Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 519 Missing Reincarnation

"Hunyuan is Wuji!" Yuan Changqing replied.

"What is Hunyuan?" Ye Fan asked with a twinkling look, his eyes seemed to be filled with the sun, moon and stars.

"Beyond everything, infinite and endless, all great power belongs to oneself, Hunyuan is as one, the great road is like looking at the lines in the palm of the hand."

At this time, Yuan Changqing stretched out his palm, and the avenue was like a dense pattern in his palm. Everything was in Yuan Changqing's palm.

Yin and Yang, five elements, time, space, fate, cause and effect, reincarnation, universe...

Endless avenues, densely packed avenue runes, intertwined like the divine patterns of law and order of the avenues.

This terrifying method shocked Ye Fan, Huangtian Emperor, Wu Shi, Qing Emperor, and the ruthless Empress.

Yuan Changqing looked at the sky at this time and said: "Chaos is boundless, has no boundaries, and is infinitely vast."

"And the vast world we live in is like a drop of water in chaos."

"The heavens and the world are just drops of water in the infinite chaos. How do we know how many existences like the world we live in are there in this vast and infinite chaos!"

Suddenly, Ye Fan and others were all shocked and felt incredible.

Ye Fan asked again at this time: "Senior, do you mean that in the infinite chaos, there is still a universe similar to the heavens and realms here?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "Who can know this? We haven't even finished the chaotic world we live in. Maybe, as long as we keep pursuing the road, we will one day know it."

Ye Fan and others all thought about what Yuan Changqing said, which was so incredible.

However, who knows if this is not true!

Chaos is boundless, no one knows how vast it is, and no one dares to explain clearly everything in the chaos, and no one dares to say that the universe is the only one in the universe.

If Yuan Changqing hadn't said this today, Ye Fan and the others would never have thought about this.

Now that Yuan Changqing has said it, Ye Fan and others have to think seriously.

"Did fellow Taoist Changqing discover something?" Emperor Huangtian asked at this time.

Yuan Changqing shook his head and did not answer. After all, he knew nothing about it, but since he came to this world, he has indeed never seen other worlds.

The heavens and the worlds seemed to have been opened up in a sea of ​​chaos, forming numerous worlds. They were interconnected and formed a universe like the prehistoric one.

It's like Pangu created the world and turned it into a prehistoric world. However, the prehistoric world was defended by three thousand great thousand worlds, accompanied by 24,000 medium-thousand worlds, surrounded by 129,600 small thousand worlds, and numerous small worlds.

It can be seen from this that there are many seas of chaos in chaos, which have opened up many unknown worlds to Yuan Changqing and others. The universe is not the only one in chaos.

Even chaos is like a distant chaos, with a sense of hierarchy, connections, and non-interference.

Unless, there is an infinitely powerful world with many extremely powerful and transcendent beings, launching a chaotic cosmic war and devouring the world in infinite chaos.

Ye Fan asked again: "Senior, if the world exists as you said, then how should we take the road to sacrifice?"

Above the sacrifice, this is the focus of Ye Fan and others now. As for the other things, it is not too late to wait until they have that strength.

After all, without strength, everything is empty talk.

Yuan Changqing looked at everyone, was quiet for a moment, and said: "Sacrifice everything you have, revive in the silence, transcend the silence of death, and live towards death."

"However, in this process, there must be no hesitation at all and a determination not to be afraid of life or death."

"Otherwise, trying to transcend will become a dream."

"Of course, there is a more direct way, which is to be fearless and die to the extreme, and you can transcend."

"Unfortunately, our world does not have this condition now."

This is the road to sacrifice. Yuan Changqing is not afraid that Ye Fan and the others will not understand. They are all the most outstanding figures in all ages. Naturally, there is no need to say more about their talent and understanding. As long as they understand the mysteries, they can successfully set foot on the sacrifice. Above the Tao.

Wu Shi suddenly interjected: "It seems that I have to sacrifice as soon as possible, otherwise, the gap with you will become wider and wider!"

Qingdi also said with emotion: "Fellow Taoist Wushi is right, we will really need to sacrifice as soon as possible, and the gap with you cannot be too wide."

After hearing the words, everyone had smiles on their faces. Although the people sitting here are not contemporaries, but now, there is no order of precedence, and the masters come first.

Latecomers like Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan have surpassed countless others.

Of course, Wu Shi and Qing Emperor both rebuilt themselves after their fall, which cost them too much time in the world.

However, the shape of the universe is something that people can do nothing about. Everything is determined by fate.

Then, after gathering at the Immortal Mountain for a while, Ye Fan and others couldn't wait to leave. They were all eager to go back and understand the mysteries of the sacrifice.

After Yuan Changqing returned to the Immortal Mountain, he lived a peaceful life for a while and settled under the Enlightenment tea tree.

