Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 470 The Realm of the Immortal King

In the Immortal Mountain, on the Enlightenment Tree, the terrifying Dao Immortal Light bloomed from Yuan Changqing. For a moment, the immortal energy of the Immortal Mountain was hazy, like a fairyland.

With two hundred thousand years of comprehending the laws of the Great Dao, Yuan Changqing's soul and physical body transformed again, and the radiant fairy light continued to overflow from Yuan Changqing's body.

The ultimate immortal coercion spread throughout the world in an instant, shocking the entire nine heavens and ten earths.

The avenue roared, the universe shook, and even the void and chaos roared, as if to welcome the new king.

Yuan Changqing finally took the last step. He only had to survive the Immortal King Tribulation before he could ascend to the throne of the Immortal King and become the first immortal king in the universe.

I saw the endless auspicious energy descending from the ten thousand ways of heaven and earth to the entire nine heavens and ten earths, majestic in the heaven and earth.

The endless sea of ​​stars was shaking, and countless creatures in the universe were shocked and looked at the Immortal Mountain Dojo of the ancient star Yuan Changqing.

"What happened to the universe? Is that an ancient star or the Immortal Mountain Dojo?!"

"It's Fellow Taoist Changqing. Is he trying to..."

"Has he reached the last step? Is he about to reach that step?!"

The powerful men in the universe looked at the ancient star one after another, guessing what happened.

And several supreme immortals in the universe also woke up from seclusion.

After Yuan Changqing woke up from seclusion in the Immortal Mountain, he took one step forward, and the endless immortal light of the great avenue penetrated directly into the depths of the sea of ​​​​stars, and the immeasurable divine power filled the heavens and the universe.

The terrifying coercion of the Immortal Way made all the powerful men in the universe surrender to this immeasurable divine power. The quasi-emperors and alternative enlightened ones were even more trembling and worshiped Yuan Changqing one after another.

Ye Fan, Qing Emperor, and Gai Jiuyou were born one after another, heading towards the sea of ​​​​stars where Yuan Changqing went.

"What a powerful aura, Fellow Taoist Changqing is about to make the ultimate leap!" Qingdi said enviously at this time.

At this moment, Qingdi, Ye Fan, and Gai Jiuyou have stayed in Xinghai and are not too close to Yuan Changqing.

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from Yuan Changqing, I couldn't help but sigh.

As Qingdi stepped into the Mortal Immortal Queen, the deeper he went in his cultivation, the more he accepted the legacy left by the former Qinglian Immortal King, and he felt the most profoundly.

"Yes, Taoist Fellow Changqing's talent is really terrifying. We have left him behind too much." Gai Jiuyou's tone was full of indescribable envy.

After all, Gai Jiuyou could beat Yuan Changqing and others once. Unexpectedly, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan have surpassed him now.

Ye Fan nodded silently at this time, thinking in his heart: "Senior's progress is too fast, I have to work harder and not fall too far behind."

With endless luck, Ye Fan is not much slower than Yuan Changqing. After 200,000 years of concentrating on comprehending the Great Dao, he is now at the pinnacle of the Red Dust Immortal, only one step slower than Yuan Changqing.

Ye Fan's eyes bloomed with bright divine light, and he looked at Yuan Changqing in the depths of the sea of ​​​​stars. The immeasurable immortal light of the Dao was intertwined in Yuan Changqing's body. Ye Fan was also carefully writing down every Dao rule.

Qingdi and Gai Jiuyou are now similar to Ye Fan, and they are both working hard to write down the rules.

There was even a look of supreme joy in Emperor Qing's eyes, which was of endless benefit to his own Qinglian world.

Yuan Changqing was able to enter the realm of the Immortal King so quickly because of the Five Elements World and the World Pearl, especially the Three Thousand Great Laws in the World Pearl.

Now, the rules of the avenue that are constantly intertwined in Yuan Changqing's body allow Qing Emperor's Qinglian world to be completed, making it more perfect and complete.

This also made Qing Emperor feel that his trip was worthwhile. Even if he went back to retreat once, it would be equivalent to tens of thousands of years of hard work.

