Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 86 Bad luck

But Dugu Bo, an old poisoner, was very proud after being promoted to a Titled Douluo, thinking that his Biphosphorus family had finally produced a Titled Douluo.

I just thought that going to the Douluo Hall of Wuhun Hall and hang up my title would be a matter of honor for the ancestors.

Although, after returning from soul hunting with Yuan Changqing and others, Yuan Changqing also reminded some of the worries about going to Wuhun Palace, but Dugu Bo also said that he would consider it.

Dugu Xin was also a little worried at home because of Yuan Changqing's reminder, and together with his wife Hua Feiyan, he persuaded Dugu Bo not to go to Wuhun Palace to register for a title.

However, Dugubo thought that such a powerful force as Wuhun Palace could not accommodate a titled Douluo, so he did not take Yuan Changqing's reminder seriously and insisted on registering a title at Wuhun Palace.

Dugu Xin couldn't help but could only say: "Father, since you are determined to go, you should be more careful. You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must be on guard against others. It is also good to be vigilant."

Dugu Bo said: "Okay, I understand. Besides, you are now a titled Douluo. You are the top being on the mainland. What do you have to be afraid of?"

"Furthermore, it is impossible for Wuhun Palace to really risk the disapproval of the world and forcefully detain me. Then wouldn't Wuhun Palace become the target of public criticism?"

"So, Xin'er, you and Fei Yan don't have to worry too much, just wait for my glorious return!"

Even if Dugu Bo said this, Dugu Xin was very reluctant to let Dugu Bo go. You said that the Dugu family finally gave birth to a titled Douluo, and now the hidden danger of the family's martial spirit has been solved. If something really happens, you can find Who can reason?

Dugu Bo also knew that his family cared about him, but he was still a little excited when he thought about being able to hang his title in the Douluo Hall within the Wuhun Hall.

After all, the reputation of Wuhun Temple at this time was indeed good. People on Douluo Continent admired Wuhun Temple very much before the divine war. The soul masters on the mainland all hoped to join Wuhun Temple and use it to This is an honor.

So, when Dugu Bo thought of this, he suddenly no longer had so many worries, and happily embarked on the road to Wuhun Palace.

However, Dugu Bo was disappointed. The Wuhun Palace at this time was not like before when Qian Daoliu was still the Pope.

Since Qian Xunji became the Pope, Wuhun Palace has slowly changed. Dugu Bo had heard some of these things from the mainland before.

However, Dugu Bo also thought that it was normal for Wuhun Palace to have a few rat droppings after it had existed for so long, so he didn't take it seriously.

Although Qianxunji is also an angel spirit, like Qian Daoliu, he cannot inherit the throne of the angel god. I wonder if this is because the angel spirit is female, so he needs the angel spirit of a female soul master. Only those with souls can inherit the divine status.

Perhaps because of this, Qian Xunji, who originally had an angel spirit, should inherit the qualities of an angel god, but he could not inherit the god's position, so his personality changed.

He has become more domineering and gloomy, and I won’t talk about Ah Yin. After all, Ah Yin is a human being transformed from the Blue Silver Emperor for 100,000 years, which is inherently opposed to human beings.

However, just because Dugu Bo went to register for a title, Wuhun Palace couldn't win him over, so they secretly pursued Dugu Bo, maybe chasing him, or maybe it was a warning. After all, Dugu Bo was also a title Douluo, so sending a Ju Douluo would most likely be Warning, it would be best if you can kill it, it's like hunting a rabbit with straw.

There is also Bibi Dong, she is Qianxunji's apprentice, and the secret room incident actually happened in the end. Therefore, Bibi Dong later sucked the seriously injured Qianxunji into a human body, and Qianxunji also paid his death for it. The price was high, and Bibi Dong also hated the Wuhun Palace and thought about destroying the Wuhun Palace every moment.

These are what Yuan Changqing knew or guessed after seeing Douluo Continent in his previous life. Therefore, he was reminded when Dugubo became a titled Douluo. But he didn't expect that Dugubo, an old poisoner, still chose to go to Wuhun Palace. This may be The corrective power of fate.

After a long journey, Dugu Bo finally arrived at Wuhun Palace. Seeing the majestic city of Wuhun Palace, he thought that he would soon leave his name as Poison Douluo in Douluo Palace, and he felt excited and excited. Excited.

Dugu Bo came to the center of Wuhun City, in front of the Pope's Palace, and said to the guards there: "My name is Dugubo, and I have now become a titled Douluo. This time I came to Wuhun Palace to carve a title on the Douluo Palace. Please report my account immediately!"

Seeing that it was a Titled Douluo, the guard saluted respectfully and said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Titled Douluo, please wait a moment, I will go and report it right away."

After a while, the guard came over with a soul master. Judging from the aura of the soul master, he was also a titled Douluo, and he was stronger than Dugu Bo.

The Titled Douluo said: "You must be the newly promoted Titled Douluo. Show your martial spirit spirit ring."

After Dugu Bo showed his soul ring, nine soul rings fell from Dugu Bo one by one, and the titled Douluo from the Spirit Hall also nodded.

