Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 61 Storm Bird (Additional update)

From time to time, you can hear the roars of beasts and the chirping of birds in the Star Dou Forest. You have to be extra careful when walking inside. There might be poisonous insects and ferocious beasts calmly waiting for their prey to come to you.

Yuan Changqing and his party have spent a lot of time in the Star Forest, and it is not easy to find a suitable soul ring.

In a place where there are many mountains, there are many valleys formed due to the numerous mountains, and the terrain is also very harsh.

Yuan Changqing and his party were standing at the entrance, preparing to enter to see if there were any soul beasts suitable for Wang Yuyan and her sister-in-law.

Yuan Changqing said: "Katherine, take off and take a look at the situation here."

"Possessed by a martial spirit."

As soon as the words were spoken, a pair of golden wings were seen flapping, taking Catherine up into the air to take a general look at the place from the air.

After a while, Catherine flew back, gathered everyone, and brought some information to everyone.

Catherine said: "The area around here is full of peaks like the ones in front of us. Inside are the valleys formed between the two peaks, with rugged rocks. There is also a wind valley in this direction on the right. I don't know how it was formed."

After Yuan Changqing looked at everyone, he said: "This time we need a soul beast with wind attributes. Let's go from the right and go over and have a look."


Everyone responded and started walking to the right. With Catherine guiding the way, they soon arrived at the Valley of the Wind.


In front of the Valley of the Wind, I heard a whistling sound coming from inside, indicating that the wind inside was quite strong.

Yuan Changqing called to everyone around him and said: "Let's go in, but we all need to be careful. From the sound of the wind, the wind speed inside is not small, and our eyesight will definitely be affected after entering."

"Furthermore, soul beasts with wind attributes generally have good speeds. Everyone, please be careful and stay away from them."

So, everyone stood in their responsible positions according to the arranged formation, and headed into the wind valley.

After Yuan Changqing and others entered, they found that there were few plants inside and there were only bare rocks that were eroded by the wind from time to time.

Of course, there are also some tenacious dwarf plants that grow with difficulty in this wind valley, announcing their existence.

Yuan Changqing also observed that in order to adapt to the environment here, these plants have also been assimilated by the wind attribute here.

During the march, a bird song attracted the attention of Yuan Changqing and others. They saw a rock protruding in a place leeward. A large bird with light blue feathers was standing on the protruding rock, combing it. Its feathers chirp from time to time.

Catherine spoke up: "This is a storm bird, which is just right for sister Yuyan's sixth spirit ring. I just don't know how old it is."

Yuan Changqing said: "Since it's suitable, let's get ready. Catherine, you go and test it first, be careful, and pay attention to whether its age is suitable."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Yuan Changqing said to Grandpa and the others again: "We are also ready to wait for Catherine's prompts."

After Catherine's martial spirit possessed her, she flew towards the Storm Bird.

"The third soul skill, Golden Eagle Claw Shadow."

"The fourth soul skill, double golden shields."

The storm bird also launched a wind blade counterattack, and one person and one bird were fighting in the air.

In the air, Catherine took advantage of the gap and shouted to the people below, saying: "The age is suitable, everyone comes together to help."

After hearing the prompt, my uncle directly took my sister-in-law into the air, and my sister-in-law saw the right opportunity.

"The fourth soul skill, Diamond Lock."

"The sixth soul skill, blue silver diamond shield."

My sister-in-law's defensive soul skills directly protect her and my uncle.

After the storm bird was tied up, Catherine directly gave it a sixth soul skill.

"Double Wings Slash."

The Storm Bird was shot to the ground, and attacks from Yuan Changqing and Grandpa also came.

"The fourth soul skill, Blade Storm."

"The fifth soul skill, Sword of Ice."

The 30,000-year-old storm bird is not so easy to kill. The wind around it was strong, and my sister-in-law's soul skills failed.

The Storm Bird began to attack the surroundings with indiscriminate wind blades, and Yuan Changqing and others also released defensive soul skills.

"The sixth soul skill, blue silver diamond shield."

Yuan Changqing came to Wang Yuyan and protected her behind him. The three people who were still in the air also quickly used their soul skills.

"The fourth soul skill, Diamond Lock."

"The fifth soul skill, Blue Silver Bite."

Catherine and her uncle also began to use their strongest soul skills.

"The sixth soul skill, double-wing slash."

"The sixth soul skill, soaring pillar of fire."

Storm Bird was also beaten by the soul skill and was temporarily unable to fly. It was attacked by several people one after another and was unable to even counterattack.

"The fourth soul skill, Blade Storm."

Yuan Changqing and Grandpa also attacked at the same time, and Wang Yuyan did not sit still and wait for death.

"The fifth soul skill, Electric Light Dulong Diamond."

Yuan Changqing said: "Everyone, please work harder, Storm Bird is about to die."

"The fifth soul skill, spiral strangulation."

"The third soul skill, Fiery Sword."


"The fifth soul skill, Electric Light Dulong Diamond."

With Wang Yuyan's last attack, the 30,000-year-old storm bird was also killed, and the black soul ring slowly floated above the corpse.

Yuan Changqing raised the body of Storm Bird and said, "Let's get out of here first and find a safe place."

Afterwards, everyone kept in formation and left here quickly.

Wang Yuyan also absorbed the sixth soul ring and got a good soul skill. Chang Ling flew to kill. With the blessing of the wind attribute, the speed also became faster. After Chang Ling issued the sixth soul skill, there were a lot of tiny things attached to it. The wind blade is hard to guard against.

With the absorption of the sixth soul ring, Wang Yuyan has also become a level 61 soul emperor, and has finally caught up with everyone. Acacia Heartbroken Red has been of great help to her.

Wang Yuyan happily said to Yuan Changqing: "Brother Changqing, I am finally a Soul Emperor. Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I don't know when I would be able to cultivate to the Soul Emperor!"

"Hahaha, Yuyan, you are my wife, isn't this how it should be!"

Catherine also said: "That's right, sister Yuyan, if he doesn't help you, who will help you?"

"Well, thank you everyone."

With Wang Yuyan's soul ring attached, now only my sister-in-law's seventh soul ring is left. After my sister-in-law attaches her soul ring, this mission will be successfully completed.

So, everyone came to the valley again and headed to the other side. The environment here was lined with green trees and luxuriant branches.

Yuan Changqing and his party searched countless valleys, but still could not find the Blue Silver Grass Soul Beast of the right age.

After all, what my sister-in-law wants to add now is the seventh soul ring, and the age difference is too big.

My sister-in-law said: "After searching in so many places, we still haven't found it. Let's leave here and look for it elsewhere. The chance of that may be higher."

Everyone also nodded, and Yuan Changqing also said: "Okay, there happens to be another valley in front of us that we haven't been to yet, and this is the last one. If it's still not there, we'll leave here and go somewhere else."


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