Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 196

Listening to the elderly, the blade looked quietly.

All the way, I also encountered a lot of fire, the fire, the old man went to the old man, who called the old man slowly rushing the car?

Every time the old man is more annoyed.

"This turtle son! If it is 20 years ago, I can let you exceed the car ?!"

The blade smiled and shook his head, the old man is so embarrassed, but this car can be stable.

Listening to the old man, the sky gradually lit.

An emergence of a city in the distance.

Another carriage crosses the old man.

"This turtle son! Drinking tires? If I am young, you can make the car, I will eat this car!"

The blade smiled and said: "That is."

City gate.

An old man looked back, see is the old man's car horses close to the sound: "Old Chen!"

The old man returned to the sound "Lao Li".

When you are in front of you, the blade smiled and nodded with this old Li.

Lao Li smiled and returned, and then looked at the old Chen Dao: "Lao Li! This will not be the 'Our family of our family all day?"

Old Chen shake his head: "Do not say eight, this boy is encountered on the road, but also to enter the city to do things, since this is the way, don't you come together?"

Lao Li smiled: "Take later, your old boy can be scared, I am still thinking about how you are so beautiful, there is such a beautiful son!"

"Hey! It seems that your old bones want me to repair it, is it ?!"

Old man rubs the palm.

"Don't, don't, I am afraid of you, see you to play me when I get drunk."

The blade did not insert the mouth, listened quietly, from even people chatted, he didn't know that two old people were not a village, but when they were young, it seems to go out to fight together.

When I arrived in the city, I smiled and smiled and said to the old man: "Thank you."

The old man smiled and swayed: "I don't have a little, I will not send the goods, but I have to marry my mother!"

The blade laughed: "Also, then you are slow."

The old man smiled and took a little whip: "Dr.!"

The sound is called the loud sound, but it is still light when the whip falls.

Of course, the blade certainly knows that the old man is reluctant, remember that the old man said this horse with him for more than 20 years.

It's always a long time.

After the figure of the old man is slow, the blade is ready to eat breakfast.

This day is also started.

Well, what?

Chapter 91, Zhu Zhuqing

Time is countercurrent, and return to the sky.

Zhu Zhuqing often got up early, if it is, she will go directly to practice.

However, after the motion of the motion, she terminates the preparation of the per day, not because it turns into a small lazy cat, just this efficiency is not only low, and will speed up the fatigue, so that she practiced in the psychomechanical environment decline.

Stacked the quilt, under the bed, wash, and the cats of Ning Rong have finally went to the school uniform.

When I came out, the rabbit still hugged the radish pillow, Haddian brushing the stream; Ning Rongrong slept a lot, her face with a faint smile, very pure and natural, like a little fairy.

What a good dream should be done.

Before Zhu Zhuqing walked to the window, there was no soft sacred white mood today and only looked at it.

Some disappointment slightly.

I hope everyone will go well.

Out of the door, she wants to start cultivate every day.

At this time, there is still a silence in the dormitory.

However, someone has woke up, it is the old woman who is guarding the dormitory.

As always, she was in the door guard at the entrance to the dormitory. It is still a bright light, and it is holding a book about plant cultivation in detail reading.

The slight footsteps came, she knew who came, as always, the hard girl.

The book was gently connected, she took the old agage.

I opened the door and opened the door and opened the door.

Zhu Zhuqing said: "Thank you."

The old woman smiled and shook his head: "Your child ... go."


Looking at Zhu Zhuqing, the old woman sighed, and then returned to the original position to continue to study.

This is a kind of pastime, and it is also hobby, she likes some flower flowers.

On the playground, in the dim runway, Zhu Ziqing has begun to warm up every day - run ten kilometers medium speed.

When it is stopped, the other corner of the campus is already a hot air, there is a cafeteria.

Every day in the past is generally a big meal.

The dormitory also gradually has a little light flashing.

Next, Zhu Zhuqing is going to carry out the second warm-up - the horses secretly.

In the familiar forest, this is the location of Zhu Zhuqing daily training sensitivity and reactions.

Press the set route to quickly walk, not allowing any extra branches, and requires no sound, this is a common training method in her family, which is a training program specially prepared to cultivate professional assassins.

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