Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 129

It is actually a title!

She has been unfortunately encountered a title!

She finally understood why the blade blocked him and stopped her face, which would be seen to wear her existence.


Ok? How can the blade know?

Does he also seen my body? !

Her heart flashed this idea, but now I don't think about this, she must not expose, maybe the soul ring is not used by this title Douro, but she must fall after death. One hundred thousand soul bones will definitely let him crazy!

Looking at this aggressive blessing middle-aged, the blade knows who is going to do things.

The blade quietly waited for the development of things. This time he could not intervene. It is welcome to say that the old man closed his eyes can be directly to him. The gap is too big, and any little clever cannot make up for this gap, the faster, the more you jump.

Keeping enough weak existence is undoubtedly the most kind, he is also doing it.

Things are further fermentation.


Dai Mu was filming a photo of the title of Solitary.

This is the soul impact, also known as spiritual attack.

The previous blade can also use this trick, and it is better than this alone, um, just, really, he never deceived.


The atmosphere is getting more tense.


Nine soul rings.

The huge pressure shrouded the audience.

A strong and hard state of the title, directly blocking all the possibility of Sleek staying in the Skip Academy.

Flander wants to defend the dignity of Spacker with the dead battle, but by the master ',' Do you want to pull the children to die together 'stop.

Tang San and others are also angry, but this level of confrontation is not only they can intervene.

The blade is quiet, maintaining the lowest existence, and things have not developed toward the worst direction.


After the small dance is hidden behind the blade, there is a silk fear on his face. Tang San notes, feel somewhat strange, this is still a little dance not afraid of? But soon, his attention is put back.

Flend took tightly, and finally opened his mouth: "We ... go!"

His that is the most difficult time in Shrak, and suddenly heat it.

Zhao's helpless and several teachers did not speak, they knew the component of Shrek in the heart of Frad.

When the Balak royal family put the golden soul coins in large boxes in the principal room, the Tiegong Flander was violently turned to all of them, and then threw them with the golden soul coins of a box of boxes. Go out.

France is cold-cold: "Don't take your stinky money to insult Straker."

In such years, they feel that Flanders are the most handsome appearance.

Everyone keeps back.

Dream gods look at the departure of France and others, and it is a talent in millions!


For these talents, he intends to use this old bones and solitary fight!

Three old people stand together, and they raise eight soul rings at their own feet!

The battle is in touch.

The blade is bitter in the heart: three grandfather, do you want to do this?

Solitary face three epicolor, do not dare to share, especially the old guys in three epicolors.

These old don't die, there is always a few hands, the thief is annoying.

There are some headaches, secretly hints the great Flanders, and he is the big brother of Shrek. If he takes the initiative to retreat, this battle can't get up.

Fland also has this meaning. He stood out to greeted the three old people.

After a gratitude, it also showed the attitude of Shrek.

Dream gods and others have only had no choice but to sigh, and this is so moving it away by oneself.

How people are sad!

The blade feels that things should be the end.



A delicate girl ran from the outside. When she entered the door, she turned to the alone.

The blade looks at this delicate girl, if you think, I really have a single vitality here.

This girl is obviously more than the kind of avalanche that does not reliably.

He found that Tang San and others looked at the eyes of this girl as if he met, and quickly tried to stroke a few people, showing them to go.

At this time, no matter whether it is a friend or an enemy, it is wise to leave. Variables are the most like-but most fearful things.

The solo geese in the preparation of the grandfather has noticed them, and then a few words in the solitary euro.

The blade pupil is miniature, will it be?

Fortunately, the blade is thinking that there is no appearance on the scene on the spot.

A group of people went out.

The blade pulled the Tang San asked if he met the girl just now.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing's eyes slightly changed.

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