Then, Emperor Wushi also came to Ye Fan and the others, silently comprehending the rules of the Tao in Yuan Changqing's body.

In the ancient forbidden land, the ruthless emperor also opened his eyes and looked at Yuan Changqing in the depths of the sea of ​​​​stars. There was surprise in his eyes. She did not expect that Yuan Changqing's cultivation speed was so fast.

But the ruthless emperor did not join in the fun like Ye Fan and the others. This was also her character. She was relatively indifferent to everything, except for her own brother.

Therefore, the ruthless emperor is in the ancient forbidden land, silently paying attention to the sea of ​​​​stars.

After Yuan Changqing left the Immortal Mountain, the Ancient Qilin Emperor would be followed by the Feathered Emperor, who would also meet Ye Fan and others in the sea of ​​​​stars.

Both of them were saved by Yuan Changqing, and their current achievements are also due to Yuan Changqing.

Fortunately, being able to prove the truth and become an emperor through countless competitions means that his talent is naturally extraordinary. The ancient Qilin Emperor has also successfully entered the world of mortals, and he is also on his way to becoming an emperor.

At this moment, in the depths of the sea of ​​​​stars, countless Taoisms are intertwined in Yuan Changqing's body, and the crystal immortal body is blooming with immeasurable immortal light, illuminating all heavens and worlds.

I saw those potential gates in Yuan Changqing's body, shining with fairy light, like small worlds.

The terrifying aura is overwhelming, majestic between heaven and earth, permeating the entire nine heavens and ten earths.

At this moment, countless creatures in the heavens and worlds saw a supreme figure deep in the sea of ​​stars.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing is sitting cross-legged in the depths of the sea of ​​​​stars, extremely majestic and lofty, like a supreme god and demon, sacred and majestic.

"That's Immortal Evergreen, what on earth is he going to do?!" In the universe, countless enlightened people, alternative enlightened people, and quasi-emperors all felt trembling at this moment.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky and the earth, and the universe shook.

Yuan Changqing, who is in the depths of the sea of ​​stars, is like the brightest light in the world. It is like another infinite world, blooming with unparalleled light, illuminating the entire world.

Now, the doors of endless potential in Yuan Changqing's body have been opened, as if they have turned into countless worlds, blooming with endless divine light.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing finally ushered in the perfection of Taoism and physical body, and stepped into the realm of the Immortal King.

Deep in the void, endless avenue talismans continued to fall from the void, turning into terrifying taboo divine thunder and avenue fire, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and instantly drowned Yuan Changqing.


The Great Catastrophe of the Immortal King has arrived, and the time to test Yuan Changqing has arrived.

The endless terrifying aura instantly filled the world, and Ye Fan and others retreated one after another. The terrifying aura exuded by the Immortal King's Tribulation directly made Ye Fan and others feel the dangerous atmosphere.

At this moment, between the heaven and the earth, endless terrifying light illuminated the nine heavens and ten lands in an instant. Countless creatures in the universe felt a sense of despair, and their souls were trembling, as if the end of the world was coming.

Vast thunder and lightning, endless thunder, as if free of charge, like a waterfall, continue to fall, drowning Yuan Changqing's figure.

In the sky, the endless rules of the avenue and the chains of divine patterns of order filled the entire void and manifested themselves in the world. They kept hitting Yuan Changqing's soul and body, as if they were going to obliterate Yuan Changqing.

The world is roaring, and the chaotic airflow falls from the void and keeps rolling. The entire universe seems to have become a huge furnace, trying to refine Yuan Changqing.

Endless avenue runes and terrifying lightning tribulation light permeated the depths of the entire star sea, causing the universe to tremble.

This is the Great Tribulation of the Immortal King, a test for the most powerful beings in the world.

The terrifying thunder tribulation light was constantly dispersed and absorbed by Yuan Changqing. Those thunders were the most original runes of the avenue, and they were extremely terrifying.

"What a terrifying thunder tribulation. It's so terrifying at the beginning. I don't know what the extent will be in the future!"

Everyone who watched this catastrophe was horrified and shocked. This was an unprecedented thunder catastrophe.

If it were other mortal immortals, they might not be able to survive the first wave and would have died.

