Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 144

The old man suddenly sighed.

The little girl pulled the old man's hand: "Grandpa, how do you sigh?"

The old man squatted down the baby's baby fat, smiled: "If the fruit is too small, I said that I have to tie the kid back to you."

The little girl got a big red face, and even the face was ashamed: "Grandpa ~"

"Haha, our family is fruit and shy ~"

"Grandpa is most annoying!" The little girl hit the old man with a hammer hammer.

"Hahaha ..." The old man laughed, and the passers-by.


The slow-moving blade is not sigh in his heart: "Tian Dou City, it is really a bedroom, walking on the street. Asking a road can also touch the existence of a solitary life ..."

"Be sure to be low-key, you can't make trouble. I really have to handle my hand, I can never leave a trace of squatting, I can be used by the trace of the horses ..."

"Well, I am just a young cute, I can't talk to these big men."

"and also……"

"The little girl is so cute, I want to pinch her little face."

Thinking of this blade does not help but smile.

The color of the heavens and the earth.

It seems softly with the wind that is gently blowing.


At the point of view of the blade, it was a twenty-year-old young woman hit the light pole.

It seems that this is not light.

The blade feels funny: "This big day can be so unhappy, this girl is afraid of being a bit confused."

I walked over and helped the girl and laughed: "The girl will be careful when walking."

The woman is shameless, so shameful! But the heartbeat is so fast.

The blade suddenly opened her hand and laughed: "Since the girl doesn't do things, I will go first."

It's chic after nodding this woman.

Looking at the back of him, the woman hesitated for a while to react.

"Thank you!"

The blade swing is not to be polite.

The woman is very dirty, still in the roping of the arms.

Good gentle person ...

The blade directly refers to the city of the old man. According to the old man, it is the most valuable place in this city. It is possible to find that there are countless foreign people. If there is no, the capital of the Tiandu Empire will become famous.

And the number of taxes provided by the Tiandu Empire every year is not a general amazing.

There are many super-large shops, shooting, few unclear small-sized shops, even with specializes, as long as the 'management fee' of individual payment is allowed to be transaction.

There is even a super large big fight! It can accommodate 200,000 people! It is a rare thing that is the 60th level of 70th level. It is said that the venue of the center battlefield of the Fighting Soul is fully able to support all the battles under the title.

In order to build such a strong battle site, the golden soul coins that the Skipy royal family cost is in the calculation unit! People living in this day, let's talk about the big thumbs up this day, the face is proud of the face.

The ticket price of this big fighter field is worth it, but this is only a small part in its income. The big head is provided by gambling, Bo! It is usually good, but there is a strong dedication, because the casino knows the roots of the player, the loss will generally previctly. Through the magnification adjustment, public opinion guidance (implacing news), rarely there will be no money.

When you run out of gold coins every time, almost all of the golden soul income soul tidist is given to a old man or a wife, this so-called old man, most of his wife is all soul, tougain ......

These vulgar sinking people have to worry about these old people who are buddy, and how high it is to know.

No one will expose the specific number to the world, because the 'orbit molecular' who wants to engage in things will have no trace of the first time. In addition, there is no meaning of this, and the gambler's greed and luck will let them send the unpredictable soul coins in the sky, and they are not tired.

And the auction house here is not simple, and most people really want to shoot treasures, almost always think of good reputation, rather than private transactions.

Even if you want to give this part of a lot of auctions. The auction income will not be much lower than private, and the auction house will provide the highest confidentiality measures to ensure the safety of the seller, this is the foundation of their life. Almost no auction houses will be black down.

It is not a principle, nor is it a moral sense of explosion. It is really risking too high.

Once this is done, as long as you leak a ribbon, and verify (their opponents are happy to help to verify). Decades, the reputation of the hundred years ago will be destroyed once! The building will be pour! There is almost no group to make a lot of money, and the huge profits will be inquiry, and they are pursuit of fine water.

There have been a auction in history. That night, someone took a whole set of soul bones and took auction, and finally took over 100 million people! The buyer seller was killed during the way of leaving.

The shot is an eighty-seven-seventh epicolor, the three eighty second levels of epidemics, five soul sanctuary. From this lineup, the handsome is to speed up. But the buyer is not a weak, so the movement of the battle is extremely large, and it cannot cover it at all. Since the battle site is in the city, it immediately stunned the sky royal family. In fact, it would be alarmed the royal family in the city, because the escort soul is back, it is his royal person! An old uncle.

The title is dispatched.

The old emperor was saved when he was seriously injured.

And the Eighty-seven-seven-level epidemic has escaped under other people's death.

He took away the body of the power of the soul bone before he left.

The emperor is angry, ordered to thoroughly invest this.

Finally, with the assistance of the city auction line, the verified is called the 'eternal auction line' (that is, the auction house hosting this auction) in the dark, the Xingro Empire!

For a time, the man killed is rolling ...

The first auction house in the sky is known as the first auction house in the mainland's first takeaway line. The branches of each place have also been raised in one month.

That interception, although the Xingro Empire lost a lot of masters, the Eighty-seven-seventh epicolor also took back a set of high quality soul bones, with massive gold soul coins, Xingro Empire and Not losing.


There is also a large number of luxury stores here, this is the holy place in all female consumers.

The most practical top weapon is also a place here.

Top food, the best medicinal materials, powerful mercenary adventures, even extremely rare class of people, can be found here.

If the gold coin is compared to the blood, this area is the heart of the sky. The top of the whole mainland's top money collection!

The blade looks at the bustling in front of you, I really want to take a deep breath and lamented.

"The air here is so sweet ~"

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