Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 79 Departure

With Dugu Bo's recovery, his worries were resolved, and his soul power had been promoted to a quasi-titled Douluo, and he began to prepare to find a soul ring.

Catherine also got a lot of benefits from the Ice and Fire Eyes this time. Taking advantage of the special environment here, she also successfully advanced to Quasi-Contra.

Yuan Changqing said: "Then let's go back to Tiandou City now, make some repairs in Tiandou City, and then go to the Star Dou Forest to find the soul ring."

Dugu Bo said: "Okay, I need to go back first, and take advantage of the time to go back and repair, to consolidate my soul power first."

So, everyone left the Sunset Forest and returned to Tiandou City. They agreed on a time to look for the soul ring together.

Tiandou City.

After Yuan Changqing separated from Dugubo's family, he took Catherine back home.

When Wang Yuyan came home and saw the two of them, she quickly came to greet them.

"Brother Changqing, sister Catherine, are you all okay?" Wang Yuyan asked with concern.

Catherine said: "Sister Yuyan, we are all fine, and there is good news for you. I have been promoted to Quasi-Contra, hehe!"

"Really? That's great. Sister Catherine, congratulations to you."

"Haha, same joy, same joy."

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, we are all a family, so why are you being so polite? Yu Yan, I left in a bit of a hurry this time, so I didn't say hello to you in advance."

Wang Yuyan said: "I hope you are all fine, and brother Changqing, didn't you ask Fei Yan to send back a letter? After I read the letter, I am not so worried about you."

"I was just afraid that you wouldn't see us when you got home, and I was in a bit of a hurry at that time, so I wrote you this letter to avoid you worrying."

Wang Yuyan asked again: "Then you guys came back after leaving for so long. Has the matter with Fei Yan's family been resolved?"

Catherine said: "It's all solved. And, sister Yuyan, do you know? Not only has Dugu Bo's own problems been solved this time, but he has also been promoted to a quasi-titled Douluo. After we come back to rest for a few days, we will go looking for him together." Soul ring."

Yuan Changqing added: "Yes, and I just wrote a letter to my family and informed my sister-in-law and uncle that we will meet directly at Xingdou Town."

Wang Yuyan said: "Do you need me to go with you this time?"

"No, you just stay at home and watch Qinglan, Hailan and the others. We can't all go." Thinking that there were many people at home, Yuan Changqing asked Wang Yuyan to stay at home.

Star town.

Yuan Changqing, Catherine, Dugubo and his son set off directly from Tiandou City and arrived at Xingdou Town, where they found their sister-in-law and uncle who had arrived in advance.

Yuan Changqing introduced Dugubo and his son: "Old Poison, this beautiful lady is my sister-in-law Yuan Linglong, and the person next to her is my little uncle Ye Xiaofan."

Later, he introduced Dugu Bo to his sister-in-law and uncle, and said: "Sister-in-law, this elder is Dugu Bo. He is now a quasi-titled Douluo. The person next to him is Dugu Xin. They are father and son. "

My sister-in-law exclaimed: "Wow, Mr. Dugu, you are actually a Titled Douluo. This is the first time in my life that I have seen a live Titled Douluo!"

When Yuan Changqing and the others heard what their sister-in-law said, they were all stunned, with questions on their foreheads, who is this? Where is this? After being stunned for a long time, everyone couldn't help laughing.


Dugu Bo also smiled and said to Yuan Changqing: "Changqing, it seems that your sister-in-law is quite funny!"

"Ahem, what's that? You're an old poisoner. Just get used to it."

Afterwards, Dugu Bo and his son, his sister-in-law and his wife said hello to each other, so that everyone knew each other, and then everyone entered the hotel and started chatting together.

Now Dugu Bo also saw the strength of his sister-in-law and his wife, and was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the strength of Yuan Changqing's family was so high.

Dugu Bo looked at Yuan Changqing and said: "Changqing, I didn't expect that your sister-in-law and uncle are both soul saints. Plus you and Catherine, your family is quite powerful!"

Yuan Changqing was also happy when he heard this, and said modestly: "Hehe, it's okay, it's okay, it's all the result of everyone's hard work."

Duguxin interjected at this time: "Brother Yuan, what you said is a bit unreasonable. Is this the result of hard work? Your family is still so young and you have such strength. How can this be embarrassing for others? If you work hard With such strength, please give me some such effort."

Dugu Bo also nodded, expressing that he agreed very much with this. He also wanted to know how Yuan Changqing's family practiced, but he also knew that it was better not to ask questions that he shouldn't ask.

Yuan Changqing also knew that Dugubo and his son did not believe it, but he did not explain anything because everyone understood it tacitly.

Yuan Changqing changed the topic to save everyone from embarrassment, and said: "Old Poison, Brother Dugu, let's rest in this small town for one night today and set off again tomorrow?"

Dugu Bo said: "Okay, that's it. Everyone is tired after coming all the way. Let's rest for a night and recuperate. The soul beasts we need to find this time are relatively strong, and it will take a lot of time to find them."

Then, everyone had a meal together and went back to the reserved room to rest.

Outside the Star Dou Forest, Yuan Changqing and others came here again.

Yuan Changqing said: "Old Poison, what should we do?"

Dugu Bo said: "This time we don't know how long it will take to find a suitable soul ring, and we have to go deep into the forest. We should form a formation before setting off. I am the strongest and will open the way in front."

"Then Ye Xiaofan will follow me, Yuan Linglong and Dugu Xin will go in the middle, Changqing, you and Catherine will take the rear."

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, that's it, everyone be careful."

Then, everyone entered the Star Forest according to their arranged positions, quickly passed through the outer area where the century-old and thousand-year soul beasts were found, and headed towards the area of ​​the ten thousand-year soul beast.

When looking for soul beasts this time, everyone did not consider who to look for first, because the soul beasts to be hunted this time were relatively old, and it also depended on luck.

Everyone is also experienced in finding soul beasts in the forest, so they have made corresponding arrangements in the process.

A few days later, everyone unknowingly arrived at a desert-like place with short, sparse trees and rugged rocks. It was nothing like other places in the Star Forest, with towering trees and lush greenery.

Yuan Changqing and others carefully observed their surroundings. Generally, they would see such weird places in the Star Forest, and they were not good places.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing warned: "Everyone, please be careful. The terrain and landforms here are too strange to appear in the Star Forest."

Dugu Bo discovered it after being reminded by Yuan Changqing, and also thought of a possibility, which was inherited and recorded by the Dugu family.

Dugu Bo said: "Chang Qing is right, maybe there is a soul beast suitable for my soul ring here!"

Dugu Xin said: "Dad, how did you know that there is a suitable one here?"

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