Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 491 Terrifying Crisis


After Yuan Changqing returned here, the sky was full of flames, and the boundless dark creatures seemed to have flooded the fairyland.

Ye Fan, Wu Shi and others led the people in the Immortal Realm to resist the invasion of those dark creatures.

King against king, general against general, everywhere in the Immortal Realm, in the chaos, wars broke out everywhere, and the people of the Immortal Realm were trapped in bitter battles everywhere.

Boundless blood spilled across the endless starry sky and earth in the Immortal Realm. Everyone's body was in tatters and stained with endless blood.

The world is constantly being eroded by the dark, strange and unknown substances flowing out from those fallen dark creatures.

And when Yuan Changqing suppressed a dark quasi-immortal emperor, heaven and earth also sensed it.

When Yuan Changqing returned to the Immortal Realm, everyone knew that a quasi-immortal emperor had died.

At this moment, not only the dark side was shocked, but even the strong men sleeping in the forbidden land were shocked.

A quasi-immortal emperor, an invincible and powerful man who looked down upon the heavens and ruled the boundless realm. He was invincible and fell into the world like this.

With the fall of a dark quasi-immortal emperor, the heavens were instantly shocked, and those taboo places soon learned of this important event.

Yuan Changqing, who returned to the Immortal Realm, immediately killed the dark creatures who came here without saying a word.

The endless dark, strange and unknown substance was also restrained by Yuan Changqing, suppressed in the Five Elements World, and slowly destroyed and refined.

In an instant, those dark creatures were swept away in the fairyland world. After a short period of calm, there was boundless cheers.

Unfortunately, this is only the beginning of suffering. With the death of the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor, boundless darkness will continue.

Yuan Changqing and others did not tell these things to the immortal creatures at the bottom. Now that the dark creatures have been swept away, they are just taking a short rest.

Ye Fan and others also know that, unfortunately, the situation has reached this point, and everyone is powerless and can only fight desperately to kill the enemy in the years to come.

This time darkness fell, Ye Fan and others also killed many powerful Immortal Kings.

Ye Fan, the Immortal King of Divine Power and Emperor Light, is now becoming more and more powerful. In a life-and-death battle, he can defeat many enemies without falling behind, showing the style of Emperor Ye Tian.

Perhaps, in the near future, Ye Fan will become another powerful quasi-immortal emperor after Yuan Changqing.

Boundless terrifying battles are the best manifestation of strength. The continuous battles will become the best training ground for the powerful Immortal Kings, including Ye Fan, to improve their strength.

And the strong men in the Immortal Realm have continuously improved their strength because of this boundless dark war.

Boundary sea dam.

Standing at this moment are Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, Wu Shi, the Ruthless Empress, Qing Emperor and other powerful figures in the Immortal Realm.

After another dark war, the fairyland ushered in a short period of recuperation.

However, under the calm sea, there are some boundless turbulences dormant. In the near future, an even more terrifying army of darkness will come again.

"Senior, I'm afraid the darkness we face next time will be even more terrifying. How should we deal with it?" Ye Fan asked solemnly.

This has to worry Ye Fan. As the Emperor Light Immortal King, he, including Wu Shi, the ruthless Empress, and Qing Emperor, all know that the situation they will face in the future will be even more terrifying.

Yuan Changqing stood on the embankment of the boundary sea, looking at the boundless boundary sea, the black waves and the sky, and said nothing for a long time.

Every drop of seawater in this sea of ​​​​world is transformed from the world that once shattered. A drop of seawater is a big world.

The heavens and the universe have gone through no one knows how many epochs, and no one knows how many worlds have been destroyed, and finally returned to this sea of ​​​​realm, to form such a terrifying spectacle.

Thinking about it makes me feel horrified and unbelievable, watching the waves constantly rising and falling in the boundary sea.

In this world sea, if a drop of sea water breaks, a world will be broken and destroyed.

Such a spectacle made Yuan Changqing and others who came here speechless for a long time after seeing it.

Qingdi suddenly said at this time: "I don't know how many epochs this world sea has gone through, but I didn't expect it to be completely eroded by darkness."

When everyone heard this, they became even more speechless and solemn, and their hearts were filled with worry.

After all, everyone who has experienced the Dark War knows clearly that the strength of the dark side is too powerful, so powerful that it makes people feel desperate.

Yuan Changqing shook his head at this time and said: "Everyone should be very clear about the current situation. I don't know what to do in the future. I can only say that we will do our best."

"As for you, improve your strength as soon as possible, otherwise, even if I already have the combat power of a quasi-immortal emperor, I may not be able to face the invasion of darkness."

"As far as I know, in each of those forbidden places, there are several beings of the same level as me."

"If they come out in droves, I won't be able to deal with them. In this case, the fairyland will be occupied by darkness and completely become a place of darkness."

"Now we can only improve our strength as quickly as possible, not only you, but also the people in the fairyland."

"Otherwise, when darkness comes again, there will be a battle to decide the ownership of the fairyland."

