Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 95 Shrek Academy is established

After hearing what Flanders said, Yuan Changqing also knew that Shrek Academy was officially established.

Yuan Changqing asked Flanders: "Your school is located in a village. I'm afraid it's difficult to recruit students. How do you solve this problem?"

Flanders was also a little embarrassed to be asked, but then he thought that this was also a helpless move.

"Ahem, there's nothing we can do about it. There are only a few of us, so let's start the school first. We don't plan to be like other high-level soul master colleges, but take the elite route, which can also save some education. Resources." Friend also said some plans.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Hey, it's a bit difficult to take the elite route. Students with such talents will not be cultivated according to the elite in any college. You have to have resources but no resources. If you don't have advantages, I'm afraid there won't be any students. I’m willing to go!”

"Also, if you build the school in a small village, if students are willing to come, there may be some hope unless tuition fees are not charged."

When Yuan Changqing mentioned these disadvantages, Flanders became even more distressed.

Flender asked Yuan Changqing: "Changqing, do you have any ideas? Can you help me with some ideas?"

Yuan Changqing thought about the students of Shrek in the original work. They were either through deception or because Flanders went to some villages to help awaken martial spirits and found some good talents and brought them back.

Yuan Changqing directly explained this method and said: "Flanders, it will definitely be difficult for you to recruit students at the beginning. However, you and your friends can go to more remote places to help the children there. After awakening the martial spirit, if there are good seedlings, can’t we just bring them back and cultivate them?”

"When you train these children, won't they be the best advertisements? It will be easier to recruit students in the future!"

After hearing these words, Flender's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he thought, yes, isn't this the last resort? The most is just to work harder in the future.

When Yuan Changqing saw Flender's expression, he knew that this was what he was talking about.

Then he said: "How about Flanders, this method is okay!"

Flender nodded and praised: "Okay, okay, this is a good idea. It can solve our school's urgent needs. Changqing, thank you very much."

Yuan Changqing said modestly: "No, no, even if I don't say it, you will still think of it later. I just said it in advance."

Flanders added: "It's different, earlier and later. There is still a difference. Even if we can think of it in the future, we don't know when it will be."

Seeing the two of them going back and forth, Catherine said, "Okay, that's enough for you two. This seems a bit hypocritical!"


Catherine's words made the two of them feel awkward. Flanders said quickly: "Yes, Changqing, let's not argue about this."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

Then, he asked: "Have all the procedures for your school been completed? When will the school open? Then we can come to congratulate you."

Speaking of this, Flanders said distressedly: "Oh, I was going to go through it originally, but for some reasons, I didn't go through the procedures in the end."

Wang Yuyan asked curiously: "Why, if you don't go through those procedures, how can you participate in the high-level soul master competition held across the continent in the future?"

Wang Yuyan followed her two former teachers, Yuan Changqing and Catherine, and knew to some extent about this competition held across the continent.

Catherine also said: "Yes, Flanders, aren't you worried about recruiting students? If you participate in such a continent-wide competition in the future, wouldn't it be the best advertisement!"

When Flanders heard these words, he had to explain: "Why don't you want to, but when I went to go through the formalities, the people from the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Balak wanted all the students who graduated from Shrek to join Balak after graduation. The kingdom is willing to handle it for me."

Sighing, he added: "You should also know that students have their own choices after all, and we teachers cannot force students. Therefore, I did not agree, and the procedures were not completed."

"Ah, this is too overbearing!"

Catherine and Wang Yuyan said at the same time.

Yuan Changqing had long known that Shrek Academy would be like this, and he just wanted to know what happened.

Yuan Changqing comforted: "There is no way around this. People have to lower their heads when they are under the eaves. If you have the strength, wouldn't it be easy to do these things? You can think of a solution later."

Flanders nodded and said, "That's all we have to do. Fortunately, at this stage, our school doesn't have to consider this yet."

Later, Flanders also announced the opening time of the school and invited Yuan Changqing's family to visit then, and Yuan Changqing also agreed to go.

After drinking tea, everyone left separately, and Yuan Changqing also took Catherine and Wang Yuyan back to Lanyin Village.

With the existence of the treasure land, Yuan Changqing's family's enthusiasm for cultivation has become even higher.

After this period of training, Ye Guang and Yuan Qinglan, who had long been facing promotion, also succeeded in breaking through. They can become Soul Sects and Soul Lords after adding soul rings.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing and his uncle took the two of them straight to the Star Forest, and easily completed the addition of the soul ring in a few days.

After returning, it was almost time for Shrek Academy to open.

A few days later, it was time for Shrek Academy to open. Yuan Changqing also told his family about this last time, and everyone thought they could go and see what Shrek Academy was like.

After all, they all know Flanders and are all within Soto City, so it would be good to make more friends.

Moreover, Blue Silver Village is to the west of Soto City, and Shrek Academy in Flanders is to the south of Soto City. The distance is far or near.

When Yuan Changqing and others came to the door of Shrek Academy, they saw that Shrek Academy had the same smell that Yuan Changqing knew.

After seeing Yuan Changqing and others arriving, Flender quickly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Changqing, and everyone, thank you for supporting us."

Before Yuan Changqing could reply, my sister-in-law said first, "Hehe, Flanders, your school is really different from other advanced soul master academies!"


My sister-in-law's words not only made other people in Shrek Academy laugh, but Yuan Changqing's family also couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing Flanders' embarrassed smile, Yuan Changqing quickly came out to smooth things over and said, "Flanders, don't mind what my sister-in-law said, she has such a carefree personality."

When Flanders heard what Yuan Changqing said, he replied: "No, no, it's just a favor for your family to come."

Afterwards, Flender began to introduce other people from Shrek Academy.

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