Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 490 The Death of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor

The battle between two quasi-immortal emperors will destroy the world and destroy the world. With just a raise of your hand, you can easily destroy a large world.

In the end, the dark quasi-immortal emperor broke away from the terrifying power, quickly broke away, and fought back against Yuan Changqing again.

Fortunately, Yuan Changqing didn't think that he could accomplish anything with one blow, but he just felt a little bit regretful that the dark quasi-immortal emperor escaped the fatal blow.

Subsequently, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides again, causing the boundary sea dam to shake.

However, there is no need to worry about Yuan Changqing and the dark quasi-immortal emperor's boundary sea dam deep in their capital.

However, the battle here in the Boundary Sea had a far-reaching impact. Several big worlds were attracted by the fluctuations in fighting energy here, attracting attention.

Even across the boundary sea, there was attention because of this. In the forbidden land, some powerful Quasi-Immortal Emperors who were not so deep in their slumber were awakened by the battle between the Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

However, those taboo quasi-immortal emperors did not pay too much attention. They were just a little surprised that Yuan Changqing also had the strength of the quasi-immortal emperor.

For those Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors, they all felt that the appearance of Yuan Changqing was nothing to worry about, and the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor could handle it.

In the chaos, boundless waves arose in the land of the Boundary Sea, the sword light roared, the five-color divine light shined, and terrifying energy erupted.

The terrifying battle caused Yuan Changqing and the dark quasi-immortal emperor to receive varying degrees of damage.

Yuan Changqing's chest was directly hit by a sword light, which pierced through the chest, and the emperor's blood spilled, as if even the long river of time had been cut off.

The emperor's blood contains Yuan Changqing's terrifying "emperor" path. Even though Yuan Changqing is not a real emperor now, he still has the characteristics of an emperor.

However, the dark quasi-immortal emperor did not feel where he was going. The terrifying Dao Law fairy light emitted by the Five Elements Diagram directly shattered one of his arms. The black emperor's blood continued to flow out, and the terrifying darkness was filled with strange and unknown things. substance.

After a while, both sides quickly recovered from the injuries suffered, and the terrifying battle collided again.

However, the dark quasi-immortal emperor was frightened. The battle with Yuan Changqing became more and more intense and incredible.

The two figures were constantly entangled with each other, boundless runes of the Law of the Great Dao filled the surroundings, and the battle became more and more intense.

The bodies of both sides were covered with scars, and the fight was evenly matched. Yuan Changqing, the newly promoted Quasi-Immortal Emperor, did not fall below when facing the veteran Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

This was also the reason why the dark quasi-immortal emperor became more and more frightened. He originally thought that he could easily take down Yuan Changqing and bring the darkness to the immortal realm.

However, the development of the matter was far beyond the expectations of the dark quasi-immortal emperor.


The two people in the entanglement, this is the collision of immortal weapons, fists against each other, causing a shocking wave.

The collision of boundless divine power turned into boundless ripples, stirring and spreading to countless surrounding worlds.

The terrifying divine light of immortality tore apart the boundless chaotic world, and the boundary sea dam was shaken to the point of collapse by the terrifying force.

The barriers of some large worlds affected by the battle energy were also torn apart, and they continued to spread, bringing boundless disasters.

Fortunately, these worlds have fallen into darkness and turned into dark creatures.

Yuan Changqing and the dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor did not care about these dark creatures that were affected by the energy of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's battle and perished.

Chaos is boundless, and the heavens and universe are plunged into boundless darkness, with countless dark creatures.

In the eyes of the dark quasi-immortal emperor, these dark creatures were like weeds on the roadside, how could they care about their life and death.


In the chaos, terrifying energy blooms, just like the creation of the world. Worlds are born and destroyed, clean air rises, turbid air falls, and they are constantly born and destroyed.

This is the power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, so terrifying.

During the battle, the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor held the Dao Immortal Seal in his hand, and suddenly, the long river of time and space seemed to be stopped by it.

Then, boundless power surged towards Yuan Changqing, as if to use the power of the long river of time and space to suppress Yuan Changqing under the power of time.

However, Yuan Changqing is not to be underestimated. With Yuan Changqing as the center, the big world is spreading and spreading, and the five-color divine map is suspended above the head, constantly rotating.


In an instant, the long river of time was frozen, the boundless power of time was shattered, and the dark quasi-immortal emperor was also shrouded in Yuan Changqing's Five Elements World.

Endless avenues of law are surging, and boundless avenues of law, order, and chains of divine patterns are majestic in the world of the Five Elements, constantly intertwined.

The Five Elements Divine Map once again moved towards the dark quasi-immortal emperor to suppress it. This time, after Yuan Changqing seized the opportunity, he never let him escape.

Using the power of one world to suppress a dark quasi-immortal emperor is enough to make him feel honored.

Immediately, the boundless chain of the divine pattern of the great law bound the dark quasi-immortal emperor, and the chain of the great law of the divine pattern was constantly broken by it.

However, in this Five Elements World, Yuan Changqing is the only god who can easily control the laws of the Great Dao.

