Yuan Changqing actually didn't know much about Qi Practitioners. In his previous life, he had only heard of Qi Practitioners from the Pre-Qin Dynasty, as well as Qi Practitioners and Immortals in some novels.

In real society, there are Taoist holy places and Buddhist holy places, as well as some hermits in deep mountains and old forests, but there is no such thing as Qi training and immortality, they are just exercises to strengthen the body.

On the contrary, the current "Changchun Jue" is something from the past life. Could it be that there were really Qi practitioners in the previous earth during the pre-Qin period?

So before the pre-Qin period, there was not a period when cultivation was prevalent, but later, due to unknown reasons, those qi practitioners left, and some qi training methods were passed down.

Although I don't know if what I heard in my previous life is true, this "Eternal Spring Secret" is really good.

Yuan Changqing said: "The ninth level may form a golden elixir in the body."

Catherine was a little confused and said: "Then what's going on with this Qi and Blood Golden Pill now?"

"Don't you feel it yourself? The pill the size of a rice grain in your body is pulling your Qi and blood? So, as the name suggests, it's called Qi and Blood Golden Pill."

"Then what's the difference between this Qi-blood golden elixir and the golden elixir?" Catherine expressed the question in her mind.

Yuan Changqing replied: "I have never experienced it, and I am not sure, so I am just speculating. However, I think it is probably about unifying the soul power and spiritual power in our bodies to form a brand new golden elixir!"

Then, he added: "You also know that the strength of a titled Douluo is a qualitative improvement, which requires the unification of all the strength of the body. Therefore, the golden elixir may have the same reason."

Catherine nodded and felt that Yuan Changqing's guess was reasonable.

Putting aside the speculations in his mind, Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, let's practice hard. We'll know when we get to the Title Douluo. There's no use thinking about it now."

"Well, that's true, then don't think about it, let's sleep!"

Afterwards, the two of them cuddled together and fell asleep. Although Yuan Changqing said not to think about it, Catherine's discovery made Yuan Changqing confused.

The thought of being able to practice qi and become an immortal makes me feel a little excited. In my two lifetimes, it would be false to say that I have not had a dream of practicing qi and becoming an immortal.

Cultivation as an immortal means you can live forever. Although you can live forever after becoming a god in Douluo Continent, based on what Yuan Changqing knows, being a god here is not that easy.

The gods in the God Realm are not that free, and they are not thinking about how to pass on the divine status, so as to step down from the divine status and pursue a higher realm.

Moreover, as a god in the God Realm, if you are always on the throne, then your strength will always be that strength. That is why Tang San and the others succeeded to the throne.

Now, Yuan Changqing is thinking about his own future and the future of his family because of Catherine. If "The Secret of Changchun" is really what he guessed, it would be awesome.

In this way, Yuan Changqing no longer has to worry about the future battle. As long as he practices step by step, his strength will improve.

Although it is not like inheriting the divine position, where the strength is achieved in one step, but with the help of skills, one can rise step by step.

Thinking about it, Yuan Changqing slowly fell asleep. In his dream, Yuan Changqing saw the scene of himself walking around the world with his sword, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

The next day, when he woke up in the morning, Yuan Changqing felt that his energy was much better than before. He thought maybe it was because he had a good dream last night!

The last time I went to Dugu Xin's house, I found out that Dugu Bo had gone to Wuhun Hall to register for a title, and I was a little worried. After all, Dugu Bo was now the trump card of the three of them.

Yuan Changqing also knew that Dugu Bo was an unruly person, and also knew that Wuhun Palace had become a titled Douluo because of Dugu Bo, and wanted to recruit him into Wuhun Palace.

Later, Dugu Bo was hunted down because of his unwillingness. Although, now because of Yuan Changqing, Dugu Bo's strength is different from that in the original work. His strength is much higher, and he is a master of using poison. It shouldn't be a big problem. .

In the original work, Dugu Bo's strength was greatly reduced because his own poison was not resolved. After being injured by Ju Douluo, he was saved by Prince Snow Star of the Tiandou Empire. I just don't know if it will be the same as the original work this time. result.

When Yuan Changqing came to Duguxin's house, he also learned that Dugubo had returned.

Afterwards, the three of them sat together and drank tea, and Dugu Bo also talked about his experience of going to Wuhun Hall.

When Dugu Bo said that, he also sighed and said: "Changqing, I really should listen to you and don't go to that Lao Shizi Wuhun Hall to register for a title. I originally thought that my Biphosphorus family would give birth to a title Douluo. , thinking about honoring our ancestors, we went to the Wuhun Hall to register."

"However, what I didn't expect was that the Wuhun Palace would be so shameless. Just because I didn't want to join the Wuhun Palace, they shamelessly came after me behind my back."

"Fortunately, with Changqing's help, we solved the problem of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit. Otherwise, I would have really suffered a big loss this time."

Yuan Changqing was also curious about what happened and asked: "Old Poison, is it true that the Wuhun Palace sent people to hunt you down because you are unwilling to join the Wuhun Palace?"

Dugu Bo thought for a moment, but felt a little unsure, so he guessed: "As for chasing me, it's really hard to say. Maybe it's because I don't want to join Wuhun Hall, and he is a person with no power. Maybe it's because I'm not willing to join Wuhun Hall. Give me a warning!"

Dugu Xin said angrily: "Just because he didn't want to join the Spirit Hall, he sent people to hunt him down. That Spirit Hall is too overbearing, and this Douluo Continent does not belong to his Spirit Hall."

Yuan Changqing also said: "Although I am not really chasing you, old poison, I can't rule out the possibility. After all, you, old poison, have just been promoted to the title Douluo. The Spirit Hall may also be using it to kill rabbits. It’s best if I don’t kill you, but it can also serve as a warning.”

After hearing what Yuan Changqing said, Dugu Bo felt that it was very likely that it was true, and he felt depressed and angry.

Dugu Bo also said angrily: "It seems that Wuhun Palace treats me as a soft persimmon. I must give Wuhun Palace a good look in the future."

"Haha, old poisoner, I warned you not to go at the beginning, but now you're dumb! But which titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace is chasing you this time?" Yuan Changqing asked Dugu Bo teasingly.

"Hehe, it's that sissy Ju Douluo. Next time I meet him, I will give him a hard blow." Thinking of Ju Douluo's appearance, Dugu Bo also found it funny.

Yuan Changqing also thought that Ju Douluo's appearance was indeed more feminine, and his voice was just like that of a eunuch. No wonder Dugu Bo found it funny.

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