Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 520 The Rules of Heaven (End)

Above the heavens and worlds, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan stood here side by side with Emperor Huangtian, and began to act to perfect the world.

At this moment, what Yuan Changqing and the others have to do is to open up the place of reincarnation and perfect the reincarnation of the heavens and the world.

"Fellow Taoist Shi Hao, Ye Fan, you can start." Yuan Changqing looked at Emperor Huangtian and drank some Ye Fan and said.

Now, Emperor Huangtian is needed to carve out a world in the chaos and turn it into a place of reincarnation.

And Ye Fan needs to calm down the feng shui and fire and stabilize the world created by Huangtian Emperor.

Afterwards, it was Yuan Changqing who initiated the Great Way of Reincarnation and perfected the Great Way of Reincarnation of Heaven and Earth.

The mighty breath shook the heavens and the world, and countless creatures looked up at the sky and looked at Yuan Changqing and the others.

"It's Emperor Evergreen, Emperor Huang, Emperor Ye and the others."

"What are the three supreme emperors doing?!"

The uninformed people among all the beings in the world said in confusion. They were all wondering why these three supreme emperors suddenly appeared in the world.

Yuan Changqing stood above all the heavens and worlds and said: "Today, we create the world, define the law of reincarnation for all heavens, and perfect the great road of reincarnation of heaven and earth."


As Yuan Changqing finished speaking, Emperor Huangtian waved his imperial sword, cutting through the chaotic time and space and breaking through the chaos.

After ninety-nine and eighty-one swords, an immeasurable world appeared in the chaos. Earth, water, wind and fire were constantly raging, destroying this newly opened world.

Emperor Huang Tian's face turned pale at this time. Even if he was in a realm above the Sacrificial Dao, it would take a huge amount of money to open up this big world and consume a huge amount of his immortal power.

After Ye Fan opened up the world of play in the Huangtian Emperor, a Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram suddenly rose up in the sea of ​​suffering, trying his best to suppress and calm the earth, water, wind and fire.

The clear air rises, the turbid air descends, and a big world appears in the eyes of all the creatures in the world. Many people watching the creation of the world also have many realizations at this time. This is a great opportunity.

However, although the heaven and earth were opened up, the world began to slowly close, wanting to return to chaos.

"not good!"

Ye Fan suddenly shouted, and it suddenly seemed to surge, turning into a supreme giant, supporting the world.

If there is no way to prevent the world from closing and let Ye Fan support him like this, he may die of exhaustion just like Pangu created the world.

Of course, you can also leave directly and let the opened world close and return to chaos.

However, this is not the result that Yuan Changqing and others want.

Fortunately, Yuan Changqing left early to prepare, otherwise he would have to think of a way to reincarnate.

I saw Yuan Changqing taking out a avenue tree, which was exactly the one on the dark plateau.

At that time, this avenue tree was collected by Yuan Changqing, purifying and erasing the dark, strange and unknown substances on it, returning it to its original appearance.

Now, it can be used as the divine pillar to support the newly opened world.


The Avenue Tree was thrown into the center of the world by Yuan, took root in the earth, and began to continuously absorb the vast amounts of essence in the world, the fragments of the Avenue Law, as well as the remaining chaotic energy and elements of earth, wind, water, and fire.

Then, the avenue tree began to continue to stretch and grow taller, until it connected the heaven and the earth and stabilized the world. Ye Fan was also freed.

Ye Fan, who was freed, also looked pale and consumed a lot of money. This support of the world is really not something that ordinary people can accomplish.

Otherwise, Ye Fan had already become Hunyuan, and the big world opened up by Emperor Huang Tian would really not be able to reach this point.

However, Ye Fan was not without benefits. In the process of supporting the world, he also fully participated in the process of the formation of the world, and the endless avenues emerged in his heart.

The world of reincarnation has been opened up, but this is just the beginning, just a shell, and there is no road to reincarnation.

At this time, it was time for Yuan Changqing to start showing off.

I saw a divine bead surrounded by thousands of laws appearing above Yuan Changqing's head, exuding a mysterious and unpredictable aura, supreme, comparable to the sacrifice.

Ye Fan and Huang Tiandi were shocked when they looked at the divine bead on Yuan Changqing's head. As priests, they could clearly sense that this divine bead was at the same level as them.

Then, Yuan Changqing was seen taking action, leading the World Pearl's Reincarnation Avenue, imprinting it into the heavens and worlds, and introducing it into the big world opened up by Emperor Huangtian.

Countless threads of the law of the great avenue were drawn into the world by Yuan Changqing, and the breath of reincarnation appeared in all the heavens and worlds.


Suddenly, all the ways of heaven and earth emerged, responded, and roared, and the endless laws of the great road spanned all the worlds.

Yuan Changqing continued to introduce the Law of Reincarnation into the world created by Emperor Huangtian. The world suddenly changed and became gloomy.

All the heavens and worlds were also shaking at this moment.

The law of reincarnation finally reappeared in the heaven and earth, the heavens roared, and the divine light of the great avenue connected the heaven and the earth, blooming with brilliant divine light.

Now, Yuan Changqing has once again perfected the reincarnation of heaven and earth, integrated the law of reincarnation into all the heavens and all the ways, restored the way of reincarnation in this universe, so that the law of the great way of the heavens and all realms is no longer missing.

