Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 80 Promotion

Everyone was also curious about Dugu Xin's question and were waiting to see what Dugu Bo would say.

Dugu Bo reprimanded Dugu Xin: "This is also the secret of my Dugu family. Also, Xin'er, haven't you read the books passed down from the family? You still want to ask me."

Dugu Xin said with some embarrassment: "Ahem, there are so many books in the family, and I can't read them all. Also, I wasn't in good health before, so I didn't have the energy to read them."

Dugu Bo sighed and said: "Oh, forget it, I won't talk about you anymore. You are fine now. I still want to look at more things passed down by the family in the future."

"I know, Dad." Dugu Xin also knew that he was poisoned, so he didn't pay too much attention to other things and focused on finding ways to detoxify.

Later, Dugu Bo told everyone: "The topography here is very similar to the place where a soul beast appeared in my family's records, so I said that there might be a soul beast with the soul ring I need here."

Hearing what Dugu Bo said, Yuan Changqing also made a guess. He knew from the original work that Dugu Bo's ninth soul ring came from Medusa, so he also thought about why the topography here is like this.

So, Yuan Changqing asked: "Old poisoner, don't be too pretentious. Tell everyone quickly so that everyone can be prepared."


Dugu Bo said again: "When you enter this place later, everyone should be careful. According to my family's records, there is very likely a kind of Medusa spirit beast here. The attack of this kind of spirit beast can be avoided as long as you are accidentally attacked." If it hits the target, it will be petrified.”

Dugu Bo looked at everyone again and said, "So, if there is really a Medusa here, everyone should be careful later."


After Yuan Changqing and others responded, the group began to enter the Gobi-like place here, searching carefully to see if they could find any trace of Medusa.

After Yuan Changqing and the others entered, they found no other soul beasts. It seemed that this was indeed the territory of a soul beast that was not sure whether it was Medusa or not.

Arriving at the center of this place, what appeared in front of everyone was a hill and a cave. It seemed that the soul beast was in this cave.

Yuan Changqing said: "Old poisonous creature, what should I do?"

Dugu Bo is in the control system, so he is very familiar with what to do next.

Dugu Bo arranged for everyone to say: "Ye Xiaofan, you can send out a burst of soul power into the cave first, then directly rise into the air, and then find an opportunity to attack. Yuan Linglong will cooperate with you."

"Changqing, you and I will cooperate, and then Catherine and Duguxin will cooperate. We will divide into three groups to attack."

After Dugu Bo made arrangements, the three groups of people all controlled and strengthened their attacks, making it easy to cooperate.

Seeing everyone taking their positions, Dugu Bo reminded him again: "Everyone, be careful. Ye Xiaofan is ready to attack."

"The fourth soul skill, fire feathers fill the sky."

After Ye Xiaofan launched his soul skill, he directly took off into the air and saw the flaming feathers shooting into the cave.


Then, a hissing scream was heard, and everyone came to a strange snake with a snake body, a human head, and a head full of small snakes crawling out of the cave.

This strange appearance and the screaming sound made everyone's skin crawl, it was very scary.

Dugubo said happily: "Everyone, be careful, this is Medusa, don't be attacked by it."

"The fourth soul skill, double golden shields."

"The fifth soul skill, Flame Feather Shield."

"The sixth soul skill, blue silver diamond shield."

"The fifth soul skill, Snake Python Tiangang Shield."

Thinking of what Dugu Bo said about Medusa's soul skills, everyone started to defend themselves, and then began to attack. Medusa also screamed at everyone while using her soul skills to attack them.

Medusa's eyes emitted rays of silver light, which were blocked by everyone's defensive soul skills. Not to be outdone, everyone attacked Medusa one after another.

"The eighth soul skill, freeze time."

Dugu Bo directly used his strongest soul skills to imprison Medusa. Then, everyone seized the opportunity and used their soul skills to attack Medusa.

"The fourth soul skill, Blade Storm."

"The sixth soul skill, double-wing slash."

"The sixth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Python Breaking (Dugu Xin)."

"The sixth soul skill, soaring pillar of fire."

"The fifth soul skill, Blue Silver Bite."

"The sixth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor Break."

After Yuan Changqing and others were imprisoned by Medusa, they also used their special soul skills. Various soul skills were used to attack Medusa as if they were free of charge.

After all, Medusa is a soul beast that has been around for more than 70,000 years, and it is also a very rare soul beast. Its strength cannot be underestimated. It didn't take long for her to break free, but she was beaten badly, and the snake was still covered in it. bleed.

Medusa was also angered, and her tail swept directly towards everyone, and everyone on the ground quickly avoided it.

The little snakes with their heads also attacked. Yuan Changqing and the others also used defensive soul skills to defend. Catherine and Ye Xiaofan were maneuverable and began to fight back against Medusa.

"The fourth soul skill, fire feathers fill the sky."

"The fifth soul skill, spiral strangulation."

Medusa was hit, which also gave everyone a chance, and Dugu Bo once again used his most powerful soul skill.

"The eighth soul skill, freeze time."

Yuan Changqing saw this and said: "Quick, let's continue to attack while Medusa can't move."

"The sixth soul skill, soaring pillar of fire."

"The fifth soul skill, Sword of Ice."



After everyone's cooperation, they continued to attack Medusa. Seeing that Medusa could not hold on for long, she let out a miserable scream, and also used a big move to deliver the final blow. Medusa's gaze, Rushed towards Yuan Changqing.

Catherine saw it in the air and shouted quickly: "Husband, be careful."

When Yuan Changqing saw this, he had no time to think about it and directly used his defensive soul skills.

"The sixth soul skill, the six layers of defense of the blue silver diamond shield."

I saw six shields in front of Yuan Changqing arranged in layers in front of Yuan Changqing, but they were still easily broken by Medusa's gaze, and he was about to be hit. Fortunately, Catherine swooped down from the air in time, grabbed Yuan Changqing and flew into the air. And narrowly escaped.

"The sixth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor Break."

Dugu Bo saw Medusa deliver a death blow and attack Yuan Changqing, and also used her soul skill to attack Medusa, killing it.

After dealing with Medusa, Dugubo felt relieved when he saw Yuan Changqing was rescued.

Dugu Bo said: "I didn't expect that Medusa could deliver such a violent blow at the end. Changqing, are you okay?"

Yuan Changqing said: "It's okay. Fortunately, Catherine reminded me that I defended myself at the end and was saved by Catherine again. This time it was also thrilling. I didn't expect Medusa to come in the end."

My sister-in-law and uncle also came over, touched Yuan Changqing and said, "It's okay if it's okay, it's okay if it's okay."

Seeing everyone gathered around with concerned expressions on their faces, Yuan Changqing had no choice but to say: "Okay, I'm fine. Now everyone's soul power has been consumed a lot, so please recover quickly."

Then he said to Dugu Bo: "Old Poison, you should quickly restore your soul power and absorb the soul ring. It's no longer safe if there is such a big commotion here."


Afterwards, some people began to recover their soul power, while others continued to observe the surroundings and protect everyone.

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