After all, if you want to survive the Great Tribulation of the Immortal King, you need Taoism, Yuan Shen, and the physical body to be complete. This is a new realm and transformation.

"The Immortal King's Tribulation!" Emperor Qing and Emperor Wushi couldn't help but whisper.

In the past, both of them had experienced it and succeeded, and even practiced to a relatively advanced level.

Now, as their strength is getting higher and higher, their memories are getting more and more, and their understanding is getting deeper and deeper.

From those memory fragments, they all knew that as long as they survived the Great Tribulation of the Immortal King, they would be able to enter an incredible realm.

The vast thunder continued to fall, and countless forbidden divine thunders, some of which were even unheard of, continued to drown Yuan Changqing.

Now, Yuan Changqing's soul and physical body are also beginning to transform towards the realm of the Immortal King. This is not only the Great Tribulation of the Immortal King that tests Yuan Changqing, but also helps Yuan Changqing complete the final transformation.

Only when the Dao, Yuan Shen, and physical body are perfectly integrated and are in the realm of the Immortal King, can one be considered a true Immortal King.

The Five Elements Diagram accompanied Yuan Changqing in various taboo divine thunders, constantly broken, reorganized, broken again, and the cycle continued. The Immortal King's Law was also perfected in the Five Elements Divine Diagram.

Yuan Changqing's physical body was also constantly broken and reorganized. Immortal blood was spilled and evaporated in an instant.

The soul is also the same, constantly broken and reorganized, and then bloomed with infinite golden light, scattering and absorbing the falling divine thunder, and constantly completing the transformation towards the realm of the Immortal King.

Various taboo divine thunders continued to fall, and where Yuan Changqing passed through the tribulation, the star fields nearby were shattered one after another, leaving no matter behind, and became nothingness.

Fortunately, the place where Yuan Changqing chose to escape the tribulation was surrounded by a ruined star field, otherwise, countless living beings might have been affected.

Both Yuan Changqing and Five Elements Map were devouring the countless scattered thunder energy to make up for their own consumption.

Between heaven and earth, there are endless great tribulations and punishments, one after another, in an endless stream, as if Yuan Changqing must be wiped out before he is willing to do so.

Yuan Changqing's soul and body are also constantly devouring those thunder essences. In the Five Elements World, massive amounts of thunder essences permeate it, and the Blue Silver Tree continues to transform those thunder essences into spiritual energy and life force.

Vitality and destruction are interdependent. In thunder, there is not only the power of destruction, but also the power of creation and vitality.

As the thunder energy permeates the Five Elements World, it also makes this world seem like life can be born.

And the potential gates in Yuan Changqing's body are also due to the continuous expansion of Thunder Essence.

This is a test and temper for higher-level creatures.

I saw those thunderous tribulation lights, like beams of light, hitting Yuan Changqing, constantly annihilating Yuan Changqing, and then being resolved, becoming Yuan Changqing's nourishment and being swallowed up.

Nine heavens and ten earths, in this terrifying Immortal King Tribulation, seemed to be penetrated, and the entire universe was shaking.

Such a terrifying thunder tribulation light can wipe out the Red Dust Immortal in one stroke, which is beyond the comprehension of the Red Dust Immortal.

As the Great Tribulation of the Immortal King progresses, the lightning tribulation light becomes more and more terrifying, and Yuan Changqing becomes more and more powerful.

Although Yuan Changqing was constantly injured and severely wounded, Yuan Changqing recovered in an instant, relying on the energy of swallowing thunder to constantly fight against the endless terrifying thunder.

The divine patterns of the great avenues on the Five Elements Diagram are also constantly intertwined, broken and then reorganized. Those divine patterns become more and more complex and mysterious.

This catastrophe of the Immortal King lasted for ten years. When the last forbidden divine thunder fell and was swallowed by Yuan Changqing, the terrifying pressure of the Immortal Dao instantly descended on the nine heavens and ten places, and the entire universe was suppressed and trembled.

This is a kind of supreme and great breath, extremely lofty and far-reaching, permeating the whole world in an instant.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing felt that an immortal golden substance was constantly being born in his body. As long as the world was not destroyed, it could last forever.

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