Those chains of the Great Law and Divine Patterns that were broken by the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor were instantly restored by Yuan Changqing, and they continued to break. It would not help if the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor continued to break them.

I saw those chains with the divine patterns of the Great Dao, constantly going deep into the body of the dark quasi-immortal emperor, extracting the origin of the quasi-immortal emperor.

However, the dark, strange and unknown substance was extremely terrifying. The chains of divine patterns of order wrapped around the body of the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor were also eroded and turned black, contaminated with the unknown substance.

However, Yuan Changqing had expected this and was not surprised.

I saw the Five Elements Divine Diagram suppressing the top of his head, blooming with the immeasurable divine light of the law of the great avenue, with the power to destroy everything.

A beam of light reaching the sky directly enveloped the dark quasi-immortal emperor, constantly destroying those dark, strange and unknown substances.

These chains with the divine pattern of the Great Dao Law are also constantly changing, sometimes blooming with the unchanging light of the Great Dao Immortal, and sometimes turning into a strange and incomparable black.

At this moment, it was the critical moment, and the two sides were constantly fighting. The dark quasi-immortal emperor wanted to rely on the strange and unknown power of darkness to break free from the shackles and escape from Yuan Changqing's world of five elements.

It's a pity that with such a great opportunity, how could Yuan Changqing let him escape easily? If he didn't keep the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor this time, it would bring endless troubles.

After all, the power of the Immortal Realm is not big enough to determine victory or defeat, but it is extremely insignificant in the face of that dark and ominous situation.

In the current Immortal Realm, facing a dark quasi-immortal emperor and Yuan Changqing's restraint, he felt that there was nothing wrong with him.

However, if the dark side dispatches many quasi-immortal emperor-level experts, as well as numerous immortal kings, the immortal realm will also be eroded by darkness, and countless creatures will also perish and become dark creatures alive.

Even now, the Immortal Realm is caught in an endless war. The powerful Dark Immortal Kings who came with the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor are conquering the Immortal Realm.

Ye Fan, Wu Shi, the ruthless Empress, Qing Emperor and others were also caught up in the endless bitter battle.

Fortunately, the strength of Ye Fan and others has been greatly improved now, and Yuan Changqing has restrained the dark quasi-immortal emperor, so they have no worries.

However, these are only superficial, the power of the Immortal Realm is just a big world in the end.

However, behind those dark creatures, there are countless big worlds that can send out a steady stream of dark armies.

These are all disadvantages of the Immortal Territory. The current situation is that although the Immortal Territory seems to be powerful, it has no stamina and no reinforcements, so it can only fight against the odds.

The chaotic universe and countless worlds in the sky have now been eroded by dark, strange and unknown substances, turning into the power of darkness.

Even though there is still a place above God, it is not much better. It is also being eroded by darkness, unable to help the Immortal Realm, and is struggling to support itself.

Even the Godless One who is currently in the long river of time and space is full of helplessness, unable to support the Immortal Realm and God, and can only rely on himself.

At this moment, Yuan Changqing suppressed the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor and had an absolute advantage. As long as he was eliminated, he would be able to achieve a staged victory.

However, in the future, we will face endless powerful men of darkness, and we cannot say whether it is good or bad.

In the world of the Five Elements, the boundless chain of divine patterns of the Great Dao Law blooms with immeasurable divine light, accompanied by the terrifying Great Dao Divine Fire.

Within the body of the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor, a large number of the origins of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor were continuously extracted, and were continuously obliterated by the Five Elements Diagram.


The dark quasi-immortal emperor roared in anger and pain. His soul was torn apart, and black emperor blood continued to flow between his eyebrows.

The terrifying black emperor's blood has caused the world of Five Elements to be continuously spread by dark, strange and unknown substances, trying to corrode this world with darkness.

Unfortunately, the Blue Silver Tree also bloomed with boundless Dao Fairy Light at this time, and the terrifying breath of life was blooming, constantly gathering the dark, strange and unknown substances that wanted to corrode the Five Elements World, and began to destroy them with the power of the world.

As the quasi-world tree of the Five Elements World, the Blue Silver Tree unfortunately can easily use the power of the world. Coupled with the control of Yuan Changqing, the Lord of the World, it can control everything very well and prevent those dark, strange and unknown substances from spreading to the entire Five Elements World.

As the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor's soul is torn apart, even if he cannot be killed easily, his soul can be slowly worn away and finally killed.

With the passage of time, the law of the boundless avenue has been slowly obliterated, and its origin has been continuously refined by Yuan Changqing with the law of the boundless avenue, turning it into the foundation of the five elements world.

After an unknown amount of time, the dark quasi-immortal emperor finally fell, leaving no trace of his body.

Even if the Dark Plateau has the power to resurrect the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, it cannot resurrect him now.

After all, the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor fell into Yuan Changqing's Five Elements World, which was transformed into Yuan Changqing's Sixth Secret Realm.

The power of buying darkness cannot yet be extended to Yuan Changqing's sixth secret realm.

Therefore, the dark quasi-immortal emperor will disappear forever in the long river of time.

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