Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 132


The knife and the little dance leave some distance after the distance, the quarrel after the two men came. The little dance hesitate to go back to do something.

The blade gently reached out and stopped him: "Nothing, let's continue the topic."

The little dance looked at the back and then nodded.

The current continues to slow forward.

The blade smiled and said: "Are you afraid that I kill you? Or expose this secret?"

The little dance silently nodded after a small party.

The blade sighed a sigh: "The most basic trust between people!"

Xiao Dance: I am not a person ...

Blade: It is reasonable.

Chapter 56, the dean, the brain was kicked!

"Don't worry, the rabbit is so cute, how can I start with the rabbit?"

The little dance face is pink, and there is a touch of pink.

"In addition, this secret should be rotten in the belly. I think I still have some credibility."

The blade looked at the little dance: "How?"

Xiao Dance looked at him unprecedented: "Why, there are still a lot better choice for you."

The blade shakes his head: "Then, it is not a better choice for me. If you really do this, this way will no longer be smooth."

Xiao Dance is confused: "Taoism?"

"It's the idea. I won't be in the average person, but I value this."

When the blade stopped and looked at her: "Just like this. If you delay the small three, you may find me to die."

The knife has accelerated the path of Frante and others, he has a pace of dancing behind him:

"Right, explain with Xiao San, the kid looks like my eyes is like a wife and hate, it is too scary!"

The little dance heard the red and monkey ass.

I am embarrassed to say: "Nuts, I will talk to Xiao San ..."

Then I smiled twice, and I watched the vectors around her eyes, I quickly ran to follow.

A thin little old man with a Mediterranean hairstyle is not exclaimed: "It's so good! I want to be ..."

When they arrived at the Blueburg University, I saw Tang three who was going back and forth in the door.

The blade smiled and worried about his face: "Solveing ​​things happily."

Tang San face is a little bit

"The dean let me wait here."

The blade smiled: "It is a dean, thinking about it!"

Oh, stupid Tang three, you are careful about how I can pass me.

The little dance has also gone.

Tang San hurriedly asked: "How is the dance, how?"

The little dance face is slightly ruddy: "It's okay. Also, Xiaosan You don't misunderstand me and the blade, we are not the relationship."

Tang San is clearly relieved, and some hands are helpless. I want to say that he is not that means, but ... it seems right.

The little dance came to him and pulled his hand: "Walk! We and Rong Rong."

Tang San feels that this is somewhat improper, wants to break free from the cheap. It's just that Wen Soft is tender to make him reluctance.

The blade smiled and shook his head. "Xiao San, left."

Three people have been moving, and the Tang San is somewhat uncomfortable, but there are some different rejuvenations in my heart ...


After seeing the figure of Dai Mu and others, Tang San quickly let go of the small dance hand, the little dance snort.

There is a test of the teacher.

The blade does not even look, the personnel of the assessment must have been shocked.

Although people recruited is the tutor of 40 levels, but you have come to a group of six soul rings, the seven soul rings, this is not scared?

The blade looks at some of the people who look at it, and then the attention will turn to the field.

Sure enough, look at people scared.

Human francisted: "Our strength reaches the standard of the Blue Biltroenterology?"

This is too forced.

Blade: No, look!

One of the middle-aged people named the sound book quickly said that it was absolutely no problem, but because Flandy is too high, he can't do the Lord. You must take them to see the dean, let the dean have documented.

Flan nodded, lightly: "It's also, take the way."

"Please come with me!" The middle-aged man named the sound book made a posture, and then went to the outside.

The three blue baben colleges headed by the Youth Walk in front, with the people from the small road to the colleges and campus.

The knife is quite like this college.

The style of this college is very different from the style of the Skip Academy.

The overall environment of the Safety Academy has highlighted a beautiful, atmospheric, luxurious, solemn, that is the special aesthetic aesthetics of the royal family. The Blue Billetics is a sense of elegant, elegant, simple, and inclusive.

Relatively, the blade is more like it.

Tranquility and peaceful small forest.

Deliest grass, beautiful flowers, proudly upstream.

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