Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 471 Blessings

Yuan Changqing successfully passed through the Great Tribulation of the Immortal King, and a supreme breath spread from his body to all the heavens and worlds.

The overwhelming aura instantly shocked the world. Throughout the universe, countless creatures involuntarily felt an indescribable terrifying force, and their souls were also trembling involuntarily.

This is an unknown field, even for peak mortal immortals like Ye Fan and Wu Shi Emperor, let alone other living beings.

The power of the Immortal King can unfortunately easily destroy a large world. This is a transformation of the origin of life, which cannot be understood unless you are in this realm.

Therefore, for example, the Red Dust Immortal died casually before the Immortal King's year, and its life level surpassed that of the Red Dust Immortal.

And as Yuan Changqing successfully survived the Immortal King Tribulation, a brand new Immortal King was born in this broken Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

When Yuan Changqing felt his strength again, he found that his current self was completely different from his past self. He was much stronger.

The Five Elements Diagram was suspended at Yuan Changqing's feet, blooming with bright light. After Yuan Changqing survived the Immortal King Tribulation, it also completed its transformation and became an Immortal King Weapon.

The terrifying five-color divine light shines on all the worlds, exuding a terrifying aura, and the oppressive void is constantly being shattered.

Later, Yuan Changqing took the Five Elements Map into the Five Elements World again and suppressed the origin of Heavenly Dao.

And as Yuan Changqing was promoted to the realm of Immortal King, the world of the Five Elements also ushered in a new change, and a force of life was blooming.

There are thousands of avenues, each of which is different. Just like Yuan Changqing, his sixth secret realm is different from others.

In this world, there may be some similarities between Qing Emperor and Yuan Changqing. Qing Emperor has the Green Lotus World, which is the foundation of his immortal way.

Yuan Changqing's immortal path is basically in the world of five elements, which was developed from Yuan Changqing's original origin of the five elements.

After Yuan Changqing entered the world of mortals, he was carefully cultivated, and now he finally has some scale.

After Yuan Changqing stepped into the Mortal Fairy Queen, the world of the Five Elements became more and more complete and stable, full of vitality, but unable to give birth to life.

But now, after Yuan Changqing survived the Immortal King's Tribulation, he felt a surge of vitality. This was a higher-level change.

When Yuan Changqing was a mortal, the Five Elements World could allow various plants to grow in it, but it could not give birth to intelligent creatures.

But it is different now. Yuan Changqing can easily sense that the world of Five Elements has undergone a new transformation, and that life can be born, even if it is a relatively low-level life.

Yuan Changqing has been cultivating the Five Elements World, and he has long buried the treasures, divine gold, and mineral deposits that he cannot use in the Five Elements World.

In addition, Yuan Changqing himself is proficient in Yuantian Technique and the Secret of Formation, which also makes the Five Elements World full of various terrains.

Those divine gold deposits are also buried deep underground, and I hope that one day more deposits will continue to be produced.

This can also enrich the Five Elements World. Now, Yuan Changqing finally sees hope. He thinks that when the realm becomes more profound in the future, this Five Elements World will also become a world of supreme treasures.

Deep in the sea of ​​​​stars, Yuan Changqing began to swallow immeasurable essence. A steady stream of essence came from an unknown place, like a galaxy, vast and huge, and sank into his body.

These essences were drawn by Yuan Changqing from the void and chaos, and they continuously replenished Yuan Changqing's missing energy.

As a massive amount of energy descended on the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the escaped energy also continued to spread in this universe. It seemed that the addition of this energy directly raised the spiritual energy of the world to a higher level.

However, this is also a fact. If the essence swallowed by an immortal king is in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, I am afraid that Yuan Changqing can directly turn it into a spiritless era.

However, Yuan Changqing is already the Immortal King, and he no longer needs to absorb essence from the universe. It is a pity that it is drawn from an unknown place of nothingness.

At the same time, as Yuan Changqing achieved the realm of the Immortal King, his Immortal King's Avenue also turned into a bright mark and integrated into the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

This seems to be a kind of blessing from Yuan Changqing, which will benefit this universe and feed back to the world.

In fact, Yuan Changqing felt that this was a causal relationship. When Yuan Changqing was growing up, he absorbed countless essences from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and became a cause and effect connected with the universe.

And when Yuan Changqing becomes the Immortal King, he will bless the world and feed the universe. This is like returning the cause and effect of the universe.

This is also the time after Yuan Changqing branded his Immortal King for Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the aura of the universe revived, and the essence of heaven and earth returned, allowing heaven and earth to reappear in a golden age, and the cultivation of monks in the world became easier.

The vast amount of essence that Yuan Changqing swallowed from the outside world, and just the essence that escaped, brought infinite benefits to the entire universe. This is the contribution and blessing of an immortal king to the universe.

This also causes the world to undergo slow changes, and the avenue of heaven and earth will slowly recover, allowing the dry world of heaven and earth to turn from decline to prosperity.

The essence between heaven and earth will continue to grow and become stronger as time goes by and in the years to come.

It will even make the universe produce more immortal matter, allowing those supreme emperors to live longer.

And newly born babies will have unparalleled press conference benefits, and their qualifications will become higher.

It has become easier for monks to practice, and it is no longer so difficult to open up the sea of ​​suffering, it has become much easier.

This is the endless benefit that an Immortal King brings to the world.

Moreover, after Yuan Changqing becomes the Immortal King, his direct blood relatives will receive an evolution that will make cultivation easier.

People who have a close relationship with Yuan Changqing will also receive all kinds of favors and receive the favor of heaven and earth.

For example, Yuan Changqing's parents, Yuan Yue'er and Zeng Li, received more benefits and it was easier to practice. This is the benefit brought by the Immortal King.

