Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 131

The picture of the blade looks at the slag flying picture touching the slag: "This domineering armor, this heelow big knife, this focus, this is the world's momentum, but also dare to open this Tiger Hidden Dragon Quotes in the world ... It seems that it is a super master that is extremely repaired, standing on the top of the soul teacher. "

"This desire has no choice but to have a hostile enemy ..."

"He must be very lonely?"

The blade is sigh.

Suddenly, I feel that the atmosphere is somewhat, and I look at him. "What?"

Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun and others haven't lived.

Flandy looked at: "Nothing."

The blade nodded, and the portrait of the slag slag flying sigh: "It's a peerless person!"

Everyone: Didn't save it, I pulled it early.

Fran is a relative, pointing point to a relaxed recruitment advertisement.

This is an advertisement of a teacher who is known as the blue tyrant.

The master had already noticed that he put it in your heart.

Flanders as the most familiar Qin Ming, the situation of this Blueburge.

Good guys, this is a college that can be hard to fight with the Sheng Tong College, and it is also rich!

The key is to have a shortcoming talent now!

Fland looked at the master: "Xiaogang, what do you think?"

Master nodded: "Very good choice."

Fland pushed his four-pointed eyes, his eyes narrowed, smiled and laughed: "Is the Skip Academy not sweeping us? Then we join his enemies, let us put them in a trampling At your feet, enjoy them! "

Fork the waist, look up. (For details, refer to Maori Xiaolang classmates)

Everyone: It is a dean of Frad!

I nodded: I don't plan to swallow the sound. I didn't consider the means of use, but I have to take the loss of dignity with the right way, but I have a little bit of a long taste.

The idea is set.

Flandy waved Qin Ming: "Xiao Ming, with the road!"

Fland looks up at the chest, the back of the waist is straight, and the two shoulders are raised, and the appearance of a sense of feelings.

Ma Hongjun made a booth for everyone, yes, so much better than letting Fland's attention to revenge.

Hate, you can wake up a person who gradually throws blood.

Qin Ming looked at Flend shook his head smiles, the dean is still old ...

He took a few steps to bring the road, otherwise waiting for the delegation to stop and ask if there would be a bit embarrassing.

Qin Ming has always been a good student for individual forgivers.


Walking, walking, the blade suddenly wanted to look back, a sword put the rabbit and Tang three.

This all took all the way and stared at him with the weird eyes. If you are tired, you can't do it, but can you consider your feelings of my knife?

As long as you smile at this time.

Smile! Chicken skin is getting up ...

The blade slowed down.

Terring with the little dance, Tang three or shoulders to the little dance: "Little dance, I know you have doubts, we talk two sentences?"

The little dance is against him.

The blade smiled and said to Tang: "Okay, what is it? It is some small problems, I will clear it."

After the curiosity of the curious look, Zhu Ziqing, Oscar and others: "You first step by step, I am talking with the little dance, and I will guide her. You know, young people like to drill the horns!"

Others have no mouth, but also young people, are you the smallest?

I know that the blade is to avoid them, although everyone is curious, but no stay.

Tang San hesitated a small meeting, after the small dance nodded, he accelerated his footsteps and he failed to hell. He believes that Xiao Dance.

No, what is I worried about? ! I am bother!

When I watched the blade and smiled and smiled and smiled and smiled and smiled. "Just thinking, I saw a rabbit, cute little white rabbit."

Although it is intentionally, the small dance is rapidly contracted, and the body does not help the autonomy.

The blade smiled and shakes his head: "Ok, you can do it like I want to figure out the track. Let's see the black beard uncle in front of the knife, guys copy it."

The little dance huddled in the direction of the blade, and I saw a black husband who took a chopper knife. He has only one arm.

Seeing the little dance twisted, the black beard is open: ", is this kid want to figure out or not! Is it telling Uncle, Uncle wakes up him!" His smoked.

Several passers people have wrapped around.

The blade has helpless booths: I am a kind of person?

Xiao Dance is busy: "Thank you, Uncle, I am fine! He is my friend, just start a joke!"

I don't seem to be intimidated, and my face is soft. "The woman, if you really have something, don't swallow your voice, loudly, there is always someone will shoot!"

The little dance feels warm, laughs and the monk of black and awkward: "Know, Uncle!"

The black beard put his heart and put the chopper knife.

The little dance will continue to slow down with the blade.


"Old stone! Don't worry too much! For the big brother to ask you! Have you forgotten your hand ?!"

"Big Brother, I know what you mean, just encounter this uncomfortable thing, no matter what my heart is not happy!"

"Happy! Happy! I know how to be happy! What is more important ?!"

"Big Brother, this is not a happy!"

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