Sometimes he gave lectures and clarified doubts to many monks in the Immortal Mountain, and sometimes he drank tea and discussed Taoism with the Ancient Emperor Qilin, Yu Hua, Yuan Yue'er, Son of the Sun and others.

Nowadays, the Immortal Mountain is vast and boundless, with elixirs everywhere, and the immortal energy is hazy. It is a beautiful scene of the immortal family.

Time flies and years pass by.

Not long after Wu Shi and Qing Emperor returned from the Immortal Mountain, the two of them successfully performed sacrifices one after another and set foot in the realm of sacrifice.

Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan entered into seclusion and practiced in order to understand the mysteries of the Sacrifice Path as soon as possible and set foot on the realm of the Sacrifice Dao as soon as possible.

As for the ruthless empress, after she returned to the world, she lived alone in Ye Fan's Heavenly Court. No one dared to disturb her, but she was extremely comfortable.

After Yuan Changqing succeeded in worshiping Wu Shi and Qing Emperor, he also started his own actions.

After setting foot on the Sacrificial Dao and entering the Hunyuan realm, Yuan Changqing truly felt that the situation in the heavens and realms was just as he had imagined.

Although this universe is infinitely close to complete, reincarnation seems to have been pulled away from the heaven and earth by someone and no longer exists.

Even many great avenues seem to exist, but they are somewhat specious and not as powerful as imagined.

Maybe it's not that it's not powerful, it's just that there are no perfect rules, making the world more and more unbalanced.

Yuan Changqing feels that if it is not restricted and allowed to develop, maybe many years later, even if the darkness does not exist, other unknown and terrifying things will happen.

These have to be dealt with. Even if Yuan Changqing has transcended now, he has to consider it since his family members live here.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing also began to walk around the world, waiting to discuss a sound strategy with Ye Fan and others.

Emperor Huang Tian, ​​Ye Fan, Wu Shi, Brother Di Gu, Luo Tianxian and other powerful people in all the worlds are the leaders of all forces, and they need to be involved in these.

After all, Yuan Changqing couldn't do everything by himself.

Although the benefits are huge, perfecting the world will definitely gain the favor of a large amount of luck from heaven and earth.

However, you can't take advantage of everything, otherwise you will have no friends.

In an ancient world, Yuan Changqing appeared here, and here, there was a road to the ancient underworld.

After seeing this ancient road to the underworld, Yuan Changqing came to the bank of a Huangquan River and stopped for a long time.


Finally, Yuan Changqing went to heaven again, met Meng Tianzheng, and got a disk with six holes from him.

After doing this, Yuan Changqing returned to the Immortal Mountain Dojo and began to retreat.

In the Immortal Mountain, under the Enlightenment Tea Tree, Yuan Changqing began to fully understand the way of reincarnation in the World Pearl.

Although there is no place of reincarnation like the underworld in the World Pearl, there is the Great Way of Reincarnation about reincarnation.

Yuan Changqing understood the way of reincarnation in order to wait until Emperor Huang Tian and Ye Fan set foot on the sacrificial path to perfect the reincarnation of this universe.

Let the creatures in this world have a destination after death, and no longer completely disappear into the world like before, but a similar flower will appear many years later.

Of course, what Yuan Changqing has to do is definitely not just about reincarnation, but also perfecting other rules of heaven and earth.

Only in this way can all the heavens and all realms stop going to an extreme and develop in a direction that is not conducive to the development of all heavens and all realms.

What Yuan Changqing needs is to let this universe continue to develop towards a higher level. Only in this way can the creatures in this universe develop better and better protect this universe.


A few epochs later, Yuan Changqing had everything prepared, and Ye Fan and Emperor Huangtian also successfully set foot on the sacrificial path and achieved the realm of Hunyuan.

The two of them have profound knowledge. After a period of understanding on how to break through the way of sacrifice, they finally successfully set foot on the way of sacrifice.

After that, Yuan Changqing also summoned the powerful people in the world and began to discuss the matter of improving the heavens and the world, which was unanimously agreed by the powerful people in the world.

After all, this is a great thing, which is conducive to the development of heaven and earth and the cultivation of all beings in the world.

Even after Yuan Changqing said this, even heaven and earth began to respond to Yuan Changqing's proposal, which made the powerful people in the world even more certain that this was a major event that would serve the present and benefit the future, and would be recorded in the annals of history and passed down through the ages.

After Yuan Changqing's proposal was made public, everyone began to offer suggestions and improve many suggestions, so that this matter could be planned more rationally, and all parties would benefit from participating.

Yuan Changqing would naturally not do such a thing as worrying about inequality rather than scarcity, even if his own strength was enough to wipe out everything.

However, this is not in line with Yuan Changqing's behavior, and the consequences of doing so will inevitably lead to many hidden dangers.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing will not stay in these worlds forever, he will go out sooner or later.

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