Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 198

Zhou was a laughter.

"Well, good, wait for the grandfather, I will give our baby, baby!"

"Grandpa is not bullied!"

The two tender sounds sound at the same time.

The old man is a little crying, and finally is that his old man is not a person.

"Little brother, this is your crab yellow!"


"Little brother is polite, you eat, I am busy first."


The dark forest is not open-air, it is built within the building, and a huge cover covers it. The people who come here are not most, but the maintenance cost is the highest, because the outside world is working on its dark properties, and resources must be continuously added to maintain its normal operation.

However, this is also within the scope of the Blue Billetics.

No one is here at this point in time, so the entrance is empty.

As usually, I started to get a day of cultivation.

It has arrived at noon when he is exited.

After lunch, she returned to the dormitory, did not sleep in nap, the spiritual strength of the soul is good.

Ning Rongrong, Xiao Dance I don't know where to go, Zhu Zhuqing guess Ning Rongrong probably pulled the campus.

Zhu Ziqing sat in bed and saw a book, a book about fighting skills, this is her rare relaxation time.

Sunshine has been open into the room.

The change in the rays attracted the eyes of Zhuzhu Qing.

She stayed out of the window for a while, I remembered what, took out a sugar peeling into the mouth.

Really sweet.

Time has passed, and it has been a day of war training time.

Today's opening is still her with a small dance.

Training is fighting, every time she will take their best.

Otherwise, will it become strong?

The master observed the situation in the shade, and improved.

Liu Dilong accompanied her, she was completely idle after removing the dean.

"Xiao Gang, what about the knife?"

Liu Dilong did not feel the breath of the blade nearby.

"He invited to travel to travel." Master's face is a bit.

"The child is not high, is it really no problem?"

Liu Dilong is a little worried, that is, it is a good thing, and the good boy who is discouraged.

"Nothing, you still don't know him, maybe he is not high, but his ability to survive is strong."

"But then the child is so kind, will it be deceived from the outside of the country?"

Master's mouth, you said, do you say? !


Be cheated? !

I didn't think it was when I threatened me yesterday.

I think that Liu Qilong has been confused by the outer table of the blade, the master feels very necessary to tell him some of the situations of this eye.

Liu Dynasty was speechless after heard.

The master feels that his purpose is reached, she should look through the one in the kid table.

"It's a good child of reliable, kind and thoughtful people." Liu Dilong silently silently gratified and sighs the opening.


In the field, Zhu Zhuqing was bombarded out. At the same time, the dance attacked it. After Zhu Zhuqing stabilized, she once again launched offense ...

On the other side, Ning Rong, Oscar, Ma Hongjun is not easy, and the unmanned master has let Ma Hongjun will fight the two in fixed time, otherwise there is his good fruit to eat.

To put it bluntly, it is in exercise, Huang Jun, the intensity of Ning Rong, Oscar's running capacity.


Someone is at this moment that is on a booth has been applying the boss. Friendly bargain.

The middle-aged doctranator felt that he saw the ghost today, which looks like a big fish, how is it smart? !

"Boss, you offer two gold soul coins or too high, you look at this wood here, see this color deeply texture?

This texture will inevitably affect the overall beauty of the carving after the carving, this can make it worth a big discount, I can still explore this price again ... "

Middle-aged doctrine: Your uncle! Laozi is not your heart, this mother is proved to evidence! I mentioned it when I mention it! You are so blinking, talking ...

Does your conscience will not hurt? !


"Little brother is anxious, let me come to the benefits of this deep-colored road for you ..."

"The boss, I am hard to do this ..."


"The line of travel, I took your little brother, a gold soul coin is a gold soul coin, just make a friend."

"The boss is benevolent, and I will come back to help your business."

"Don't, your little brother, you have to come back to the chance, I have to lose your trousers."

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