Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 469 Born to be Supreme

The Immortal Mountain, along with the Hailiang Essence that Yuan Changqing, the Ancient Qilin Emperor, and the Yuhua Emperor swallowed every day, were directly drawn from the void into the Immortal Mountain.

Now the Immortal Mountain is rich in energy and has become a supreme holy land for cultivation.

Originally, the Immortal Mountain was once a restricted area of ​​life, extremely magical, but now, it is even better than before.

The integration of the two worlds will create a splendid world, and the time of this world will be longer.

Prodigies from all sides continue to appear, and supreme emperors are born one after another.

Although the situation of two emperors in one life has not occurred now, the imagined cruel situation of imperial struggle for hegemony has not been born.

Perhaps this is because the universe can produce immortal substances, which can make people live longer, and there is no longer a life-or-death situation.

Of course, the struggle for hegemony among emperors still exists, and it seems to be an agreed custom that the strongest person becomes enlightened.

At this time, when a great emperor is born, they will only stay for ten thousand years, and then they will take the initiative to dissipate the mark of Tianxin.

Later, another great emperor was born, and it took another ten thousand years for the Heavenly Heart Seal to dissipate, allowing the next genius to become enlightened.

This is also true, ten thousand years, twenty thousand years, thirty thousand years...

The world continues to pass, and every ten thousand years, a great emperor is born. This great world is extremely glorious.

The well-known powerful people in the universe have all achieved enlightenment one after another. Yuan Yuer, Zeng Li, Jiang Taixu, Sun Son, Old Madman, Human Demon and others have all achieved enlightenment.

Even the Holy Son of the Sun and Jiang Tingting came together just like the original history.

The two even gave birth to a baby girl, who was born with a body of chaos. On the day of her birth, the chaotic air flow surrounded her and continued to spread in all directions, flooding the Immortal Mountain. Even Yuan Changqing and others were alarmed.

"Teacher, look, this is my child!" The Holy Son of the Sun came to Yuan Changqing with the baby girl in his arms even more excitedly.

Although Yuan Changqing did not accept Son of the Sun as his disciple, he still preached at the Immortal Mountain for a long time.

Coupled with Yuan Changqing's friendship with the Sun God Dynasty, otherwise, the Holy Son of the Sun would not have been brought back to the Mountain of Immortality by Yuan Changqing.

It is precisely because of this that brothers and sisters like Sun Son, Hua Yunfei, Yaochi Saint, and Huo Qizi all call Yuan Changqing their teacher.

In fact, in terms of age, Yuan Changqing is not much older than them. In fact, based on the years that Huo Qizi brother and sister have been around, they are much older.

However, the Huo Qizi brother and sister were sealed by the Ancient Qilin Emperor when they were young. Strictly speaking, they are the same generation as Yuan Changqing, and are the younger generation of the Sun Son.

However, those who master are teachers, and Yuan Changqing's achievements are enough for them to call them teachers.

"Yes, yes, Chaos Body, if you cultivate it well, your future achievements will be limitless." Yuan Changqing nodded, his tone full of joy.

This newborn baby girl is extremely white and pure. She is surrounded by the energy of chaos and can autonomously swallow the energy in the void of the universe.

She could even run freely, break free from the arms of the Son of the Sun, and run around in the Immortal Mountain.

The moment the chaotic body was born, visions descended from the sky, the universe shook, and countless people were shocked. Among these people, all of them died.

They all knew that a body of innate chaos was born, but they did not dare to say anything after seeing that it was the Immortal Mountain.

After all, there is a real immortal in the Immortal Mountain.

As for the chaotic body, no one can pay attention to it.

In the long years, no body of chaos was born. However, in this bright world, a body of natural chaos was directly born, which pushed this world to a new height.

The Chaos Body is simply a born supreme. This is a physique that can successfully achieve enlightenment even if it is suppressed by the great ways of heaven and earth. It is so powerful.

This is similar to Yuan Changqing's use of the World Pearl to become a Taoist. Chaos encompasses all things, and all Taoism is included in it.

This is also the horror of the Chaos Body, just like the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique created by the ruthless emperor, which swallows all bloodlines with special physiques and eventually transforms into a Chaos Body, even if the Chaos Body is not perfect and does not change the natural Chaos Body.

However, the ruthless emperor relied on this pseudo-chaos body to become an emperor when he became an emperor. She also knew the flaws after she became enlightened.

In addition, the chaotic body that relies on devouring achievements will harm the harmony of heaven and earth, and will not be tolerated by the great road and will not be favored by heaven and earth.

Finally, in her later years, the ruthless emperor relied on her peerless talent to create the "Immortal Heavenly Art", and finally used the devil fetus to nourish the divine fetus, successfully lived a second life, transformed, and became a brand new individual. Cut off the cause and effect of the past.

As a result, the ruthless emperor once again received the favor of heaven and earth and received countless benefits, including the source of the black and yellow mother energy of all things that Ye Fan used to refine the weapon of enlightenment.

And the ruthless emperor's strength has also been rising steadily, and now he has become a mortal immortal, not to mention his future achievements.

The baby girl born to Sun Son and Jiang Tingting was born with a chaotic body. As long as she grows up, she will be born supreme!

"Let me bless him!" Yuan Changqing picked up the baby girl.

What a gift it is to be blessed by an immortal. Even the Great Emperor and the Ancient Emperor would be jealous.

