Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 87 Qi and Blood Golden Pill

Of course, Yuan Changqing still doesn't know about the bad luck that Dugu Bo encountered. The three of them are still busy with the business of the business.

With the establishment of the joint company, the three companies began to dispatch manpower to inspect various places. Because the Balak Kingdom was not big, Yuan Changqing's family had already developed well before.

Therefore, this time we just changed the store to a joint store, and the store headquarters also sent some people there, and also transferred some people to other places.

This alliance of the three companies also marks the joint company's comprehensive development in the Tiandou Empire.

After the affairs of the business are arranged, there will be dedicated people to run it, and they only need to supervise it.

Yuan Changqing's family is also discussing the future development of the family.

Yuan Changqing said: "Grandpa, from now on the family only needs to manage the winery in the village. Now that the business has a joint company, we don't have to worry so much. We only need to supervise the accounts."

Grandpa responded: "That's fine. Now that the three families are united, we can have more time to practice, cultivate some talents, and enhance our foundation."

"Well, that's right. If there are people with good talents in the orphanage we open, we can provide more resources to cultivate them. Also, if there are people with good talents outside, we can also bring them into the family and train them from an early age. Such people will grow up in the future. Only when you get up will you become more loyal." Yuan Changqing also talked about some things about the training of family soul masters.

Grandpa added: "I plan to leave it to your father and uncle to do what you mentioned in the future."

"Well, that's okay. Although our family is still supervising the business in the Balak Kingdom, as long as we don't run into trouble, we will have time." Yuan Changqing also agreed.

The younger uncle said: "Yes, I will be liberated from now on. I can practice well and strive to practice Contra as soon as possible. Since the immortal grass you gave me last time, Changqing, to evolve my martial soul, I also see hope for Titled Douluo."

When Yuan Changqing heard what his uncle said, he was also happy and said: "Yes, stepping up your cultivation is the top priority now. When you become a titled Douluo, our family will be more confident."

My uncle also said confidently: "Yes, but in a few years, I will be sure to advance to Contra."

"Oh, it seems I have to congratulate you in advance, my uncle. Your soul power is now almost level 78!"

"Hehe, it's coming soon. It will probably take another one or two months to reach level 78." Speaking of the soul power level, my uncle also happily replied.

Yuan Changqing added: "Hahaha, when my uncle you become Contra, our family's high-end combat power will be improved."

After everyone talked about family matters for a while, grandpa said: "Changqing, we have been here for some time, and we plan to go back tomorrow."

Yuan Changqing quickly said: "Grandpa, why don't you stay a few more days?"

"No, business matters also need to be handed over. We can help handle them when we get back to avoid problems."

My uncle also said: "Yes, Changqing, we really have to go back to help with the handover to avoid getting into trouble."

When Yuan Changqing heard what they said, he didn't force himself and said, "Okay, these things must be handled properly."

As time went by, the joint company gradually developed and developed smoothly.

Now the United Company headquartered in Tiandou City, Catherine also came here to work on behalf of Yuan Changqing's family, and Yuan Zilong also followed.

Each of the three companies has representatives going there. They mainly go to the headquarters. If there are things that cannot be handled below, they can be dealt with in a timely manner.

Ever since Catherine became a Contra, she gradually made different discoveries in the eighth level of the "Eternal Spring Art" she practiced.

"Husband, I found that "Changchun Jue" is now constantly gathering the energy and blood in the body." Catherine told Yuan Changqing about the development.

Yuan Changqing quickly asked: "Catherine, please tell me how we got together."

"While practicing, I feel that qi and blood are constantly gathering towards the place where the soul power is stored. Moreover, there is already something the size of a grain of rice there. As long as I practice, qi and blood will be drawn in." Catherine said to herself feelings.

Yuan Changqing said thoughtfully: "This may be the effect of the eighth level of "Changchun Jue". In the future, as your practice deepens, the millet grain-like thing in your body may become a Qi and Blood Golden Pill, just like The poison pill that Dugu Bo used last time is the same, but the reason for its formation is different."

After hearing the Qi and Blood Golden Pill, Catherine said doubtfully: "Then what's the use of it? Now every time I finish practicing, I feel very hungry, and my appetite has increased recently."

"Let me tell you, why have you had such a good appetite recently? It turns out that this is the reason. The function of this qi and blood golden elixir should be to maintain the peak state for a long time. It can be maintained through food or some big supplements. You also know that anytime As age increases, the body's physical condition will slowly decline, which means that Qi and blood are being lost." Yuan Changqing thought of the description of the Qi and Blood Golden Pill in his previous life and explained.

He added: "For example, if a titled Douluo stays at a certain level for a long time and cannot be promoted, then he will also decline from his peak state. It is just because of his strength that he will last a little longer than other soul masters."

"So, with the Qi and Blood Golden Pill, we will be able to keep our strength at its peak for a long time."

Catherine asked again: "Oh, that's not bad, husband, what effect do you think the ninth level will have?"

After Catherine asked this, Yuan Changqing also thought carefully about "Eternal Spring Technique". This exercise is a Taoist exercise. Judging from the previous effects, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that it is the same as the pre-Qin Qi practitioners in his previous life!

From the foundation building on the first level, it was followed by skin refining, meat refining, blood refining, menstruation quenching, bone refining, marrow refining, and spirit refining. Now the eighth level is the golden elixir for condensing qi and blood. Could this be the virtual elixir? The ninth level is the golden elixir?

In Douluo Continent, in addition to flying martial arts, only titled Douluo can fly, and Qi practitioners can also fly with golden elixirs.

The more Yuan Changqing thought about it, the more he felt that this "Changchun Jue" was just a Qigong practice book, with three more layers behind it. Could it be Yuanying, Yuanshen, and Anti-Xu Hedao?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that if this is true, then it means that you can become a god in this world without having to find any godly position and just rely on cultivation.

The more I thought about it, the more confused I became, and I felt like I was thinking too much.

Catherine saw Yuan Changqing was silent for a long time, sitting there looking thoughtful, and frowning from time to time.

Catherine shook Yuan Changqing and asked: "Husband, what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak and answer my questions?"

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Catherine, I was just thinking about the questions you asked, and I got a little obsessed." Yuan Changqing explained.

"Then what did you think of? I saw you looking worried just now."

Yuan Changqing hesitated for a moment and then said: "I thought of it, but I'm just not sure."

"What is that?"

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