Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 106

"Haha! I will say that the name is so good to listen ..."

The master took a point to the blade: "Very good."

The knife is nodded and ready to sit down.

"Ask the sword tower to wait until the seating area."



Three times.

The blade facing Ning Rong: "I should let our enemies tremble."

Ning Rong was honored and touched his head: "Well!"


"The following is the case of the sword tower combination with the fireworks!"

The opponent and Ning Rong Rong's opponent are a man. The man has a flaming hair, the whole person seems to have a bit of hot youth's taste; and where the woman looks like Wen Wenya, it is like a touch of jasmine.

The male is called Mu, the martial arts fire, the woman is Mona, the martial arts jasmine.

Ning Rongrong is somewhat nervous.

Blade stands in front of her.

Lie Mu smiled and said: "You are good! Waiting for you, we are very powerful!"

The blade smiled and said: "You are also good. Remind you, you have to be more careful because we are more than you."

Ah! It's so arrogant! But the taste of Xiaoye!

Zhimo is more than the fist: "Who is so powerful, let's talk about this!"

The blade shook his head and shot: "I prefer this to say this."

No, I am not ready to use the fist and you, brothers! Mu Mu and a black line.

The woman behind him smiled.


The two sides instantly open the martial arts!

The whole audience - actually is a seven treasure glazed tower!

Fienmat is shrinking with Mona pupil.

Ning Rongrong and Mona were returned to the back, both of them were auxiliary soul.

That Shu is wrapped in the fire, it looks powerful.

He rushed over and he wanted to eliminate Ning Rong immediately.

The first auxiliary Wuhun in the world! Do not remove her almost no victory!

The blade greeted, a sword will force it.

Shu Mu opened the first soul skill.


The flame color of his hands deeply, and the first time rushed to fight.

The two walked less than ten strokes.

The blade is sword.

One day: power!

Ning Rongrong seized the opportunity.

The blade only felt that there was an inexplicable power.

Shu Mu was swept away, and his fist was hurt.

Mona raised a yellow soul ring.

First soul skill - painless!

I have disappeared in two minutes.

In his moment that he has arrived, the blade has come to the eye of the eye.

Make a winning no pursuit is a puppy!

Second soul technology - flame roar!

The blade jiva crashes the flames of the spray, and when you want to retreat, and the mushrooms and the flames appear in front of the blade!

A fire-fighting fist came to the blade.

Blade frigate.

It was blown out.

After landing.

2nd: speed!

The blade immediately went to Ning Rong Rong, Ning Rong Rong is also coming to him.

Shu Muyi will fly the blade to find the void near Ning Rongrong!

The blade is in Ning Rong.

Horizontal swords!

This Mu will follow the violent mode, the attack is extremely strong, and the thief is strong!

The blade was once again being flying, and it was necessary to hit Ning Rong, a blade, and took the waist of Ning Rongrong.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly rose, how to live, and have anything.

Ning Rong is very fast.

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