Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 149

It is still a beautiful man like a poem.

He still has a lot of places.

It's a wonderful day.

[Some people say that my water, I don't accept it, these are for the next paving, I can't see what is best. ¯ ¯) σ]

Chapter 64, you are really disgusting


The knife who is squatting with a sugar gourd stopped and looked at a few people coming in front of the head.

That a few figures are somewhat familiar.

The hot figure, hands with hands, girl with ice, beautiful beauty. The body is small, wearing a soft skirt, there is a soft hair, the skin is like a snow, and the beautiful girl is delicate. That cute bag, straight to the calf scorpion rabbit fine. That round rolling figure, there is a big belly that you don't see the ground is a little fat. The golden long hair with a shawl, beautiful color double, his face with persistent look. Have a small white face with peach eye.

It's so familiar! What are they sacred? !

Chew this sour sweet sugar gourd in the mouth.

There is Ning Rong Rong hits him.

Oh, it turned out to be my friends in Shrak.

The blade is holding a candied gourd to play, and then go to it.

"The blade is here too? This is too clever." Xiao Dance lightly.

Ning Rongzhen said: "This guy ..."

Zhu Zhuqing faintly said: "It can't be very coincidental here."

Xiao Dance has some unconnected road: "Bamboo Qing, why don't you think about coincidence?"

Other people also looked up with her. Dai Mu's face is not very good, do you understand him?

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the blade that took a sugar gourd, faintly: "He likes to eat, and here is the most famous food area of ​​Tiandu City."

Ma Hongjun muttered: "Don't say, it is quite reasonable, remember that he does not fight out when he can't fight."

Oscar nodded: "He also said that my sausage is delicious ..."

"What do you see if I do? Don't think about those wretched things ?! He really said! You are not heard!"

Oscar saw a disgusted eyes and screamed.

Ning Rongrong and the little dance snorted not to open the head, Zhu Zhuqing looked at Oscar coldly, then removing the line of sight.

Oscar is cool.

Dai Mu white face is not good, the fist is grip, Zhu Qing's performance is getting more and more abnormal!

And this kind of abnormally only is exhibited when it is related to the blade ...

Oscar and Ma Hongjun quietly away from Dai Mu, a great vinegar.

The blade came to a few people smiled and said: "It's sufficient!"

Ning Rongrong said: "Yes, you can meet you!" The tone is very disappointing.

Xiao Dance is unexplained, how is Rong Rong, what happened, isn't it good?

The blade swayed the skewers: "This is a fate! Right, Miss Rong Rong is coming to a strumpy gourd?"

Ning Rongong disdainfully: "The child eats sugar gourd."


"how is the taste?"

"OK." Ning Rongrong licked a delicate cherry.

Ma Hongjun chewed sugar, opposed: "It is very good to eat well!"

Now everyone in each person holds a string of sweet gourds, and the road pedestrians have been attracted by the road. Dai Mu is the least comfortable.

Ning Rong Rong looked at Ma Hongjun: "Well?" Heavy, threatened, clear.

Ma Hongjun hid behind Dai Mu Bai.


Stupid little fat, when you talk, you are actually refuted? Do you think that the little days have a lot of comfort?

The blade licks a sugar and a smile: "Do you have any plans?"

Xiao Dance: "Of course, we have to buy beautiful clothes, then there are jewelry, then eat delicious!"

The blade is dark and sighful: "The rabbit is fine, can you still have a little bit ..."

"That, there is no other?"

The blade looks back at a few people.

Dai Mu, Oscar, Ma Hongjun said that it is innocent, not our idea, what do we do? !

The little dance is dissatisfied with the waist: "Why, is you with the blade ?!"

Ning Rong Rong also looked at the blade, this idea was her out!

The blade got a sugar gourd and laughed: "Of course, there is no opinion, everyone is not to relax, how can I happiness?"

Everyone jokes, especially boys.

You just don't think this is ...

Zhu Zhuqing lightly rubbed his mouth, because she was behind, the beauty of this iceberg ablation did not witness.

The little dance is something disappointing. If this guy does not know that the death is saying, she can jointly Rong Rong, Zhu Qing hits him unhappy!

It's a pity!

Ning Rong Rong twice: "This is almost!"


"Do you think this dress is in me?" Ning Rong Rong took a light blue dress than turned a circle.

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