Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 94 Meeting Flanders Again

With the completion of the formation layout here in the Seven Stars Accompanying the Moon Treasure Land, the soul power is gradually being gathered here due to the formation.

In the treasure land, Yuan Changqing's family also began to transplant a lot of bluesilver grass into it, and they also planted a lot of fruit trees near the top of the mountain. They also opened medicinal fields around the spring and planted a lot of medicinal materials.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing also transplanted the bluesilver grass previously cultivated in the World Pearl and planted it in the treasure land. Together with some other ordinary bluesilver grass, this can also form a mimicry training ground, which is very important to the family. It is also more helpful for those who practice the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit.

Later, some other trees will be transplanted for planting. For example, if Catherine's martial spirit is a bird's metallic martial spirit, metallic plants will be planted where the metallic sword is placed, or metallic ores will be placed. This can also have the effect of The role of the mimic training field.

Ye Xiaofan and his son are in a similar situation to Catherine, except that they go to practice with fire-attribute swords, and the layout is similar.

By arranging the mimicry training field according to each person's situation, coupled with the concentration of soul power in it, the training speed will definitely be greatly improved.

Moreover, many fruit trees have been planted, and these can also become plant-type soul beasts. Yuan Changqing has cultivated many of them before, and now he has transplanted some of them here, and their fruits can also be regarded as spiritual fruits.

Therefore, the things in this can be regarded as the family's heritage. They are all very good cultivation resources and will be very helpful in cultivating talents in the future.

After completing this, everyone began to experience the cultivation situation here. Not only is the soul power concentration high here, it is also accompanied by star power. In the future, you don't have to worry about the lack of soul power when you practice here.

Not only will the cultivation speed be faster, but also the soul power will be deeper and purer, and the foundation will be more solid.

With such a good place, everyone prefers to come here to practice. You can clearly feel the progress of practice here.

Later, Yuan Changqing would come here to practice on time every day. Now that his strength was high, he had more demand for soul power, so it was more suitable to practice here.

After practicing in the treasure land, everyone gathered together and talked about their feelings.

My sister-in-law said very happily: "Changqing, this treasure land you have arranged is so good. I will no longer have to spend too much time refining soul power in the future."

Catherine is now at the Contra level, and each level requires more soul power. She also said: "Yes, my sister-in-law is right. When practicing outside, it takes a lot of time just to refine the soul power. Now it's better." , I no longer have to worry about soul power, and the time it will take me to cultivate to the title Douluo will be shorter in the future, haha."

Yuan Hailan also said: "Dad, I can't do it anymore. Not long after I practice, my muscles and veins feel swollen and painful, and I can no longer practice."

Several others with relatively low strength also nodded in agreement with Yuan Hailan's words.

Afterwards, everyone also spoke one after another and talked about their thoughts after practicing. Those like Yuan Hailan and others with relatively low soul power would experience swelling and pain in their veins after practicing for a long time.

Yuan Changqing also reminded: "You don't have to worry about cultivation now, but those of you who are still relatively low in strength should act according to your ability. When you become stronger in the future and need to refine more soul power, you won't feel that your muscles and veins are swollen." It hurts.”

"However, everyone can also refine their soul power, which can also make the foundation stronger."

In addition to practicing, Yuan Changqing and the others occasionally go to Soto City to check on the business situation.

"Yuan Changqing."

Yuan Changqing was walking on the streets of Soto City with Catherine and Wang Yuyan when he suddenly heard someone calling him in front of him.

Yuan Changqing and the others stopped and saw the person calling him. One of them was wearing glasses and had a face like a shoehorn.

Yuan Changqing also responded: "So Flanders, why are you here?"

Flanders said: "Alas! It's hard to explain. Now I'm ready to live here in Soto City."

"Oh, that's it, Flanders, it's a rare encounter. I'll treat you to tea and we'll chat." Yuan Changqing also knew about the Golden Triangle, and wanted to see if Flanders was planning to create history. Lake College.

Flanders nodded in agreement and said: "Okay, we haven't seen each other for almost two years. I have been running around in the past two years and I have no time to go to Tiandou City to look for you. I didn't expect to see you in Soto City today. .”

"Hahaha, Flanders, although I am a teacher in Tiandou City, I am an authentic Soto City native. I studied at the Junior Soul Master Academy in Soto City. Okay, the teahouse is here too. Let's go in first and drink tea first." When they arrived at the teahouse, Yuan Changqing asked Flanders to come in with him.

Afterwards, a group of four people entered the teahouse, went up to the second floor, found a seat by the window facing the street and sat down, and ordered a pot of tea and some snacks.

After taking a sip of tea, Yuan Changqing asked: "Fland, my wife and I also met Liu Erlong in Tiandou City some time ago, and we also knew some things about your golden iron triangle. Now do you really want to do this?" Disbanded?"

After hearing this, Flanders also drank another cup of tea with a depressed look on his face and said, "Oh! There is nothing we can do about this. To be honest, I have looked for Xiaogang since he disappeared, but I couldn't find him. So, we came here to Soto City.”

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, Douluo Continent is so big. If you want to hide or find one, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Flanders also knew that what Yuan Changqing said was indeed the truth, and added: "That's why I figured it out after searching for a while, so I didn't waste any more time looking for it."

"Flanders, what are you going to do when you come to Soto City?" Yuan Changqing stopped asking about Yu Xiaogang and asked about Flanders again.

Flanders said: "Changqing, you also know that I used to hang out on Douluo Continent and made many friends. After coming to Soto City this time, I also gathered these old friends together. We are going to Start a school and that’s the rest of your life.”

"My friends and I were tired of our previous lives. We all wanted to live a quiet life and have something to do to pass the time. We didn't want to be constrained, so we decided to open a school and become teachers."

After hearing what Flanders said, Yuan Changqing was also sure that Shrek Academy was going to be established, and said: "This is not bad. Although you are no longer on the mainland, you will not lose your perseverance if you have something to do. After all, Flanders There is still room for improvement.”

"Yeah, my old friends and I think about it the same way."

"Then where are you planning to locate the school? What kind of school are you planning to establish?" Yuan Changqing asked again.

"Hey, as you know, none of us are rich, nor do we have many people, so we are planning to rent a piece of land in a small village south of Soto City and use it as a school location."

Flanders became more troubled when he thought about some matters related to the school, and said: "We are planning to establish a high-level soul master academy. This time we came to Soto City to buy some things. I didn't expect to meet you."

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