Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 81 Successful Ending

Everyone took turns to restore their soul power, and then waited for Dugu Bo to absorb the soul ring. After everyone recovered, they spread out around to prevent other soul beasts from breaking in.

After Dugu Xin recovered his soul power, he checked Medusa's body. Because it was the body of the soul beast whose soul ring was absorbed by Dugu Bo, he asked Dugu Xin to check it.

With good luck this time, a soul bone did appear, a head soul bone. It seems that the rarer the soul beast, the easier it is to produce soul bones. With this soul bone, Dugu Bo has two soul bones. Bones are much richer than in the original work. It seems that Yuan Changqing's arrival has changed Dugu Bo's fate a lot!

This has indeed changed a lot. Dugu Xin is no longer riddled with toxins and sickly. He will live well in the future. Maybe Dugu Xin will have more than one child in the future.

Time passed slowly, Dugu Bo also absorbed the soul ring, and everyone witnessed the birth of a titled Douluo with their own eyes.

Yuan Changqing said jokingly: "Hey, old poison, congratulations to you. You have officially become a titled Douluo. I don't know how I feel now. I'd like to share it with you."

Dugu Bo also cooperated: "Ahem, I think I finally became a titled Douluo, hahaha."


Everyone also laughed. After laughing, Dugu Xin came forward with the soul bone and said: "Dad, there is something even happier. Look, this Medusa also has a soul bone, which is a very precious head." Soul bones.”

Dugu Bo quickly took it, looked at it carefully, handed the soul bone to Yuan Changqing, and said: "Changqing, I'll give you this soul bone. If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have survived so easily. With such a suitable soul ring like Medusa, plus your help to my Dugu family, this soul bone can be regarded as a thank you gift."

Yuan Changqing looked at the soul bone handed over by Dugu Bo. He did not expect that Dugu Bo would give up the soul bone. After all, the combination of soul ring and soul bone from the same soul beast is the most suitable.

It can be seen from Dugu Bo's behavior that Dugu Bo is indeed a person with clear grudges. If you get to know such a person, he will be no less helpful to Yuan Changqing than a piece of soul bone in the future.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing postponed and said: "Okay, old poisoner, this soul bone is the most suitable for you, absorb it quickly. Since everyone is friends, there is no need to do this anymore. In the future, I will have a titled Douluo like you, which is indispensable. Excuse me, don’t you also have to contribute to Catherine’s search for the soul ring?”

Yuan Changqing said this, and everyone also advised Dugu Bo to absorb the soul bone quickly. Catherine's soul ring has not been found yet.

Seeing Yuan Changqing say this, Dugu Bo didn't show any pretense and said: "Okay, then I will absorb it. In the future, if you can use my old poison, feel free to speak."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "That's right, this soul bone can play its greatest role in the hands of your old poisoner. If my family looks for soul rings in the future, your help will be indispensable."

Later, Dugu Bo absorbed the soul bone again. After the absorption was completed, his soul power was directly raised to Level 92 Titled Douluo. It was no longer Level 91 as in the original work after decades, and he was still facing the crisis of toxins in his body breaking out at any time.

After Dugu Bo became a titled Douluo, Yuan Changqing and others began to search for the soul beast again.

Everyone spent several days in the forest, but still couldn't find a suitable soul beast. Yuan Changqing and the others did encounter a lot of soul beasts.

However, the suitable soul beast either does not have enough years, or the age is suitable but the soul beast is not suitable.


A bird call came from the air above Yuan Changqing and others. Everyone looked up and found that it was an eagle-like spirit beast.

Yuan Changqing said: "This soul beast is called the Golden Sword Eagle, which is suitable for Catherine. It is also a soul beast that is more than ten thousand years old, but I don't know how many thousands of years."

Dugu Bo said: "It's okay, just catch it and take a look and you'll know."

Yuan Changqing also nodded and said: "Okay, old poison, this is your first move as a titled Douluo, it's up to you."

Then he turned to Catherine and his uncle and said, "This flying spirit beast is difficult to catch. Catherine, uncle, you and the old poisonous creature should intercept it from different directions to avoid escaping."

"Okay, let's do it like this." Dugu Bo said.

Then the three people jumped into the air, formed a triangle, surrounded the Golden Sword Eagle, and finally started fighting in the air.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Changqing said to the air: "Hurry up and take it down. Fighting in the air is too dangerous and it is easy to be exposed to the sight of other soul beasts."

Because Dugu Bo, a titled Douluo, was here, it was easy to knock down the Golden Sword Eagle. Dugu Bo's snake venom was no joke now.

After the Golden Sword Eagle was shot down, it was also seriously poisoned, which made it convenient for Yuan Changqing and others on the ground.

Yuan Changqing said to his sister-in-law and Dugu Xin: "Let's take action quickly and solve it as soon as possible, so that everyone can get out of the Star Dou Forest as soon as possible."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing and the other two men started taking action without waiting for Dugu Bo, Catherine, and their uncle.

"The fourth soul skill, Diamond Lock."

"The fifth soul skill, Sword of Ice."

"The third soul skill is to corrode the black witch snake."


After Dugubo and the others returned, they also joined the battle and attacked the Golden Sword Eagle. Although the Golden Sword Eagle was poisoned, it still had the power to fight back.

I saw the Golden Sword Eagle sending out a large number of feather-like blades to attack everyone, Yuan Changqing and others also quickly launched defensive soul skills.

"The eighth soul skill, freeze time."

After Dugubo joined the battle, the Golden Sword Eagle was imprisoned on the ground. Seeing this, everyone began to attack the Golden Sword Eagle continuously, and the Golden Sword Eagle could only make a sharp cry.

As time passed, Golden Sword Eagle could not withstand the attack of the titled Douluo, and was finally killed by Catherine. A black soul ring appeared on the body.

The age of this golden sword eagle is not more than 78,000 years, which is older than Dugu Bo's ninth soul ring.

However, although the age of Dugu Bo's ninth soul ring is not particularly high, it is appropriate. Moreover, soul beasts like Medusa are very rare, and its soul skills are also very strong.

Therefore, sometimes, as long as the age of the soul ring is not too different, as long as it is suitable, only the soul ring that is suitable for the martial soul can exert its greatest power.

Catherine sat next to the body of Golden Sword Eagle and began to absorb the soul ring. Yuan Changqing also began to examine the body of Golden Sword Eagle.

It may be that Golden Sword Eagle died a very painful death, and a soul bone was actually produced, and it was also a trunk bone. It seems that Yuan Changqing and others were very lucky this time, and they all produced soul bones, which are still the two most precious among the six soul bones. , Dugubo obtained the head soul bone, and Catherine obtained the torso bone.

Seeing Catherine wake up after absorbing the soul ring, Yuan Changqing handed the soul bone over and said: "Catherine, quickly absorb this soul bone as well."

After Catherine finished absorbing the soul ring, Yuan Changqing handed her the torso bone again and asked her to absorb it quickly. Catherine didn't have much, so she started to absorb the soul bone again.

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