Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 166

The quilt is removed, and the light stone tall heap has been placed, and the blade is detailed.

Minima reduced the corner angle of the upper side, then the child shakes, cover it.

The blade is lying on the test.

It's a bad experience.

Fortunately, there is also a bedding in his soul tunnel to prepare from time to time.


The blade is lying, this feels like a point.

The influence of the two layers is not big, just like this.

However, the blade speculates that the real light system mode should be a lot, and the bright hole is obviously in the abandonment state, there is no reference value.

Otherwise, why will I spend a lot of human abortion to build a motion-in-style cultivation environment?

One person sends a brightite stone.

Then - Guan into the small black house.

Then I don't practice the standard, don't give me average ...

This is something solved.

The blade is very contentment.

There are still a few places to panic, the blade is adjusted, there are a lot, he thinks you can find a time to repair these Mingguang stone, don't ask, flattened.

Suddenly, a stone flew in from the open window.

It was wrapped in a white paper.

Flying stone book? interesting.

The blade smiled and sat up. Pick the stone that falls into the bed.

Booth wrinkled paper, I saw:

Hey! Is this guy still alive? If you live, go to the window, Miss this is to give you something!

The writing is a clear show, but this content is less than a little show.

I am not friendly, it seems that the owner of the word is coming.

The blade smiled and shook his head and got up to the window.

The opposite windows don't stand up a girl.

I saw his moments, I walked down, snorted.

Blade: What is the injury?

no? I have always been good to someone.

But don't hate it.

Laughing and waving over there.

Ning Rong's mouth leaks a smile, then disdain.

The big eyes of the little dance in the radish is confused, don't you say that you should take a blade gift, do you want to give a gift? What is this attitude?

Forget it, don't think, she is not normal.

Still eating radish.

However, Rong Rong said, what should I give to him?


Zhu Zhuqing's eyes are a bit complicated to look at Ning Rongrong.

Ningrong has a beautiful pink gift box in his hand.

The soul is condensed in hands.

A throw, it went to the side of the blade.

The blade is easily caught in the box from Ning Rong Rong.

Ning Rong Rong saw that he left the window. As if the gift is sent, it is as good as the blade, I don't like her.

In fact, her inner depths.

Will he not like it?

This is, I thought for a long time!

What if he hate?

Ah ah ah ah ah!


The blade laughs, what is it, it is to give me a gift.

Looking at the pink gift box in your hand, this is much more than him, but it is very light.

He has some curious glory to send something to him.

Sit back in bed, he is careful.

The blade will pick up, the feel is very good, it is a pink kitten.


Big eyes, cute bow, petite body, doodle nozzle.

so cute.

The blade pinned its face and smiled.

Or I have received such interesting gifts for the first time.

After you put it carefully, he took out the pen and wrote a few words on that paper.

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