Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 110

I didn't expect this kid to see these books, or I don't know what it is in the majestic in this court!

Flande is reluctant: "Blade, these books will not see it in the majesty," there is really a weathering. "

The blade looked up and read Frand's eyes: "How do you have a hurt? This is the historic book that is justified."

Frante is angry: "Dare to argue!"

The blade is helpless, the book has been in the past: "Dean, look at it yourself."

Frand is a highway: "I can make this dirt in the eyes of this dirt?"


"Well? It is really a history book? The author is inserted into these unrelated dirty pictures."

Flander deeply eyebrow.

The blade said: "Probably is to attract readers to buy it."

The book continues to read.

The book is a good book, the content is quite rigorous, but it will seem to be a bit boring. Perhaps because of this, I have to add some kind of court secret painting.

The battle in the center of the stage is over.

Ma Hongjun is victorious, there is some wolf to the stage.

Double battlefield, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing are carrying out two battles.

Yes, someone was abandoned.


The days have been the past every day.

One month.

In this month's battle, everyone became the focus of the audience.

But these are virtual.

The real thing should be seen, holding it in your hand.

It is strength.

Everyone has a huge gain after a month after combat a month.

The blade breaks through the 26th level to enter the twenty-seventh level, Dai Mu Bai 38th, Ning Rong reached the 27th level, Zhu Zhuqing 28th. Other people look old.

With people's record, the silver level has long been reached, I want to convert the combat points to the soul level on the side of the fighting soul.

And the blade, the Silver Soul Medal has already got his hand, which is one of the sincerity of the Fight Soul.

Master has also developed the next training program.

This evening is the last group battle in it.


The master was treated with the staff of the staff when the group battle was registered!

Then, even the director of the Fighting Soul is coming to the master.

In the end what happened?

What the big fight spirit representative actually gone?

It turned out that several major aristocrats in Shaostro City in the past three days agreed to find a seven-person strong team to kick.

A large piece is empty in the treasury of each battlefield soul.

Because people play two and three games, the strength of the show has not arrived at nearly rolling, and the magnification cannot be directly changing. Otherwise, it will not only be broken, and it will cause collective pressure of the nobles.

It is not ideal for the magnification major adjustment, because the damn big aristocrats have only a poor money.

His uncle!

So they have to find a strong thirty team as a hand!

Shrek is undoubtedly the best choice that they can find now.


The master agreed.


"Where is the blade?" Master looked at everyone faint.

Tang Sanwang: "The blade said that anyway, no need to go online, come out casually."


He suddenly felt that he may promise too much ...

Things are troublesome.

Chapter 46 things seem to have such a throwing in the imagination

The key moment of the chain is being examined in the chain of the chain, that is, eat and drink everywhere, take a look.

The boss with a beard is handed over to the bag. Dozens of baked meat. The blade pays money, nodded and took the meat to the next home.

The booth business is boom, five or six low tables are crowded with people.

It is a male and a woman who is busy. The boss is a long-standing black man, the boss is long, but the smile on the face is very infectious.

I found someone to sit down and sat down behind a few men and women got a little. Several people are very young, wear the same uniform, it should be a student who just went down the evening (you don't have to be in the evening less than the evening lesson?).

"Boss, come to a disc to be used to raw powder."

The blade is a single dish on the menu of this booth.

It has a lot of time to see this booth, and it is unique to maintain such popularity.

Soon the boss bried the signs of the knife to be fried.

"Young guy, your signature is fried." The woman smiled very nice.

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