In fact, the chances of Yuan Yue'er and Zeng Li setting foot on the Red Dust Immortal World will increase, and their road to the great road will be smooth in the future.

After Yuan Changqing recovered, Ye Fan and others flew away one after another. At this moment, their hearts were still filled with incomparable shock.

"Fellow Taoist Changqing, are you really the Immortal King now?!" Emperor Qing felt Yuan Changqing's aura and asked in shock.

After seeing Yuan Changqing successfully survive the Great Tribulation of the Immortal King, although Emperor Qing was already sure, he still couldn't help but ask.

Ye Fan and others also looked at Yuan Changqing with envy on their faces.

"Yeah!" Yuan Changqing nodded with a smile.

Immortal King!

What kind of existence is this? Even if Emperor Qing and Emperor Wushi have reached this realm before, they are still extremely shocked.

From those memory fragments, Emperor Qing and Emperor Wushi knew that the Immortal King, even in those years, was the supreme figure in existence.

And now, they once again witnessed the birth of a brand new Immortal King in this barren world.

Just like Qing Emperor and Wu Shi Emperor, as they became stronger, many memory fragments were revived, allowing the two to know or guess their former identities.

Perhaps, only after they set foot in the realm of the Immortal King again and fully recover, Qing Emperor and Wu Shi Emperor will know who they are.

Although Yuan Changqing had vaguely told the two of them before, he did not say it clearly or inform them of their identities.

"Senior, what is the realm of the Immortal King?" Ye Fan still couldn't help asking.

After all, the previous Immortal King's Catastrophe gave Ye Fan incomparable shock and shock.

Even though Ye Fan has gone through countless horrific catastrophes along the way, it was not enough before Yuan Changqing's Immortal King's catastrophe.

Yuan Changqing thought for a while and said: "Immortal King, you should all know that this is a higher realm than the mortal immortal, and it is also a new transformation of life."

"Let's put it this way, just like the realm of the Great Emperor and the realm below the Great Emperor in the human realm is a transformation of life, this is still a relatively weak transformation of the origin of life."

"The subsequent transformation of the great emperor into the realm of immortals is a transformation of a more advanced source of life, which can make people live forever."

"However, the Immortal King is different. This is a deeper transformation of the origin of life. A metallic immortal substance will be produced in the body, which can be the same as the universe. The heaven and earth are corrupt but I am immortal."

"The Immortal King can also be called the Immortal King, and the True Immortal and Quasi-Immortal Kings can be called Immortal. These are the Immortal Kings."

Ye Fan nodded as if he understood, and said: "I didn't expect there to be such a difference among immortals. It's really mysterious and unpredictable."

"Yes, only when you reach the realm can you have a profound understanding. However, fellow Taoist Wushi, Ye Fan, you should be almost there too!" Yuan Changqing asked with a smile at this time.

Emperor Wushi smiled modestly and said: "There is still a little distance, but it is almost there."

Ye Fan also smiled and said: "I may still need some time, but I will finally catch up with my senior."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Friend Qingdi, it seems that you are catching up from behind."

Qingdi smiled and shook his head and said, "I'm still not as good as you, Taoist friend. It's really embarrassing."

The Qing Emperor was able to improve faster than Gai Jiuyou and the Ancient Qilin Emperor, but it was because of the glory of his predecessor, the Qinglian Immortal King.

Otherwise, it might be similar to Gai Jiuyou and Qilin Ancient Emperor.

"Mr. Gai, you are not slow either." Yuan Changqing looked at Gai Jiuyou. His strength had also improved a lot, and he was on par with the Ancient Qilin Emperor.

"Hahaha, I can't compare to you, but I am satisfied with my current strength." Gai Jiuyou also knows that there is no comparison with the others, and his mentality is relatively stable, and he keeps playing steadily. Making progress.

As for the Ancient Emperor Qilin, Yuan Changqing didn't ask much. After all, he had always been by his side and he couldn't understand him better.

Like the Yuhua Great Emperor, he is still on the road to immortality in the mortal world and has not yet become an immortal.

At the current time, only Ye Fan, Wushi Emperor, and Ruthless Emperor can step into the Immortal King in a relatively short period of time, followed by Qing Emperor, and the rest are all Immortal Kings. As for when, Yuan Changqing has no idea. To think more.

For those who become immortals in the world of mortals, they are all expected to become immortals. It is just a matter of time.

Now that Yuan Changqing is the Immortal King, the next issue that should be considered is to help Yuan Yuer and Zeng Li embark on the path of immortality in the mortal world, and then enter the immortal realm.

Perhaps, when Ye Fan and others become Immortal Kings, it will be time to enter the Immortal Realm.

The current history is very different from the original. Ye Fan and the others have made much faster progress than in the original history.

Such a situation may also increase a lot of combat power when facing future enemies in the future.

"Let's go, come with me to the Immortal Mountain Dojo." Yuan Changqing finally said.

A ray of immortal light connected with the ancient stars and reached the Immortal Mountain Dojo. Yuan Changqing and others had reached the Immortal Mountain in an instant.

And in all the heavens and worlds, there are countless strong men who fly up and pierce the starry sky. Bright divine lights, like countless meteors, streak across the boundless sea of ​​​​stars.

They all headed towards the ancient star, all going to meet Yuan Changqing, wanting to know the situation of the terrifying catastrophe in the star sea.

After all, that kind of boundless and terrifying catastrophe was simply unheard of, and it almost caused the universe to collapse.

As well as the infinite divine power that Yuan Changqing finally unleashed, and the infinite changes in the universe, these are what they want to know.

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