Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 145


The blade is not smoked by himself.

What are you thinking about!

[There is always a bad guy, the signing is not more like, I think it is a bit reason, but this deposit he is really ...

Just squeeze out one more (??????????????????????)]

Chapter 62 does not have to pay with a small money when there is no need.

"Boss, this will give me a copy."

"Good, the young man is waiting!"

The blade is fans, he is planned to go straight to the auction line, and quickly buy the soul of the soul or something else.

Not his will not be firm enough, but it is too fragrant ...

So he sat in this small shop in this space, but clean and tidy.

Can this blame him? What happens to his head, if you want to blame, then it is definitely the fault of this bald owner. Who told him that the food is too seductive?

Is this a reason? It is definitely this! Otherwise, do you blame someone else? Is there any reason?

There are several guests in the store, and they will not be cold. After all, the store is so big.

It is really strange that the bald boss is busy in this store. It is also a chef, and it is a waiter, and it is also part-time to wash the dishes.

When this person is less, I said, after all, now this time is not the most guest, when I am at night? Do you still have to be busy? According to the price of the menu, you can't afford a helper.

However, since the store is an old sign, it must be a way to solve these small problems.

"Little brother, this is the golden silk powder you want! Slowly eat, I am busy first." The head shop owned by a snow-white chef, and put the food in front of the blade. The movements were generous.

The blade smiled nodded: "You are busy."

The bald store laughs and leaves.

The blade is a small mouth of the small mouth to enjoy the delicious time to come in a seventeenth year old teenager, look at the show, wearing a concise white costume. At this time, his forehead hanged the fine sweat that had just been coming, and his breathing was so urgent.

"Fang Shu, early!" The young woman wiped a small sweat of the forehead, showing a smile on the head shop.

The bald store mainly stopped the lives in his hand, stared in the teenager: "Your kid also knows? Take a look at time, this is what you said to be too late? Is this month's pay for this month?"

The young face is somewhat embarrassing: "Fang Shu, there is an accident, this, that ... Fang Shu, you deduct it."

The bald owner also knows the child's character, it is often giving birth, otherwise it will not come. Impatient waves.

"Okay, let's let your boy in this time, don't take it."

The color of the juvenile face is surprised: "Thank you, Uncle!"

The bald store has a long laugh: "Oh, come over, come over, today you can hurt me! Just a minute can be free! Let this disc of Jin silk powder to the 1st table! "

The teenager saw that Shu Shi didn't really be angry, and I walked over the past.

The table is an old woman, the clothes are extraordinary, and the gas is quite majestic.

The teenager saw the dish and laughed and laughed: "You are slowly used."

The old woman nodded, be light, I didn't pay attention to him.

The teenager went along his line of sight and looked down.

It's low, I look at the blade of the food in my mouth, and I still hang a gold silk in my mouth, nodded to the teenager, and laughed nodd from the woman.

The woman exposed a serious face to show a smile, nodded back, this is a courteous person.

The woman didn't look at the blade again, and the teenager panicked to the blade. People have actively expressing goodwill, and they are not polite.

Beautiful people. He looked at him for a while.

"What is your boy? Not to come here for help?" The head shop looked at this kid did not come back and didn't come back. He found that this kid stupid stared at the beautiful young people like mortal. This is a very rude behavior, and his brow is slightly wrinkled.

"Ah? Oh!" The young woman returned to God, and it also reflected it. The little ran back to the bald boss.

The tableware has accumulated a lot, and if he didn't live in his hand, he would deal with it as soon as possible.


Guests have come to, and the teenage has come to work in order. This is not very different from the teenager and the bald owner.

The blade will be finished after eating the third disc of the golden silk powder, and the main road of the bald store: "Boss, come ten packs.

The bald boss looked back and smiled and said with a knife: "Little brother, our golden silk powder can not be packaged away."

The blade has some doubts: "Is there any special reason?"

The bald boss smiled: "It's really, mainly this golden silk powder it can't save too long. Up to one hour will taste it. If the guest takes out, I am afraid that I will return to my horses. "

The blade laughed: "It turns out that this still wants to bring some going back to give a friend, it seems that they have no blessings."

The bald shop is listening to the heart of Shuart: "Nothing, I will not fall in the store. Little brother brings you next time, I will give you a discount!"

The blade smiled: "The feelings are good."

Paying money, the blade will leave behind the head shop owner and the teenager.

The bald store laughed and gave a gift, and the young man was in a daze.

The old woman looked at the knife and sighed: "If it is still too small, I have to catch it back and you."


In the heart of the blade: "Tian Dou City, Tian Dou City, fruit is really sleeper, the dragon, eat a powder, can encounter the old man who may be the level of the episode. I really don't know which to provoke the world of heroes. What kind of style is craving for a battle for a war. "

There is a fish soup on there, don't ...

Still, it is important.


"Boss, come to the bowl signboard fish soup!"

"Hey! Beautiful little brother! Little brother first sit down, wait for a meeting!"


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