Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 62 Level 60 An unexpected encounter (more updates)

When Yuan Changqing and others decided to go to the last valley to have a look, if they still didn't find the soul beast that my sister-in-law needed, they would leave and go somewhere else.

It should be said that sometimes destiny is really strange. There are often things where if you persist a little longer, you can see the hope of success, but if you don't persist, the final result is failure.

This is the case for Yuan Changqing and others. Fortunately, they came in, otherwise they wouldn't know how to cry.

I saw that the entire valley was covered with bluesilver grass, and there was a particularly tall one in the middle. The surrounding bluesilver grass protected the bluesilver grass in the middle.

Yuan Changqing looked at it carefully and said: "Sister-in-law, it is about 60,000 years old. It is very suitable to be your seventh soul ring."

My sister-in-law feels very lucky now that she listened to Yuan Changqing's suggestion. Otherwise, they would have gone through many unnecessary journeys.

My sister-in-law said: "Changqing, fortunately I listened to your words, otherwise, I would have missed my seventh soul ring."

My uncle also said: "Yes, I really almost missed it this time, just a little bit."

Catherine said: "Hehe, sister-in-law, you and your uncle should not lament. Your soul ring is right in front of you. Let's take action quickly so that we can go back early. I don't want to stay in the forest anymore."

Grandpa said: "That's right. Let's solve it early and go back early so that the people at home won't worry. It won't be long before we can get out."

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, this time Catherine, Yuyan, you and your uncle will deal with it. Grandpa and I will help you get rid of it. Let's deal with it as soon as possible."

Wang Yuyan said: "Okay, I'll come first to see the effect of my soul power."

"The fifth soul skill, Electric Light Dulong Diamond."

"The sixth soul skill, Chang Ling flies to kill."

Wang Yuyan was the first to attack. These two soul skills were still somewhat restrained against plant-type soul beasts. The branches of the blue silver grass soul beast were either scorched by electricity or cut off by wind blades.

Later, Catherine and her uncle also joined in. Their martial soul attributes also restrained the Blue Silver Grass Soul Beast.

"The sixth soul skill, soaring pillar of fire."

"The fifth soul skill, spiral strangulation."


Although the Blue Silver Grass Soul Beast had strong vitality, it was still outnumbered. With the cooperation of Wang Yuyan and the other three, it was quickly defeated and was solved by my sister-in-law, who became her soul ring.

A Yin on the other side, at this time she also met the two brothers Tang Hao, who were exploring the Douluo Continent with the Tang Hao brothers.

Just when Yuan Changqing and others were dealing with the Blue Silver Grass Soul Beast, Ah Yin suddenly felt a panic in her heart, as if she felt something calling her.

Brother Tang Hao saw Ah Yin's strange behavior and said, "What's wrong, Ah Yin, are you okay?"

Ah Yin didn't speak, just closed his eyes, sensing something. Through the blue silver grass, he finally knew what happened.

This is Ah Yin's second heart palpitations. The last time was when Yuan Changqing added a soul ring, and this time, the Blue Silver Grass Soul Beast lost two Blue Silver Kings.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Hao, it's okay, I'm just feeling a little uncomfortable."

In the end, Ah Yin didn't say what happened, but she felt uncomfortable and felt that she shouldn't come to the human world.

Star Forest.

Yuan Linglong is absorbing the soul ring. Yuan Changqing and others still don't know that Ah Yin actually knows that the Blue Silver King here is dead.

After the sister-in-law added the soul ring, Yuan Changqing and others also started to go out of the Star Dou Forest, but their return speed was much faster. Maybe everyone wanted to return to a comfortable environment quickly. After all, in the Star Dou Forest, There is some danger in the forest.


Not long after leaving, I heard a sound ahead.

Yuan Changqing said quickly: "Stop, there seems to be a fight ahead. Everyone be on guard and be careful. Let's take a detour to avoid misunderstandings."


The roar of the tiger came, and Yuan Changqing and others also knew that a battle was taking place in front, and hearing the roar of the tiger, they were very powerful.

Just when Yuan Changqing and the others were about to take a detour and leave, the battlefield was heading in the direction of everyone, and three people were running towards them, looking very embarrassed.

One of them said: "Friends over there, please help us. We are in trouble. The spirit beast is coming after us."

After hearing this, Yuan Changqing and others were also a little angry. They knew that the battlefield was approaching and they could not leave for the time being.

Yuan Changqing said to the people around him: "It seems that we can't leave. Let's solve the battle first and then talk about other things. However, everyone should not use all their strength and be careful."

Yuan Changqing and others also released their martial spirits and prepared to fight. When the spirit beast chased after them, they gasped when they saw the appearance of the spirit beast.

Yuan Changqing was shocked, how could he be so unlucky to encounter it.

Yuan Changqing said quickly: "Everyone, be careful. This spirit beast is called the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. It can rival a hundred thousand-year-old spirit beast. We are in big trouble."

He turned around and said to the three people: "Now we can only survive if we work together."

Without waiting for their reply, Yuan Changqing said again: "Everyone, be careful not to be hurt by it. That soul beast is very evil. If it is hurt, it is easy for evil energy to enter the body and lose oneself."

"The sixth soul skill, blue silver diamond shield."

Yuan Changqing used his defensive soul skills as soon as he came up. When Catherine saw this, she made the same choice.

"The fourth soul skill, double golden shields."

"The fifth soul skill, Flame Feather Shield."



Then, everyone started fighting, not going head-to-head with the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

The other three people also knew how powerful the Dark Devilgod Tiger was. When Yuan Changqing said this, they also knew that the three of them were really unlucky. Fortunately, they escaped and met Yuan Changqing and the others, thus temporarily saving their lives.

"The fifth soul skill, Sword of Ice."

"The fourth soul skill, flames fill the sky."

"The fifth soul skill, Electric Light Dulong Diamond."



Those three people felt a lot calmer for the time being when they saw that Yuan Changqing and others were all Soul Masters at the Soul Emperor level.

A man and a woman among the three of them also started to attack. Yuan Changqing knew from his perception that the remaining person was not very strong.

While everyone was fighting for a while, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger saw that he couldn't take down everyone for a long time, so he wanted to use his ultimate move and use the Evil God Hook.

Yuan Changqing also noticed it and said quickly: "Quickly, stop it, or we will all be finished."

"The seventh soul skill is the martial soul's true form, and the fifth soul skill is the sword of ice."

"The seventh soul skill, martial soul true form, the sixth soul skill, double-wing slash."

"The seventh soul skill is the martial soul's true form, and the sixth soul skill is the pillar of fire that reaches the sky."

"The seventh soul skill, martial soul true form, and the fifth soul skill, Blue Silver Bite."

The four soul saints on Yuan Changqing's side directly used their martial soul avatars to increase their attack power.

When those three people saw the situation displayed by Yuan Changqing and others, they knew that big trouble was coming. Didn't they see that the martial soul's true body was used? This is a rhythm that requires hard work!

The three people hurriedly gathered together and said: "Martial soul fusion technique, the sun and moon shine golden spin."

The three of them also used martial soul fusion skills to summon the Golden Holy Dragon, which they used to enlarge their moves against the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.


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