't become immortals, they should be almost there.

After feeling some feelings, Yuan Changqing said again: "What do you think of the current Immortal Realm?"

Gai Jiuyou said at this time: "It must be extremely powerful. Since it is called the Immortal Realm, there must be many immortals in it. This is also the place that countless people in our world longed for."

Yuan Changqing thought of everything in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, so many ancient emperors, in order to become immortals, at all costs, just to enter the immortal realm and become immortals.

It's a pity that no matter how talented you are, you still don't know that the path to immortality is actually within everyone all the time.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "The Immortal Realm is extremely powerful, but the current Immortal Realm is broken and not complete."

"In the ancient times, the Immortal Realm was infinitely powerful, and there were Immortal Kings to suppress it. There were countless True Immortals, and there were also many quasi-Immortal Kings."

"However, it was still shattered by powerful enemies, and all the immortals and immortal kings fell."

The history mentioned by Yuan Changqing may not be comprehensive or true, but as long as he tells everyone about the cruelty, he will achieve his goal.

This also hopes that everyone will have a sense of urgency and crisis, which will also allow everyone to work harder and improve their strength to cope with future crises.

But Ye Fan and others were shocked. Immortal King, what a tyrannical immortal figure he was. He just fell.

And like Emperor Wushi and Emperor Qing, they also fell in the realm of Immortal Kings. What Yuan Changqing said made the two of them feel even more deeply.

After a while, Ye Fan and others came to their senses and asked again: "Senior, are there any strong people in the Immortal King realm in the Immortal Realm now?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "I don't know, after all, I haven't been there. There may or may not be one."

"However, there is definitely a quasi-immortal king. There is no doubt about this. No matter how you say it, it is not an immortal realm, even if it is already a broken immortal realm."

After hearing this, everyone nodded and acknowledged Yuan Changqing's statement.

Ye Fan continued to ask: "Senior said that we will enter the fairyland soon, so what should we do in this world in the future?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "Of course we can't ignore this place. This will be our last retreat from now on."

"So, before entering the Immortal Realm, you need to unify this universe so that there is only one voice."

"As for before entering the fairyland, you also need to make arrangements to prevent our retreat from causing trouble in the future, which would not be beautiful."

"Even our world cannot be exposed. This is also the place of hope and back-up plan prepared by the unparalleled emperor."

"Otherwise, we here would have been exposed to the eyes of our great enemy."

Ye Fan also nodded solemnly at this time and said: "What the senior said, I will arrange it as soon as possible. With the supreme power that the senior has entrusted to us, I think it will be completed soon."

Emperor Wushi also said at this time: "I will also send my followers to assist when the time comes. We really need to arrange everything as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded, and Yuan Changqing said again: "Friend Qingdi, Gai Lao, and Ancient Emperor Qilin, the three of you must become Red Dust Immortals as soon as possible. When we enter the Immortal Realm, we will be stronger and be able to suppress everything. Strength."

The three Qing Emperors nodded. The pressure on the three of them was indeed greater now. Knowing the formidable enemies they would face in the future, it was like they were weighing down countless mountains in their hearts.

However, among the three of them, Qing Emperor is close to becoming a Red Dust Immortal, while Gai Jiuyou and Qilin Ancient Emperor will still need some time.

Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan again and said: "You can also take out the ancient coffin of the gods from the ancestral temple of the Divine Dynasty that time. Sleeping inside is the ancient emperor of the Divine Silkworm Clan. He also embarked on the path of immortality in the world of mortals. Strong, we need his strength now too.”

"It turns out that the Ancient Divine Silkworm Emperor was buried in that ancient coffin. But if we wake him up, will it disturb his transformation?" Ye Fan suddenly realized and asked worriedly.

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "It's okay. The Divine Silkworm Clan has a racial advantage when they embark on the immortal road of mortal world. When the time comes, we will just wake them up with our spiritual thoughts."

"And we have a complete world of mortal magic, which is also helpful to the ancient emperor of the divine silkworm, and can also allow him to quickly complete his transformation."

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Okay, I will take it out later, but I don't know if the ancient coffin of the gods is still there where I placed it before."

