Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 107

The blade whispered: "Run far."


The blade is a way to kill it back.

Ning Rong Rong runs quickly, do not forget, day: force! 2nd: speed!

The blade sword stab.

Sir, hiding.

The blade is only in the heart: flaws!

The sword is instantaneously stabbed as shaved!

In this sword, Mu Mu splash!

It is also the sword to fall in the mutual body.

He flew out, fell to the ground, because the last few swords of the blade were attacked by the sword, so the mutual body did not add a wound.

The blade is facing Mona: "surrender, take him down the treatment."

Mona returned to God, and immediately ran over. I hurriedly walked downwards.

Sir Mu and turned back, grinned: "Playing with you, enjoy! Thank you for your hand!"

The blade nodded.

Sure enough, it is a bloody teenager.

"The Sword Tower is winning!"

Endless applause with shouts.

The blade walked to Ning Rong Rong: "Don't you hurt?"

Ning Rong shook his head, and his heart is still a bit fast.

The blade smiled: "That's good, go back first."


Ning Rongrong has a little excited to follow the blade.

(Everyone sees that the first few chapters have been revised, don't pay attention, because change is something wrong, if I influenza, I will definitely explain it when I updated)

what! Collection, ticket! (σ '? `)

Chapter 45, how can I make her easily take me?

After the two came back, the master looked at Ning Rong and nodded: "It is very good to do it. After being stared by the other's warrior, it can quickly react to the blade."

In order to maintain the soul, Tang San Xiao Dance did not participate in the single battle, and the rest did not participate in the double battle after the single war.

The master and everyone looked at two fights and led everyone to the group.

The blade did not play, this is the master personally proposed.

The master's original purpose is to make everyone engaged through the battle, and also enriched the battle experience, and the fighting experience is obvious. With the eyes of the master, they will work with everyone in the normal training. So his eyes are mainly put on other seven people.

Master briefly explained some of their opponents and gave some key guidance.

Tang San and others have formulated team lineup.

After the Tang San arranged tactics, several people went to the rest area.

the other side.

"Boss, I heard that this Shrek is a newcomer. Do we use it so be careful?"

"What do you know? We have been able to win, and you will be three games from ten consecutive wins. At this time, you can't make any mistakes, and you should be careful!"


"Blade, what do you think?"

The master of the master looked dull.

"If you say that the master you said, if they can eliminate him before the 'like a US, I will be eliminated. But if the other party enters the collective violent, I have no hope. After all, The opponent's soul is so much higher, and it is also a seven consecutive war team. The combat experience should be very rich. "

"I will not be a mixed fish? If the collective violence can be lost, it should go back to the ground."

The master nodded: "I hope that they don't want to give the enemy this opportunity."

The blade laughed from the master: "Master, people have to play, what are you doing this idle? Is it tired? I believe they are good."

Master did not speak this truth? It's just that I understand, my heart is non-ironstone, how can I not move as a mountain?

The family will say more of the family and grandchildren in the battlefield, this is what others listen to others? This is used to comfort yourself.



The mad team said trash.

Very no new threat.

The expression is awkward, the words are hot, and the eyes are killed, and it is also wiped the neck, and it is a tongue.

Old set.

The purpose is just that trying to shake Simula's eight mystery, how can you get it so easy?


"Shirack Eight Weird Wins!"

Frante looked at Tang San, who was still standing in the field. He was full of face, and his heart was as gray, and then his face change was comparable to change his face.

Made murder: "How to win ..."

Zhao Wuyi said: "Is it not good?"

The master faintly said: "Are you betting the gambling mad team compete?"

Flanders have some embarrassment.

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