Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 130

Tang San will slowly said.

After listening to the knife, it is not very judged. This matter is big, saying that small is not small.

At this time, Qin Ming chased it up.

Listening to him, the blade feels that this cheap senior is a bit! Long Shuai, Wen Wen Ya, Zhoushen, strong ability to do, high, good talent, young, good character, Zhoyu map, but also the body.

Is this the most ideal partner in every woman?

Qin Ming looked at the knife who came and gave birth to the shot behind him.

what? ⊙? ⊙? ⊙

Flandy shook his head against Qin Ming: "Don't think too much, this kid's brain occasionally smoked."

Qin Ming nodded.

It has a problem with such a beautiful brain.


Chapter 55, he must be very lonely.

A group of people walked.

It is inevitable that there is some angry and helplessness.

It is generally thrown out of the garbage, who can be accepted?


Blade seems to be ...

We can't take a small probability to take pictures!

Flandy's intimate cotton jacket Hongjun is comforting him. Master, Zhao's helpless and several teachers were silent.

Everyone is not too emotion, and there is no interest in talking.

The little dance sneaked with a pleasant blade, her heart is confused, and it is afraid.

Do he really discovered?

She really wants to deny, but what is it used by deception?

She has always wanted to ask a blade for a knife, but I can't find a good opportunity along the way.

Tang San's heart was blocked and painful, he said why.

His observation is very good, in this atmosphere, he is especially concerned about the joys and sorrows of the little dance, how can the little action of the little dance pass his purple polar?

How do I think how to think that the blade is not pleasing to this guy? How do you think he is not a good thing.

I really want to kill him with blue and silver.

The little dance she won't be ...

I have a bit a bit of a bitter.

The sharp feeling of the blade is once again.

He found that the rabbit is essential to Tang San, from time to time, it will stand him with no good ideas. Look this, one is the beauty of his, and the other is the talent of him.

Ugh! Excellent people always face these ...

The blade is a happy, the rabbit is fine, and you will ask you now! Tang Successful Tang San, you look at me with this sorrow ... is it?


Don't move on your face, just smile.

Ning Rongrong looked at the blade and didn't laugh couldn't help but ride. It's a bastard that has no heart!

Dai Mu's mood is the most low, he is actually a disaggregated by a look, he is actually a disaggregated, he is actually one ...

Oscar helped him, his depression, he naturally felt it, he wanted to comfort him, but I don't know how to open, such a proud one ...


Ma Hongjun said: "Dean, Ski College does not charge us, is them, with the teacher of Shrek and the students, the big land is big, there will be? Which college is not being used as a grandfather What should I go to the Safety College by their birds! I don't stay in myself here! "

Everyone looked at Flanders that gradually improved, and the heart was secretly praised for the chubby and fat. Sure enough, it is the midfield in the Frand, knowing that Flanders most want to listen.

Everyone is silent in the Tiandu City along the way, it is not ready to return to Shrek.

The master faintly prepared to lead the people to go back to the Flanders: "Shrek must be qualified for the children, but it is not necessary to choose the Safety Academy, although it is the best choice for us ... I didn't consider joining the Safety Academy will fail, so I have not prepared the second alternative option. Go back to the city, I need a little time to pick the next college. "

Frante listened to nodded, children must participate in the National Soul Competition.

There is a stage!


Flanders stand in front of the huge advertising bar next to the entrance of Tiandu City.

He thought in his heart: I didn't pay attention to it when I came out? It is incredible.

In this above, how many gold soul coins are you spent?

Everyone is also watching this advertising message.

Advertising five flowers, everything, such as:

"As long as you dare to come, send ten classes!"

"Getting started, there is a god pet, no need to be a gold, hang the giant soul!"

"It doesn't want to think more, a golden Dan knife is not entered! Just as long as the nine nine!"

"Hand holding this shield, the world is not asleep, etc., the hand holds this sword, the world is no one can be waited! The latest God of Shen Bingfang will be in September ..."


"I am a slag, it is a brother to cut me! I am ... waiting for you!"


Some exaggerated messages look at the Shrek's mouth, so fake, the fool will believe!

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