Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 148

"Old Chen! I don't know me. I don't know this hard buddy.! I am in the past!"

"Lao Liu, you will not be welcome again."

"Haha, come! Old Liu, I want to see how you have it! For more than ten years old brothers! How do you have a hand?! Open the soul, I don't pay back today, you kill me. ! Don't kill me, you are my grandson! "

"Lao Li stopped, I'm not polite again!"

"You are doing it! I killed me, today we grace!"

"Don't ... Don't close me! ... vomiting ..."

"Brothers, what's wrong with you!" He suddenly woke a lot.

"... vomiting ... vomiting ..."

"Damn! Is it a poison?! Which baffle is in the hands ?!"

Old Chen broke away from the old Liu's hand, and quickly retired.

"Old Liu, don't move! Vomid ..."

"I don't move, I don't move, how is your brother ?! I know that there is a god doctor across the street, we will take a look!"

"See a fart ... vomiting ..."

"Brothers, don't hard to support! I will take you in the past ..."

"Vomitation ... Don't come over! Come over the brothers!"

"This, good, old Chen, you can't calm down."

"I am calm a fart! What did you eat ghost ?!"

"What? Oh, I have a few smell tofu with a few small wine, what happened?"

"Rely! Laozi still thought you were eating! This stink ... vomiting ..."

It turned out to be such a thing.

The blade is gently covering the forehead, and some crying is a person who is bold.

Then he walked over and asked some of the old Liu.

Finally, he wanted the information he wanted.

"Old Liu, you die! Are you going to break the meaning? This brother is not done! OK ?!"

"Brothers, don't talk about breath, isn't that I am drunk? Give your brother a chance."


The blade decided to put it in advance, and some beautiful things really can't miss.

Standing in that except for a long queue, the surrounding pedestrians slap opposite the small shops, and the blade took a deep breath.

Can't confuse - this authentic taste.

In the past pedestrians, the knife has joined the team in a smart look at several queues.

When he left the team, he took two butter paper bags. The blade is not packaged too much, that is, because of the limited supply, it is also because this unique stinky tofu is to take back the hostel, and the situation may be out of control.

He didn't go far, it was tasty in this small shop.

I don't have to say it, I just had a password, and I suddenly dropped, and I have a horse.

But the taste is true! I don't know how to get the owner, and each piece of stinking tofu is tender and is more tender, with an unsubstable taste.

Every mouth is so intoxicated.

The pedestrians passing by the passing are really insults!

It is a kind of self-lining queue to buy the smell of tofu, it is a look of knowledge - there is such a way to have light!

Several people came over and chatted with the blade.

After the blade is fine, all tofu will be enjoyed, and it is still not addictive.

But it is almost almost.

The blade smiled in a few people who did not dare to leave with stinky tofu.

In exchange, a few people have a difficult statement. If he usually destroy these stinky tofu on the roadside.

The people in them were inexplicably played in the way on the way to the smell tofu, and was also warned to take a rumor and waters everywhere; some people were driven out of their houses, even by their wife. Said, it is not allowed to conduct a house for a few months; there is still a penalty.

In short, how can I get a miserable word.

The blade is holding sympathy, but also comforting some "Warriors walking on the right road, do not be understood by the world, but how can I give up here," "The world is aligned with others, only me, etc. It can be arrested by itself "," I am waiting for eight feet (that, my little brother is nine feet ... shut up ... Oh.) When the brain is open, it is not as good as the world.

A group of people are in the mood, and I will prepare to find some stinky tofu.

Yes, the warrior walking on the right road is not to be understood by the world, but I will give up here!

It is a lot of time.


"My mother is not a warning, do you have to take a visit ?! It seems that you are not long! Brother, this time you start,"

"Ah! Don't beatented!"

"Roll out! You are not filial, do you want to die?!

"Dad, Mom, Don't ..."


"Daughter-in-law, you are ready to have such a big durian? I remember that you don't like this."

"Nothing, this is prepared for you."

"Ha? Daughter-in-law, I don't like this!"



The blade has been handled with a special method, and the whole person is restarted by the stinky baking.

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