Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 197

The only difference in training in the family now is that there is no need to punish severe punishment, but she doesn't have low a requirement.

During the faint forest, a ghostless black shadow continued to brush, she didn't open the martial arts, if the effect would be greatly reduced.

Gently wipe the sweat of forehead, the sky is bright.

Ning Rong was fascinated by the bed, and the rabbit was in the mouth.

Last night, she dreamed of stupid Tang three. Tang San him actually gave her high, or what?

what! How can he do this? ! Shy is dead!

Ning Rongrong looked with the sleepy eyes and swayed her.

"Is Zhu Qing out again?"

"Four." The rabbit refined toothbrushes and failed.

"Sleepy, I don't know how Zhu Qing is doing ..."


When they came to the cafeteria, Dai Mu Bai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar was also here, but the people in the cafeteria were still somewhat raging, which was related to the Master, and their training time was much more.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun will fall down in the old man, but it is more embarrassed to relatively Oscar.

Zhu Zhuqing came in, and she has also arrived in the past, but there is always some self-feeling a good boy to come, a good look, but the eyes are always staring at her, which makes most girls. Infine proud people.

That kind of look, as Ma Hongjun saw the beauty of beauty.

Most of her is not a matter, up to the cold look at each other, most of the rides will be withdrawn, but there are still some self-reliance, chatter, people are upset.

Later, it was simply late.

The little dance strokes to Zhu Zhuqing.

When Zhu Zhuqing walked over, a few boys who were sitting nearby were unrestrained, and their eyes were straight, they were the goddess of the college! Sure enough, if you rushed, the body is hot, and there is also the land of the west!

On the table, less than one person, the people who smiled and greet her, always feel some of themselves falling.

After she sat down, Ningrong was muttered: "The blade is, suddenly, it is really a bit uncomfortable."

Oscar: ......

Also give up.

At the collection time.

old place.

Master, as usual, I didn't want to talk more about nonsense, but I don't say something wrong, probably a little bit of ceremony.

Zhu Zhuqing went to the dark forest, where it is suitable for her motion.

Dai Mu looked at her back and smashed his fist. He is very uncomfortable. He is her fiance! But she didn't look at him!

Moreover, when she comes today, she stays at the position of the blade that is often sitting for a long time ...

Where is he Dai Mu? !

"Hey!" The sultry of the nose was smashed, and he will defeat him sooner or later, let her know who is a better one!

When you eat breakfast, someone only feels that there is no good guy to stand him, but it is not from the nearby, and there is no threat.

Forget it, it is probably a little mash fish.

But when did I get to the butter fish?

It's impossible, this time he didn't do anything.

What's more, someone else has always been good, if there is really no eye, his sword is so fast, and he is clean enough to pick up his hand, it is impossible to have any clues to leave let the opponent to touch melons ...

Forget it, but the fish, wait for him to come and send him to go.

"Boss, come back to a bowl of crab yellow ravioli!"

"Good , wait a moment!"

This is a small stall, a few simple tables, but it is full of people, but it is this bowl of crab.

The blade is the fragrance that is floated.

At the same table at the same table, a old man with two children.

The old man laughed: "The little brother appetite is good, this has eaten four bowls."

The blade laughed: "The old man is not bad, and this has eaten three bowls."

"Big brother, are you really not an angel?" A pink little girl was again born against the blade, the big eyes of the water spirit made the knife really really wanted to pinch the round.

However, when I got into the opposite side of the old man, he was the grandfather of the little girl. He concluded this terrible thought.

The most important thing is that this old man is still more than 60 soul division ...

Hahaha, this is not that his knife is bullying hard, but it is a respect for his father.

Well, this is the case, but considers the real problem.

If this old master makes him as a blend of the little baby's idea, it is he.

It is really not doing, the risk is too high.

"Little girl, I am not an angel, the opposite, I am the devil who climbed out from hell!" The blade made a grimace frightened her.

"The big brother is lie! You are so good to see you!" A tender boy sounded.

"Yes, the big brother is lie! Grandpa said that the deception is not a good child!" The aunt attached.

"Hey! This year, telling the truth is that the child does not believe, the world is now!" The blade sigh.

The old man is to laugh him two, but I found this young young looks at the same time, and put the chopsticks into the bowl of their own granddaughter, laminated a hot, ravioli who was hot ...

A smoked corner.

"Ah! Big brother, you are too bad!"

The blade will lose his enthusiasm and then looked at the little girl and smiled: "I am an angel, how can I be bad?"

"Grandpa, big brother is bullying me ~"

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