Then, he motioned to Dugu Bo and said, "Your Excellency, come with me to the Douluo Palace. Have you thought about the title you want to engrave on the Douluo Palace?"

Dugu Bo said: "Your Excellency, I had already thought about it before I came here. My title is called Poison."

After arriving at the Douluo Hall, someone specially brought a plaque specifically for the title Douluo.

The titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace said to Dugu Bo: "Sir, should you engrave your title yourself, or should we from Wuhun Palace help us carve it in?"

Dugu Bo thought it would be better to carve it himself, so he said, "It would be more meaningful for me to carve it myself."

Later, Dugu Bo carved the word "poison" on the plaque, and then the plaque symbolizing Dugu Bo's title would be enshrined in the Douluo Hall.

After all the procedures are completed, Dugu Bo's visit to Wuhun Hall this time can be considered completed.

The titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace said: "Your Excellency Poison Douluo, I wonder if you are willing to join our Wuhun Palace. If you are willing, you can be directly promoted to become an elder-level figure in our Wuhun Palace."

Dugu Bo had already thought about it. He didn't want anyone to control him. Wouldn't it be nice to live a free life?

So, Dugubo refused and said: "Sir, I am used to being free on my own, so I will not join the Wuhun Palace. Thank you very much for the Wuhun Palace's kindness."

The titled Douluo didn't force it, he just nodded and took Dugu Bo out of the Douluo Hall, thinking about walking outside the Spirit Hall.

After Dugu Bo came to Wuhun Hall, someone reported it to Qian Xunji. After Dugu Bo left, they also reported Dugu Bo's unwillingness to join Wuhun Hall.

After Qian Xunji found out, he felt that Dugu Bo, a newly promoted titled Douluo, was a little disrespectful, so he sent Ju Douluo to intercept him.

When Dugu Bo saw that Wuhun Palace was wooing him, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He was also cautious when leaving Wuhun City, and he didn't feel relieved until he was far away from Wuhun Palace.

Nothing happened along the way, so I felt too worried, so I relaxed, until I entered the territory of the Tiandou Empire, and an accident happened.

"The sixth soul skill, Golden Rui Flowing Clouds."

While Dugu Bo was not paying attention, Ju Douluo directly launched his soul skill, and saw a large number of chrysanthemum petals wrapped in soul power, like flying knives, attacking Dugu Bo.

Because it was a sneak attack, Dugubo hurriedly avoided before being hit, but he was still hit and injured.

"Ju Douluo, you are such a sissy. I didn't expect your Spirit Hall to be so shameless. Isn't it because I don't want to join the Spirit Hall? You actually sent people to hunt me down." Dugu Bo said loudly, and at the same time he quickly defended himself. and attack.

"The fifth soul skill, Snake Python Tiangang Shield."

"The sixth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor Break."

"The eighth soul skill, shining brightly." Ju Douluo also used his soul skill again.

The soul skills of Dugu Bo and Ju Douluo collided, and a jade phosphorus snake king and a golden beam of light collided. The powerful shock wave made the two of them retreat.

Both sides were also constantly testing, because Dugu Bo was well versed in the art of poison, and he unknowingly released the Jade Phosphorus Snake Venom, and Ju Douluo also unknowingly inhaled a lot of snake venom.

As time passed, Ju Douluo also felt that something was wrong. He knew that he had been poisoned at some point, so he decided to make a quick decision, otherwise the longer the time dragged on, the worse it would be for him.

"Dugu Bo, I didn't expect you to be able to poison without knowing it. The ninth soul skill, chrysanthemums are broken, leaving wounds all over the ground, and people's hearts are broken when the flowers fall." Ju Douluo used his strongest power as he spoke. Soul skills.

"The ninth soul skill, jade phosphorus divine light."

Not to be outdone, Dugu Bo also used the soul skill he had just obtained and wanted to test its power.

Then, he saw chrysanthemums all over the sky and flying knives towards Dugu Bo. However, they met the green phosphorus divine light halfway and were hit by the divine light, turning into powder and falling to the ground.

However, the two of them had a hard time. They were affected by the collision of soul skills and suffered considerable injuries.

At this time, in the distance, an army came towards the battlefield. As the army approached, it was discovered that it was the army of the Tiandou Empire.

Ju Douluo also had the intention to leave, knowing that he could not take down Dugu Bo today, and he was poisoned again, so he said cruel words to Dugu Bo before leaving.

"Dugu Bo, you old poisoner, I want you to look good next time I see you."

After finishing speaking, Dugu Bo left without waiting for a response. Dugu Bo also said loudly to Ju Douluo: "Sissy, be careful next time and don't let me touch you."

"Your Majesty, Xue Xing is the prince of the Tiandou Empire. Is there anyone who needs help?" Xue Xing came to Dugu Bo and asked.

This time Xuexing also helped to solve the problem, otherwise, it might end up being a lose-lose situation.

Dugu Bo said: "It's okay. My opponent left after seeing you. This time I owe you a favor."

Xuexing said quickly: "No, no, it's an honor for me to be able to help you."

Later, knowing that Xuexing was returning to Tiandou City, Dugubo took Xuexing's carriage and headed for Tiandou City together.

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