Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 105

Horse Hongjun.


"The mouse that hides the tail is still a mouse." Ma Hongjun's opponent said that it is on white.

The battle is very intense.


A picking, I haven't seen anyone.

"Please call the shovel to wait for the seating area."

The blade is gone.

Then he discovered a big problem - where is the seating area? ?

Under the leadership of a good little sister, the blade arrived smoothly.


"There is a bright blade player with Lele players."


The opponent of the blade is a petite loli, even if she is still nearly 30 years old, I have to go to this name, because people are tender and cute.

"Little handsome guy, why wear a mask? Picking down to let your sister see your handsome face is good? Maybe we can have something interesting to happen." Lele's big eyes are full of curiosity. Blade.

Ning Rong has snorted on the stage: "Don't face women ..."

Zhu Zhuqing frowned.


The blade is faint: "Do you think this kind of tactics is useful to me?"

Lele smile disappears, and later: "It's a boring man."

The blade smiled.


The two opened the martial art at the same time.


The martial arts opposite Lele is a flute.

The blade was first launched, he tried to break through the side wings.

Lele's mouth hook, she likes to go to fight against the opponent, because her soul skill is remote!

As long as she pulls the distance, she can slowly grind the opponent.

Lele's little mouth is close to the flute.

The flute is up.

First soul skills - gathering!

This is not a way, but a way!

Nearly transparent attacks, the blade moves at high speed, so that most of the tone blade is avoided, and a small part cannot deviate by him.

Lele brows wrinkled, this guy is not good to deal with!

Although she is also moving, the blade approaches her step by step, so she will defend it.

Wait, wait for him close ... ·····

The blade is rolling, and the backhand will break a few hinders.

Both people only have four meters!

Lele eyes suddenly became sharp.

Second soul skills - !

The flute suddenly sharply.

A transparent wave of impact wave is coming towards the blade!

Raise a yellow soul ring under the blade.

First sword!


Huge air flows around.

The blade holder is on the neck of Lele.

Blade: "You lose."


Lele snort: "I will win next time."

The blade laughed: "Come on!"


Lele went down.

"Winning the Blade of Guangming!"

The blade sweeps a silent auditor who left behind.

The cheers of the tsunami is ringing.

"Too exciting!"

"This bright blade is very powerful!"

"What happened just now ?!"

"Bright blade! Laozi * you xx! Harm old lost ten gold souls!"

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