As the law of reincarnation continues to be integrated into the world, endless yin energy, qi, and bad luck surge in among the heavens and the world, becoming the origin of this world.

And this also makes the heavens and worlds clearer, and the endless creatures in the heavens. In the process of continuous improvement of the law of reincarnation, the hearts can't help but feel joy, and it directly touches the deepest part of the soul.

The powerful men in the world also sense that the world has become more complete, and the world seems to be evolving.



At this moment, Ye Fan and Emperor Huangtian took action again. An ancient underworld was moved into this newly opened world, and a Yellow Spring River was also moved along with it, surrounding the entire world.

Naihe Bridge, Bana Flower, Huangquan Road, Gate of Hell, Samsara Lake, Hell, various buildings...

These utensils that perfected the underworld entered the underworld one after another and were placed in predetermined locations.

Yuan Changqing also drove the reincarnation disk, which had long been refined into the law of reincarnation, into the depths of the world to connect the world.

Until finally, after the Law of Reincarnation was completely sent to the world, the land of reincarnation was finally completely opened up and complete.

From then on, the cycle of reincarnation in the heavens was completed, and the souls of the living beings in the heavens had a destination. They did not need to be completely silent forever after their death. They could go through reincarnation and be reincarnated in the world again.

As the law of reincarnation is completely integrated into the universe, the origin of the world is perfected.

The Law of Reincarnation is like a giant network that connects all heavens and realms. The origin of the universe also begins to vibrate, imprinting it directly into the beings of all heavens.

At this point, the laws of the great road in this world have been completely perfected, and all living beings have sensed a strong will to reincarnate.

This will to reincarnation makes the true spirits of all the gods feel joy, as if they have found their original destination.

After that, even if they fall, the creatures under the realm of the Immortal Emperor can be reborn again by putting their true spirits into reincarnation.

Perhaps, after thousands of lives, we can awaken again and retrieve our past memories.


At this moment, the endless creatures in the world couldn't help shouting, full of endless joy.

At this moment, the ruthless empress watched the law of reincarnation merge into all the worlds. After looking at Mark, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes inadvertently.

Then, he turned around and left.

At this point, the underworld in this world will be the world opened by Emperor Huangtian, and it will also be the final destination of all the creatures in the world after their death.

Of course, it has only been opened up now, and manpower is needed here to guard the underworld and maintain the order of reincarnation.

These have long been planned by Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan and others, and they will improve them step by step.

For example, the book of life and death not only determines the life and death of living beings, but also determines the good and evil of living beings throughout their lives. All of these need to be continuously improved.

As the laws of the Great Way of Reincarnation are integrated into the heavens and the world, connecting heaven and earth, the laws of the underworld are also constantly improving.

Such as cause and effect, life and death, darkness, destiny... these laws are constantly connected and integrated with the law of reincarnation to form the great law of the underworld.

Then, Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan, and Emperor Huangtian summoned all the major forces and powerful men in the world to once again begin to perfect the order of heaven and earth.

A supreme heaven begins to be established, and the Shi Hao Heaven and Ye Fan Heaven before the order will be merged.

This newly established supreme heaven is directly composed of the six heaven and earth emperors, the five directions and five elements emperors, and the emperor of the underworld. Together, the six heaven emperors are the supreme ones, controlling the order of the heavens and maintaining the rules of the world.

Lords of the stars in the sky, the supreme god of heaven, auxiliary gods, soldiers of heaven and generals, officials of the underworld, soldiers of the underworld, city gods and earthly gods, etc.

With the joining of all forces, various positions in the supreme heaven are constantly filled, the laws of heaven and the underworld are perfected, and the order of the heavens and the world is running like this.

"Reincarnation is determined, the underworld is established, the heaven is opened, and order is established!"


When these laws of heaven and earth were perfected, the heaven and earth suddenly roared in celebration, the avenues were filled with flowers, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and brilliant divine light bloomed.

The origin of heaven and earth was shaken again because of this, and the endless divine patterns of the laws of the great avenue emerged, densely intertwined.

Infinite luck has come to the individuals and strengths involved in this huge event, various visions have emerged, and the blessings of heaven and earth have made countless people realize that they are present and can break through a realm at any time.

Even Yuan Changqing added merit, luck, good and evil to these rules of heaven and earth, and these were all imprinted into the thunder disaster.

From now on, overcoming tribulations will not be that simple. Cause and effect, luck, good and evil, and merit are all the criteria for determining the size of a person's thunder tribulation.


Reincarnation has been perfected, the underworld has been opened up, and the supreme heaven has been established. The order of the heavens has been well run, the world has also developed better, and the universe is constantly getting stronger.

All this is changing silently.

Yuan Changqing also used the World Pearl to anchor Douluo Continent, and took over Wang Yuyan, Catherine, Bibi Dong, and his family and children, and they also started a new practice.

Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer also knew that Yuan Changqing came to this world from another world, but they didn't say anything.

And Wang Yuyan, Catherine, Bibi Dong and others also began to travel around the world, constantly pursuing the avenue.

Until they all grew up, Yuan Changqing was also ready to leave, go to Chaos, and pursue the great road.

After Ye Fan and Emperor Huangtian learned that Yuan Changqing was preparing to embark on Chaos, they also chose to go together.

In the endless chaos, three figures were heading towards the depths of the endless chaos, not knowing when they would return.

However, one day, they will return again, and here they still have their concerns.

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