Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 165

The old man at the entrance is still there.

The blade smiled and said.

I nodded and nodded, and there is a polite young man now. Especially the few bons that just sent to the transformation, thank you not to say a sentence, but also a ghost cry, his red heart is really feeding the dog!

However, this young man's breath is some familiar ...

The blade is going to the dormitory all the way.

On the school, you can meet the pairs of young couples from time to time, and even see some people go to the grove.

It's really unbearable, and the blade shook his head.

"Soon, this is not the new male god?" Two girls whispered to the blade.

"What should I do? Opportunity is rare!"

"But it is very difficult."

"You can't go, I am going!"


"That, that, hello, can we know? I am a blue flag"

The blade looked at him and looked forward to his girl and smiled. "Hello, I am a blade."


"The next time I have the opportunity to talk again."


"Oh! Forgot to ask which class of him!"


In the aisle, the blade saw a body-type young man standing in front of him.

It seems that this is not good.

He closed his eyes, heard the footsteps opened his eyes, and the fierce looks to the blade.

The blade smiled: "Hello, is it important thing I am here?"

The body-based young man is cold and cold: "Come here to wait for you to be important."

"Please say, I listen."

"Your blade is? I tell you, even if you are more than my handsome, I can't get shrink!"

"I don't understand what you think, but I don't like men, you still retreat."

The young man of the body is slightly smuggled, and then black face: "I am talking about the little dance!"

"Little dance? Well, it turns out. Is it the so-called love at first sight? I haven't advised the name of the name."

"Don't be more famous, don't change your name, Titan."

The blade smiled: "Titan? Go back, your opponent is not me."

"You don't dare to fight?" Thai said.

The blade walked over and opened the door: "Although you don't know why you come to me, but your true opponent is a Tang San."

"Tang three? Where is he ?!"

This, is it? Is it too simple? !

The blade is shocked.

Laughing: "He is not in the college, but will definitely come back."

"You, didn't lie to me?"

"I don't have to lie to you, do you think?"

Titan throat is a roll, and a saliva is squatted.


Looking at the black blade on the neck, he tough said: "I think it is not necessary."

What is the death? ! When did he ...

The blade collected the sword, laughing: "Go back, don't bother me again. In addition, give you some internal information, Tang San's strength is not bad, now you don't necessarily play him. Come on."

The blade is going to close, Titan is busy: "Wait!"

"Is there anything else?"

"That, how many levels do you?"

The blade looked at him seriously: "This is a personal **, in addition to the war, let the other person personally understand, otherwise I usually don't tell others. Do you want to know?"

"This, that is,"

The blade smiled: "Go back, do not block in front of me."

Close the door.

Titan is long, a terrible little white face, just let him have the oppression of the grandfather.

After watching this door, he stepped gently and carefully left.

The blade still does not understand where the problem is.

Why is Tang San's love will come to find yourself?

Probably because of his peerlessness, the mistakes should be used as ourselves.

I want to think that the rabbit is fine and the Tang San, and the blade is whispering: "A prominent pursuit of failure."

"Titan, there are tens of thousands of girls who can let you fall in love at first sight, so be strong!"

But what is it?

The blade smiled and shook his headwalk bed.

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