"Think about it, those dark worlds and forbidden places should be gathering armies and strong men in a steady stream now to understand the battle with the fairyland."

Wu Shi nodded and said, "Yes, after this time, when darkness comes again, it will be even more difficult years."

"If no one among us breaks through, just relying on fellow Daoist Evergreen, the Immortal Realm, including us, will also fall."

"As for Fellow Daoist Ye, you may be the one most likely to be the first to break through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Only after you break through to that realm can you help Fellow Daoist Changqing."

"As for me, the Empress, and Qing Emperor, the three of us have no problem breaking through to the Emperor Light Immortal King, but we are still far from the higher quasi-Immortal Emperor realm."

Ye Fan, Qing Emperor, and the ruthless empress all nodded. The situation Wu Shi mentioned was already the best situation in the Immortal Realm now.

This is still assuming that nothing unexpected happens. If Ye Fan does not break through in time, I am afraid that the disaster in the fairyland will become a reality.

However, there is still a little bit of the world, so Ye Fan, Wu Shi, the ruthless Empress, and the Qing Emperor crossed the embankment and headed towards the boundary sea, looking for opportunities to break through.

However, Yuan Changqing stayed. He had just broken through to the realm of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and had swallowed a Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor. It was the time to stabilize his realm and absorb the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor's Dao Fruit.

Just in the fairyland, it happens to be able to take care of the fairyland, so that Ye Fan and the four of them can safely look for the opportunity to break through.


Ancient underworld.

With the death of the dark quasi-immortal emperor who was born in the ancient underworld, the news was also sent back in time, shaking the entire ancient underworld in an instant.

A quasi-immortal emperor in the ancient underworld fell, and one of the rulers here, a Taoist-level creature, actually fell on the other side of the boundary sea.

This was simply an earth-shattering event. Even in the ancient underworld, the other two sleeping dark quasi-immortal emperors woke up one after another. Their eyes instantly penetrated the void and looked towards the other side of the boundary sea.

The two dark quasi-immortal emperors who were stationed in the ancient underworld, including the dark quasi-immortal emperor who was suppressed and killed by Yuan Changqing, were all powerful men sent by the dark immortal emperor to guard the ancient underworld.

However, now there is actually a dark quasi-immortal emperor who has fallen on the other side of the boundary sea, which somewhat surprises them.

After all, as quasi-immortal emperors, they all know that it is difficult to kill at this level.

However, the current situation is that a dark quasi-immortal emperor has truly fallen.

"Yan actually fell!" A humanoid creature shrouded in the boundless black mist said in shock.

"You deserve to die. If you act without authorization, we will all be responsible if a big accident occurs." An ancient beast that resembled a tiger and a leopard, with an hooked tail said easily.

Obviously, this ancient beast was very dissatisfied with the fallen Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor's unauthorized actions.

Moreover, from his words, it was obvious that they were sent to the ancient underworld here on a mission, and those Dark Immortal Emperors must be planning something.

Otherwise, with the strength of the ancient underworld, it could easily sweep across the entire Immortal Realm.

At this time, in the ancient underworld, with the awakening of the two dark quasi-immortal emperors, the boundless power of the quasi-immortal emperors bloomed in the ancient underworld. This forbidden place was shaking, and all spirits surrendered to it.

The humanoid creature shook his head at this time and said: "Although Yan has fallen, he is still a member of our ancient underworld, and we cannot ignore it. Otherwise, the majesty of the ancient underworld will be tabooed by other people." The land despises.”

After a moment of silence, the Ancient Beast Quasi-Immortal Emperor also nodded and said: "You thought well, but we should also take action, otherwise, our Ancient Underworld will probably become a laughing stock."

A dark quasi-immortal emperor in the ancient underworld has fallen. The news will spread soon. These powerful quasi-immortal emperors guarding the forbidden land are actually in a state of competition.

Soul River is another forbidden place, and there are two dark quasi-immortal emperors guarding it.

With the death of a dark quasi-immortal emperor in the ancient underworld, they quickly received the news.

The boundless power of the quasi-immortal emperor bloomed in the soul river, and the immortal light spread out for billions of miles.

These powerful quasi-immortal emperors who were sent to the forbidden land were actually trying to contain this realm so that no more powerful men with their strength would be born in this realm.

However, an accident occurred. Right under their noses, a powerful quasi-immortal emperor was really born in this realm.

Now, a dark quasi-immortal emperor has fallen, and they can no longer continue to sleep.

As a result, the two dark quasi-immortal emperors in the Soul River walked out of the Soul River.

The two dark quasi-immortal emperors who woke up in the ancient underworld also sensed the situation of the Soul River at this time. They did not dare to continue sleeping and walked out of the ancient underworld.

After all, the fallen Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor was from the Ancient Underworld, and the powerful Quasi-Immortal Emperor from Soul River was born. If they continued to remain in the Ancient Underworld without any expression, I am afraid that the people behind them would also convict them both.

In an instant, the four breaths echoed each other, and the unanimous goal was quickly reached.

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