"It's okay, it won't affect us whether he's there or not. If he's still there, then we can have more strength." Yuan Changqing didn't care.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing finished talking about what was needed, and everyone returned to their own dojos.

After the integration of the two realms, Emperor Wushi moved his dojo away directly after returning this time and went to Zishan again.

Ye Fan also began to arrange for powerful men from heaven to travel to all parts of the universe. They even showed the supreme power of immortality and told the world that the universe was about to be unified by heaven, and all forces needed to go to heaven to meet.

After Emperor Wushi arranged the dojo, he arranged for manpower to assist Ye Fan in unifying all forces in the universe.

Even Yuan Changqing, Gai Jiuyou, Qingdi and others also sent people to the heaven. This also told all forces in the universe that this was also their will.

Fortunately, the new Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are already producing immortality, and people's lifespan is slowly increasing, so there is no need to worry about lifespan.

Like Yuan Yuer, Huo Qizi brother and sister, Hua Yunfei, Yaochi Saint, Xia Jiuyou, Jiang Taixu, Ji Zi...

These powerful men in heaven and earth also appeared one after another and began to assist heaven in unifying all realms of heaven and earth.

Earth Star, in the Immortal Mountain, now only Zeng Li, Yuan Changqing, Ancient Emperor Qilin, and Yuhua Emperor are left to practice in the Immortal Mountain.

Yuan Changqing also began to help Zeng Li, Yuan Yue'er, and Emperor Yuhua understand their respective immortal paths in the mortal world.

The fusion of the two worlds and the great changes in the universe also gave Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer the opportunity to embark on the path of immortality in the world of mortals. Although it became a little more difficult, having hope is better than nothing.

Fortunately, although the current cosmic environment has begun to produce immortal matter, it is still much stronger than the previous strange world.

As for the Yuhua Emperor, with the help of Yuan Changqing, even if the second life was not perfect because of the ruthless Emperor.

However, with the help of the immortal medicine, the Feathered Emperor also began to transform again to complete the transformation of his third life, so that he could reverse his origin and make himself perfect.

As for Yuan Changqing's rescue of Yuhua Emperor, the ruthless emperor also knew that Yuan Changqing also greeted the ruthless emperor later, but she didn't say much.

At this point, the cause and effect between the Yuhua Emperor and the ruthless Emperor disappeared. Yuan Changqing also told the Yuhua Emperor.

In this way, the Yuhua Emperor can practice and transform with peace of mind, and no longer be afraid of being blamed by the ruthless Emperor.

This is how Yuan Changqing once again changed a person's destiny after coming to this world.

Small trends can be changed, but big trends cannot be changed!

Among the nine heavens and ten earths, the fate of many people has been changed because of Yuan Changqing, such as the ancient emperor Qilin, Ji Zi, Huangdi and so on.

However, as long as nothing happens to Ye Fan and the general trend does not change, some side details will not be a big deal.

And these changed people are all people with outstanding talents, and they will also be helpful in facing the enemy in the future.

After all, the higher you stand, the farther you see, the more you understand, and the more you understand, the deeper you understand, the more despair you feel.

Although Yuan Changqing has not yet reached that level, he has a memory like a "prophet", which allows Yuan Changqing to know many secrets that the world cannot know.

Even the powerful Immortal Kings like Emperor Wushi and Emperor Qing did not know much more than Yuan Changqing.

As long as he thinks of the cruel situation he will face in the future, thinking of this world that is as difficult as hell, Yuan Changqing can't help but tremble in his heart.

It is simply too difficult to be frightened and horrified just thinking about those subsequent developments in the world.

Even if Yuan Changqing has the innate spiritual treasure of the World Pearl, there is no guarantee that he can protect himself, let alone his family.

However, now that he has come to this world of hell-level difficulty, Yuan Changqing can only give it a try.

Otherwise, it is in vain that I have experienced such a journey in this world, and that I have been favored by the Supreme Avenue.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing is now racing against time to comprehend the Great Dao after returning to Earth Star Immortal Mountain.

Now that the two worlds are merging, it is the time to understand the myriad ways of heaven and earth. Such a rare opportunity cannot be missed.

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