Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 111

The blade smiled and took some heads.

"Checkout, then pack two copies!"

The parties were full of sorrows in a face of the embarrassment, and wiped the mouth of the mouth.

The woman nodded and walked over: "You wait a moment."

The man took a toothpick, and didn't care about: "I know, I know, who is going to this time?"


In the Fighting Soul, both sides have begun to

The battle is getting more intense.

Looking at the battle in the field, Zhao Wuyi took the brain, annoyed: "The crucial moment of the knife is not!"

The master is light: "No, it is good."

His a complainless Zhao Wuyi face is forced: "What?"

Master: "The fighting ability of the blade is too strong, and he is hard to force in Tang San, which is not conducive to the growth of them."

Zhao Wuji sighs: "It is a master! Consider it is more thoughtful than me!"

No one found that the master was unnatural when he heard the words of Zhao's helpless.



The blade can not know that there is a sight of this dish. It is attracted by this dish.

Transpirated hot gas, fragrance, tempting color. Just don't know how it tastes.

Clip a chopstick entrance, a word - fragrance!

The blade is bright, and the uncle, the big husband selling barbecue skewers, really did not lie to him.

Very chewy head, even chewing, more fragrant.


"The boss, ten packages, and then check out."

The blade is opposite the sign of the smell of fried powder.

The woman is surprised: "The young man, this signature garment is a lot, and if you pack so much, you are afraid to eat."

The blade smiled and said: "The fried powder is very good, I want to take some going back to give a friend."

The woman smiled nodded: "The young man can wait for a while."

The blade is swaying: "Who is going this time?"

The woman turned back: "Old wood, ten packs!"

That thin black face is just nodded, and he didn't say halfword from beginning to end.


Paying money, the blade also has a few students in the same table, and then put the ten packs of good fried powder.

He has a woman in the same table: "Oh! It is clear that he thinks about his name!"

"Then why didn't you ask?" A boiled boys.

The girl twisted the way: "I am nervous if I look at him."



The blade will be harvested in a corner.

He came to a small shop, I heard that the sugar here is an idea of ​​this food street.

do not miss it.

He is very leisurely, but the atmosphere has been nervous in the big mate.

Tang San has used the soul bones.

The battle has gone to the stage of demise.

How to get a miserable word.


The blade smiled and refused a man who had a flower like a flower like a flower.

He wants to ask the blade to drink a glass of wine, know, even in-depth communication.

The man like a flower is like a background, and the background of the blade is squatting, and there are two sings.

It's almost the same.

This time, they should also easily win the victory. Go back and congratulations, then let them try the good food.

On the way, the titanium alloy dog ​​of many people was brightened. I have repeatedly refused some of his beautiful women.

Finally returned to the Fighting Soul.

Master generally gave everyone to the last moment after the battle between Shrak, and then set retreat at a specific place.

The blade rushed.

Huh? The master has always been on time, is there any problem?

"The battle in this evening is so wonderful! Especially the Shrek's Bangwei and the Crown Team, there is not a few in the last standing!"

"His grandmother, wonderful fart! Laozi is lost a lot of money!"

"What ?! You are grandson! It is sneaked to persuade me not to gamble ?! Laozi believes your evil!"


The blade touched the Pakistan.

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