Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 78 Follow-up

"Damn it, you guys are too messy. Don't you know that your father's situation is different from yours?" Yuan Changqing said speechlessly.

Dugu Xin also said in frustration: "We have no choice. Seeing that the poison in my father's body is about to be uncontrollable, we can only take a gamble."

Yuan Changqing added: "Didn't I tell you before? Your father's strength is too high, and the poison in his body has penetrated deep into the bone marrow. It is not easy to pull it out. If he doesn't do it well, he may die from the poison. Look, This time it almost came true.”

"Yes, if you hadn't arrived in time this time, the consequences would have been disastrous." Dugu Xin also said with some luck.

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, since you have found the soul bone now, I will help Mr. Dugu solve this problem."

Dugu Xin said excitedly: "Doctor Yuan, you have a way to solve the poison in my father's body!"

"Well, originally I thought that after you have the soul bones, together with a pill I researched, it should be able to solve Mr. Dugu's problem, but I didn't expect that after you have the soul bones, you will be in a hurry to use it. .”

Now that we have arrived at the Eye of Ice and Fire, Dugu Bo's condition is relatively stable, and Catherine has been at level 79 for some time.

Yuan Changqing said to Catherine: "Catherine, there is nothing to do now. You can practice here first. The soul power here is more abundant than outside. Maybe you can make a breakthrough."

When Catherine heard that she could break through, her eyes lit up and she said, "It's true, husband, then I'll go practice first and call me if you need anything."


Then he said to Dugu Xin: "Brother Dugu, just stay here and pay attention to your father's condition. I will go and refine the elixir to be used first."

"Okay, Doctor Yuan, go ahead and do your work first. I'll pay attention here."

Later, Yuan Changqing came to the fire attribute of the Ice and Fire Eyes, took out the alchemy furnace, and placed it on the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Looking at Binghuo Liangyiyan, nearly two years have passed since the last time Yuan Changqing came here, and the place has recovered well.

After waiting for a while, Yuan Changqing began to take out various medicinal materials and put them in one by one, and finally added his own blood.

Yuan Changqing himself has taken Liehuo Xingjiaoshu and Star Anise Ice Grass, which makes him immune to all poisons. Therefore, the blood also has a detoxifying effect.

While Yuan Changqing was refining the elixir, Hua Feiyan also arrived. In order not to worry Wang Yuyan, she wrote a letter and asked Hua Feiyan to send it back.

Before the elixir was finished refining, Hua Feiyan rushed over again. Seeing that Yuan Changqing was still refining the elixir, she didn't bother him and just said that the letter had been delivered.

After listening to Yuan Changqing's words, Catherine found a place nearby and began to practice seriously, because the soul power here was sufficient. After several days of practice, coupled with more than a year of accumulation, she finally began to make breakthroughs.

I saw Catherine's soul power fluctuating violently. As time passed slowly, the fluctuations became larger and larger. Finally, she succeeded in breaking through and entered level 80 quasi-Contra.

A few days later, the elixir refining was completed. Yuan Changqing refined six elixirs. The medicinal materials used to refine the elixirs this time were all very precious.

After everyone saw Yuan Changqing refining the elixir, they also gathered around.

Catherine said: "Husband, you have refined the elixir, which is great. However, I also have good news to tell you. Now I am a quasi-Contra, hehe!"

Yuan Changqing also said happily: "It's true, Catherine, you finally made a breakthrough, that's great."

"Well, how about it? It's awesome!"

"Yes, it's very powerful. Okay, I won't say any more. I have now finished refining the elixirs I need."

When everyone came to Dugu Bo's side, they saw that Dugu Bo was still working hard to condense the poison elixir, but they didn't bother him.

Yuan Changqing said: "Now let's wait until Mr. Dugu completes the condensation of the poisonous elixir. Let's wait for now."

Dugu Xin said: "Okay, then Doctor Yuan, you go and recover your soul power first. We will take care of you here."

"Well, call me if anything happens."

Later, Yuan Changqing also found a place and began to recover his soul power. Catherine was also watching over him.

After a few more days, Dugu Bo finally condensed the poison pill.

Dugu Bo saw Yuan Changqing and said: "This time I really trouble Doctor Yuan. Your method not only allowed me to condense the poison elixir and stabilize my physical condition, but also allowed me to break through to level 90 quasi-titled Douluo. "

When Dugu Xin and his wife heard this, their faces were filled with joy. Dugu Xin said, "Father, you have really broken through to the title Douluo level."

"Yes, this time it's really a fluke. As long as the soul ring is attached, it will be an authentic titled Douluo, hahaha."

Yuan Changqing and Catherine also stepped forward to congratulate him, saying: "First of all, congratulations to Mr. Dugu for being promoted to Titled Douluo."

Dugu Bo said: "Hahaha, Doctor Yuan, you don't have to be like this. Your life-saving grace for me this time is unforgettable. You don't need to call me Mr. Dugu anymore. Just call me "Old Poison". It sounds friendly. "

Yuan Changqing said: "That's not good. Dugu Xin and I are of the same generation. Calling you that would be too disrespectful."

Dugu Bo said calmly: "The relationship between you and Xin'er is your business. Let's call each other our own. Let's call me Lao Poison. That's what we decided."

Yuan Changqing and Dugu Xin looked at each other, and Dugu Xin could only smile bitterly.


Catherine and Hua Feiyan both laughed.

When Yuan Changqing heard what Dugu Bo said, he was not pretentious and said, "Okay, just listen to Mr. Dugu. I will call you Old Poison from now on."

"Hahaha, this is the right thing to do. Where does all the red tape come from?"

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, old poisoner, let's get rid of the poison in your body first."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing took out the elixir he had refined a few days ago and handed it to Dugu Bo.

Yuan Changqing said again: "Old poisoner, take these six pills one by one. After eating, they will start to guide the toxins in the body into the soul bones. You must take your time at the beginning, little by little. guidance.”

Dugu Bo said: "Okay, thank you Dr. Yuan. It seems that my problem can be solved this time."

As Dugu Bo began to solve his own problems, Yuan Changqing and others were waiting at the Eye of Ice and Fire.


After waiting for a few days, everyone heard Dugu Bo's laughter, which was full of joy.

When Dugu Bo appeared in front of Yuan Changqing and others, the changes were not small. He became a little younger. Like Dugu Xin last time, his hair and eyes became normal color.

Dugu Bo said to Yuan Changqing: "Doctor Yuan, I really want to thank you. You have saved my family several times. In the future, if you have anything to do, just call me."

Yuan Changqing replied: "Hahaha, old poisoner, you don't have to call me Doctor Yuan or anything like that. Just call me Yuan Changqing or Changqing. If you say there's something going on, there's really something going on this time."

"Whatever it is, just say it."

Hua Feiyan said: "Father, I guess Doctor Yuan must be doing it for Catherine. Catherine has also broken through to level 80 in the Ice and Fire Eyes. She only needs to obtain the soul ring to become a Contra."

Dugu Bo came to Catherine and said, "Oh, I didn't expect you to have reached Contra at such a young age. You are really talented!"

Catherine said: "Hehe, then I will trouble my uncle this time."

Yuan Changqing also said: "This time we really need to trouble the old poison to help hunt for the soul ring."

Dugu Bo said: "It's okay. It just so happens that I also need to solve the ninth soul ring this time, so we can go together then."

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