"Grandpa, giggle..."

The baby girl's clear voice sounded, and she burst into laughter. She was extremely cute, well-behaved, and intelligent. She had just been out for a short time, and she seemed to already know a lot.

"Hey!" Yuan Changqing also showed a friendly smile on his face.

Then, Yuan Changqing condensed a fairy brand in his hand and touched the baby girl's eyebrows, forming a red mole.

This is the mark of a quasi-immortal king, which is where Yuan Changqing's current state is. It is so precious that it is unimaginable, and it is also a blessing from a quasi-immortal king.

With this brand, it is equivalent to being able to comprehend the path of immortality at any time.

The Holy Son of the Sun and Jiang Tingting were also very happy. Yuan Changqing's blessing also attracted everyone in the Immortal Mountain to watch and even be jealous.

It's a pity that they have all grown up and have their own paths, so it is useless to be jealous.

Ye Fan, Emperor Wushi, Emperor Qing, Gai Jiuyou and others also came to witness Yuan Changqing's blessing.

The intact and natural chaotic body is rare in the world. Powerful people from all walks of life in the universe also came to the Immortal Mountain, all to take a look at the chaotic body.

Now, there are so many enlightened people in the universe, and there is also a bit of glory. It is no longer as difficult as before.

Many powerful people gathered together and continued to discuss the Chaos Body. Finally, a Dao Discussion Conference was held.

It is rare for an immortal to preach. Everyone explains their own way, which also brings great gains to the powerful people who come to the Immortal Mountain.

A hundred years later, the Dao Discussion Conference ended, everyone left one after another, and the Immortal Mountain returned to peace again.

Ten thousand years after everyone left, someone once again attained enlightenment, and this person who attained enlightenment was also a body of chaos.

This chaotic body was also born, and it was called Wang Bo. He defeated all the invincible opponents in the world and finally succeeded in attaining enlightenment.

This has been a long period of time in which all emperors have coexisted. As far as the current situation of heaven and earth is concerned, there is no sign of decline.

This is also due to the fusion of the two worlds. The heaven and earth have produced immortal matter. There are more and more enlightened people and alternative enlightened people. Every ten thousand years, the Great Emperor is born.

In this glorious world, one is born with a chaotic body. Even if he is born supreme, he cannot be respected in this world.

After all, the Chaos Body is getting stronger, and he is still at the peak of humanity and has not yet become an immortal.

In this world, there are several immortals and several supremely powerful men who are about to become immortals.

One day, exclamations came out from the heaven and the earth, and the Nine Dragons pulled the coffin reappeared. Unfortunately, no one could catch up or get close.

Suddenly, a huge hand was seen crossing the endless sea of ​​​​stars, grabbing it directly and bringing it back to the Earth Star Immortal Mountain.

The black corpse of the nine divine dragons complements the Immortal Mountain perfectly.

Yuan Changqing looked at the ancient bronze coffin that once took his family to Beidou. Through the coffin, he looked at the small coffin inside. It seemed that the eternal universe was buried inside.

At this time, a burst of scripture suddenly sounded in the coffin, and characters appeared one after another.

Although there are only a few hundred characters, each character is an imperial text, and its principles have supreme meaning.

This was left behind by Emperor Huang Tian. Most of the hundreds of characters described were about the construction and deduction of the Immortal Realm.

The profound meanings carried by these characters are of great help to Yuan Changqing's Five Elements World.

Even in that small coffin, Yuan Changqing knew that there was a prototype of the Immortal Realm left by Emperor Huangtian.

However, Yuan Changqing brought the Nine Dragons Coffin back not for the prototype of the Immortal Realm, but also for the hundreds of characters.

After that, after Yuan Changqing got what he needed, he directly threw the Kowloon coffin towards the Beidou Star Territory, and it was taken away by Ye Fan.

Time flies, and two hundred thousand years have passed like this.

There are more and more great emperors and powerful men in the universe, and even some juniors have become enlightened.

The Qing Emperor, Gai Jiuyou, the Ancient Qilin Emperor also successfully attained the path of the Red Dust Immortal, and the Yuhua Emperor also transformed into the sixth life.

Yuan Changqing has made rapid progress in the past 200,000 years. He has reached the pinnacle of the Red Dust Immortal and has stepped into the Immortal King.

Come to think of it, Ye Fan, the ruthless emperor, and the Wushi emperor should be about the same. They are also rare and talented people in the world, with extraordinary talents.

Like the Infinite Emperor, who has the Taoist background left by the Infinite Immortal King in his previous life, his progress is increasing slowly.

The same is true for Qing Emperor. After becoming the Red Dust Immortal Queen, she gained the foundation of the Qinglian Immortal King in her previous life and also made rapid progress. I don't know how much faster than Gai Jiuyou and Qilin Ancient Emperor, and they directly distanced themselves.

Not to mention Ye Fan, he is the son of the world in this world and the owner of great luck. Cultivation is like drinking water.

As for the ruthless emperor, he has cultivated to such an extent from a mortal body. His talent can be compared with exaggeration, and his speed of cultivation and understanding of the great path will naturally not be slow.

On this day, Yuan Changqing, who was sitting quietly under the tea tree of Enlightenment, suddenly felt a shock and a fairy light, as if something inside his body had been broken.

Yuan Changqing opened his eyes, his gaze was deep and shining, and his joy was beyond words.

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